Cameron hasn't signed Crossrail Step-Free Access EDM.Nor has a Tower Hamlets MP!
Muhammad Haque/KHOODEELAAR! Campaign against BigBizAgenda Crossrail hole plot | 29.08.2013 15:13 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | London | World
Only a handful of MPs have bothered to sign up to the House of Commons Early day Motion [=EDM] supporting the demand that Crossrail stations are made step-free accessible. This is the fact on the UK House of Commons web site at the time of writing 1500 Hrs GMT Thursday 29 August 2013. What a contrast to the Dave Cameron fetish for war fare! He hasn't bothered to sign the EDM either. Nor has any MP from Tower Hamlets, present or recent past! Crossrail has been based at Canary Wharf in Tower Hamlets where campaigners handed in the Campaign Demand this lunchtime. Khoodeelaar! signed the DEMAND handed in.
1500 Hrs GMT
29 August 2013
Filing from CANARY WHARF London E14
This is the first of a series of REPORTS constituting KHOODEELAAR! CAMPAIGN BACKING THE CALL for STEP FREE ACCESS on ALL Crossrail stations
No Tower Hamlets MP has signed the EDM backing Disabled Step Free Access at Xrail
I find on the UK House of Commons web site that the list of MPs who have signed in support of an Early Day Motion [=EDM] backing the demand for disabled peoples’ STEP FREE Access at Crossrail stations does not contain any “MP” from any of the Constituencies in Tower Hamlets!
Why should it matter?
For a start, it should do, because this lunchtime, we had a demonstration right outside the Crossrail HQ situated in Canary Wharf, which is IN Tower Hamlets and which location is the subject of severely offensive drum-beating and boasting by the Big Biz PR operatives.
The demonstration ended with campaigners handing the signed Board carrying the demand for Step Free Access to Crossrail’s Programme Director Andy Mitchell!
The man looked in a right state!
Of nervousness.
Or may be exhaustion too!
As he began to speak to the gathered supporters of the demand for step-free access for disabled users, it was noticed that he wasn’t speaking with a loud hailer.
He then took the loud hailer that was offered.
Then he thanked the campaigners, mostly people with disability but with clear views about their rights, for turning up.
Some had travelled from as far as Hanwell and Essex and Croydon...
He said that five years was yet to go before Crossrail would become operational.
The demand would be considered [by Crossrail], he promised.
Which is better than the poverty on that list of MPs backing the EDM.
How is it that more MPs have not signed up?
How could they possibly be justified in ignoring this vital call?
I notice on that list that one of the Crossrail Bill’s most fanatic pedlars, Mike Gape, has signed the EDM!
Gapes is NOT at all someone that I would think of as being at all linked with the ordinary peoples’ democratic and human rights. He has now shown one item of evidence that does show that even he “cares”!
If Gapes can see the sense in backing disabled peoples’ rights, how can so many other MPs be failing to see the sense of their supporting the call too?
I have noticed that Mr George Galloway’s name is not on that EDM list either.
Records show that Mr Galloway did speak on behalf of the campaigning "constituents" from Bethnal Green and Bow [which he was linked with as a "detour" he claimed in one of the statements he made about Crossrail!] led by KHOODEELAAR! more than once on the matter of Crossrail.
Shouldn’t he now “beat” Jim Fitzpatrick now at least over the EDM for Step Free Access for Disabled people?
[To be continued]
29 August 2013
Filing from CANARY WHARF London E14
This is the first of a series of REPORTS constituting KHOODEELAAR! CAMPAIGN BACKING THE CALL for STEP FREE ACCESS on ALL Crossrail stations
No Tower Hamlets MP has signed the EDM backing Disabled Step Free Access at Xrail
I find on the UK House of Commons web site that the list of MPs who have signed in support of an Early Day Motion [=EDM] backing the demand for disabled peoples’ STEP FREE Access at Crossrail stations does not contain any “MP” from any of the Constituencies in Tower Hamlets!
Why should it matter?
For a start, it should do, because this lunchtime, we had a demonstration right outside the Crossrail HQ situated in Canary Wharf, which is IN Tower Hamlets and which location is the subject of severely offensive drum-beating and boasting by the Big Biz PR operatives.
The demonstration ended with campaigners handing the signed Board carrying the demand for Step Free Access to Crossrail’s Programme Director Andy Mitchell!
The man looked in a right state!
Of nervousness.
Or may be exhaustion too!
As he began to speak to the gathered supporters of the demand for step-free access for disabled users, it was noticed that he wasn’t speaking with a loud hailer.
He then took the loud hailer that was offered.
Then he thanked the campaigners, mostly people with disability but with clear views about their rights, for turning up.
Some had travelled from as far as Hanwell and Essex and Croydon...
He said that five years was yet to go before Crossrail would become operational.
The demand would be considered [by Crossrail], he promised.
Which is better than the poverty on that list of MPs backing the EDM.
How is it that more MPs have not signed up?
How could they possibly be justified in ignoring this vital call?
I notice on that list that one of the Crossrail Bill’s most fanatic pedlars, Mike Gape, has signed the EDM!
Gapes is NOT at all someone that I would think of as being at all linked with the ordinary peoples’ democratic and human rights. He has now shown one item of evidence that does show that even he “cares”!
If Gapes can see the sense in backing disabled peoples’ rights, how can so many other MPs be failing to see the sense of their supporting the call too?
I have noticed that Mr George Galloway’s name is not on that EDM list either.
Records show that Mr Galloway did speak on behalf of the campaigning "constituents" from Bethnal Green and Bow [which he was linked with as a "detour" he claimed in one of the statements he made about Crossrail!] led by KHOODEELAAR! more than once on the matter of Crossrail.
Shouldn’t he now “beat” Jim Fitzpatrick now at least over the EDM for Step Free Access for Disabled people?
[To be continued]
Muhammad Haque/KHOODEELAAR! Campaign against BigBizAgenda Crossrail hole plot
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