UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Russell Brand + Caroline Lucas Join Anonymous Protests
05-11-2013 21:08
400 Anonymous demos taking place-world-wide! News coverage of the Guy Fawkes Night demo in London.......................FBU Cambridge Picket.
04-11-2013 19:03

Elish Angiolini And The ROTHSCHILD FAMILY
02-11-2013 19:11
This is who and what her real bosses do and areMP Dennis Skinner lambasting ATOS in House of Commons last Wednesday
22-10-2013 18:54
The Labour party backbencher Dennis Skinner MP asked the Prime Minister David Cameron a question in Prime Ministers’ Questions in the House of Commons on Wednesday 16th October 2013 about ATOS - the French multinational IT services corporation who are the Department for Work & Pension's contractor carrying out the benefit system's Work Capability Assessment, raising a tragic case of one of his constituents, to a largely respectful and silent House-of-Commons, as the gravity of Skinner's sad and tragic story about this particular constituent hit home...UKUncut Legal Aid Roadblock in Cambridge
06-10-2013 17:46

UK Uncut and DPAC block road in Legal Aid Cuts protest
06-10-2013 15:51

Want to fight the cuts? Passive protests are not enough!
03-10-2013 11:54

Full text and pdf here:

Feeder March Against Legal Aid Cuts
30-09-2013 03:06
Legal aid lawyers and advice workers protesting against legal aid cuts held a rally a little ahead of the main demonstration at the Tory Conference in Manchester.Conference Demonstration Against NHS Privatisation
30-09-2013 02:20
It was big, it was loud, and it drew people from everywhere between Glasgow and Devon.Jobcentre anger and bans. What a mess.
26-09-2013 18:50

It’s hardly surprising to hear that the tension is bad at jobcentres. Lengthy and ridiculous benefit sanctions, pointless courses and workfare placements that go nowhere – it’s no wonder that people are getting really, really angry.
Birmingham Against Cuts had a story recently about a man who smashed windows at the Sparkhill jobcentre after being sanctioned.
Royal Mail and ideology
16-09-2013 10:46
The privatisation of Royal Mail is an act of pure ideology. The globalist, laissez faire ideology has infected to a lesser or greater degree all of Britain’s major political parties. That ideology dovetails with the supranational mentality engendered by the EU , commitment to which is at the British political elite’s political core. It is doubtful if any senior British politician not firmly committed to either laissez faire globalism or the EU; most are committed to both. That is the simple truth.Swindon radical Bookfair - 21st sept
12-09-2013 18:03

Cameron hasn't signed Crossrail Step-Free Access EDM.Nor has a Tower Hamlets MP!
29-08-2013 15:13
Only a handful of MPs have bothered to sign up to the House of Commons Early day Motion [=EDM] supporting the demand that Crossrail stations are made step-free accessible. This is the fact on the UK House of Commons web site at the time of writing 1500 Hrs GMT Thursday 29 August 2013. What a contrast to the Dave Cameron fetish for war fare! He hasn't bothered to sign the EDM either. Nor has any MP from Tower Hamlets, present or recent past! Crossrail has been based at Canary Wharf in Tower Hamlets where campaigners handed in the Campaign Demand this lunchtime. Khoodeelaar! signed the DEMAND handed in.#OpSleepOut Brighton protest - report and pics
24-08-2013 17:59

The mass sleep-out Birmingham, to raise awareness of mass homelessness room tax
06-08-2013 12:02

The Mass Sleep Out - National day of action against the bedroom tax!
06-08-2013 11:07
August 24th sees a national day of action against the bedroom tax, with over 2,000 people sleeping on the streets in more than 45 towns & cities across the UK to highlight the impending mass homelessness due to bedroom tax victims being unable to make ends meet.Justice in the UK: back to the 1930s?
31-07-2013 09:45

Proposals to cut legal aid and judicial review in Britain will make it harder for people fighting for their rights to challenge the government's cuts agenda, and will remove one of the few lifelines to justice for asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented workers, says Kate Blagojevic.
Jobcentre Plus week of action: 5-9 August
29-07-2013 21:00

The Civil Service Rank & File Network is calling for action aimed at Jobcentre Plus in the week of the 5 August.
The government is trying to draw a dividing line between claimants and those in work as it attacks all of us. Nowhere is this more clear than at the Jobcentre, where low waged civil servants are expected to impose sanctions and enforce unpaid work schemes for unemployed people subsisting on benefits.
Awesome workfare picket as part of Boycott Workfare’s Week of Action
13-07-2013 18:54

I had so much fun this afternoon on an M&S workfare picket today.
Feminist Fightback, North London SolFed, Rhythms of Resistance, and Boycott Workfare descended on M&S off Mare Street, Hackney. As the hot sun scorched Hackney, the samba band rang out across the street interspersed with chants of ‘M&S pay your workers’. Passersby were loving the samba, with two children clapping along as they waited for a bus and then improvising their own instruments with two twigs. People stopped and joined the demo to chant ‘M&S pay your workers’ with us. There was loads of support and good vibes from people. We handed out so many ‘How to Avoid Workfare’ leaflets and leaflets explaining about M&S’ use of forced unpaid labour that we had to rush off and photocopy another batch.