UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
"Austerity Isn't Working": National Demo Liverpool 27/07
13-07-2013 17:27

Glasgow's Walk-of-Shame.
12-07-2013 12:55

Some photos from Glasgow's "Walk-of-Shame" Thursday 11 July. A group set off down Sauchiehall Street armed with banners and leaflets, stopping outside those shops that milk the governments free slave labour scheme, workfare. They engaged the public and handed out a considerable number of leaflets at the entrance of the shops involved, which were well received by the public. The more the public are made aware of this free slave labour scheme and what it actually means, the more resistance will grow. Here's to more and larger "Walks-of-Shame", until this slave labour scheme bites the dust.
Demonstrators besiege Leith Job Centre – police manhandle protestors out of building
12-07-2013 10:55

Demonstrators besieged Leith Job Centre in Edinburgh on 11th July to oppose the 30% sanctions target set by a new manager there. Police manhandled protestors who entered the building and announced that the Public Order Act was in force. Part of the Boycott Workfare Week of Action Against Workfare, the demo denounced all work-for-your-benefits schemes, and proclaimed opposition to the whole austerity programme.
Privatizing water in Greece
10-07-2013 15:48
Despite the fact that international exprerience shows that water privatization is harmful to the interests of citizens, the Greek government is pushing ahead with privatizing water supply and sewerage companies. In this report for UNFOLLOW magazine, Christos Avramidis and Antonis Galanopoulos present several sides of the issue, including a much debated attempt to claim the Thessaloniki water supply company for the people of the city.Workfare = Slave Labour.
08-07-2013 18:55

An appeal from Newcastle SolFed, though there is nothing stopping you from picketing your local poundland, no need to run down to Newcastle, there's bound to be one of these sweatshops near you. Some photos from Glasgow SolFed HERE;
Marks & Spencer Bombarded With Boycott Threats over #workfare boasts
05-07-2013 10:30

Hundreds of people bombarded Marks & Spencer on social media on Wednesday night after the company boasted of their use of workfare earlier in the week.
The company were forced to lock down their facebook page in an attempt to silence criticism and are now preventing people from posting on their wall. This has simply led to people leaving hundreds of comments threatening to boycott the company on their gaudy posts advertising over-priced food instead.
The ‘workfare party on the M&S facebook page’ as one person described it seemed to be holding strong on Thursday morning whilst the company haven’t fared any better on twitter where they can be found @marksandspencer.
Fight workfare - Sheffield, Brighton, Glasgow, London and everywhere!
04-07-2013 13:53
Boycott Workfare's national week of action is coming up soon, with events confirmed for Sheffield, Brighton, Glasgow and London, and more on the way.The Future of Bristol & District Anti-Cuts Alliance
02-07-2013 06:55

This is more or less the third anniversery of BADACA. The idea came from a meeting of reps from local branches of the NUT and spread to other unions and organisations. It is now time to review BADACA and Bristol NUT has just passed a resolution to that effect.
In many ways BADACA has been a success. For one thing it has kept going when anti-cuts groups in other towns have not. It has organised demos, lobbies and leafletting; it is taken seriously and provides a valuable information service to about 1500 people on the effect of the cuts and action against them locally. Recently, it has been active in the campaign against the bedroom tax, giving out thousands of leaflets and starting the beginnings of tenants' groups in parts of Bristol. I think we are the only organisation doing this consistently. I also think we can take some of the credit for Bristol City Council hesitancy on sticking the boot in on tenants who cannot pay as shown by the resolution passed at the last Council meeting. This resolution was by no means an outright victory but it was something.
How to Avoid Workfare
02-07-2013 05:45

Know your rights – Work Programme
You do not not have to sign any provider documents!
Find out if your “work experience” is mandatory or not.
Fact: Not all ‘work experience’ on the Work Programme is mandatory.
Fact: The only personal data you need to share with a Work Programme provider (such as A4e) is your referral letter and signing on book – See
Fact: You don’t have to sign any Work Programme provider documents or forms.
Fact: Your CV is personal data and you don’t have to give them a copy to keep.
Fact: A written Mandatory Activity Notification must be given if they want to make anything sanctionable or to keep or see personal info they do not already hold.
Fact: The Job Centre can postpone starting the Work Programme for 90 days if you have a job interview, or are expecting to work soon.
Fact: If you are on another Job Centre scheme, pregnant or a survivor of domestic violence you do not have to do the Work Programme.
See and for more info on the Work Programme.
An 'Assembly' of Illusions?
30-06-2013 10:14
Did the recent 'Peoples' Assembly offer a realistic way forward or just another chance for the left elite to gain an audience? Was the dominant message based on reality or simply wishful thinking? This article considers the positives and negatives of this recent initiative and suggests avoiding some obvious pitfalls.People’s Assembly marks new stage in cuts resistance
24-06-2013 10:41

Brazil, a crisis of representation
23-06-2013 12:04

A protest wave in Brazil embodies new ideas of political community that challenge the country's old social practices and centralised structures, says Arthur Ituassu.
The Facts About Boycott Workfare and the Unions
21-06-2013 11:25

We feel we should publicly state the facts as they are at present regarding relations between Boycott Workfare and a number of trade unions. This follows the recent appearance of some misleading reports which suggest that the GMB, PCS, and Unite trade unions are affiliated to the campaign or working with us.
Open Letter to Secretary of State (DWP assumed) and Seetec Romford!
20-06-2013 17:35
Open Letter to SoS DWP and Seetec relating to Mandatory Work Activity. Letter delivered by hand to Seetec Romford.Is #nosecondnightout just another Tory scam?
20-06-2013 11:48

So, the night before last whilst out walking my dog, I found a guy sleeping in the gardens behind my tower block. Last night he came back. After an internet search I found details for No Second Night Out (NSNO) who claim that they:
focus on helping those who find themselves rough sleeping on the streets of London for the first time. We will ensure there is a rapid response to new rough sleepers, and will provide an offer that means they do not have to sleep out for a second night...
Elsewhere on the site , we are informed that:
Homelessness charity Broadway has won the £5 million two-year contract to take on the mayor of London’s no second night out project from June this year. Howard Sinclair, chief executive of Broadway, said: ‘We are committed to ending rough sleeping in the capital and by working in partnership on this tender – and by expanding the service to south London – we are confident that the great strides we have already made to ease homelessness problems in London will continue.’
So, is this expensive scheme involving Mayor Boris and a homeless NGO a good thing, or is it is just more spin which sees the Tories handing out cashpayers money, with little positive result to be gained? And yes, of course the question is rhetorical......
Brighton Council Strike on after overwhelming vote in favour of action
07-06-2013 11:53
GMB members employed by Brighton and Hove City Council have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking industrial action in response to Green Party plans to reduce their take home aid protest at ministry of justice - pics and words
04-06-2013 23:09

join the challenge to iain duncan smith - sign the pettion on his £53-a-week lie
04-06-2013 06:51
The Mail on Sunday has hired the Rightwing "insider" from the even more Right-wing SPECTATOR. Their boast this past weekend was that IDS would never budge on hisferocious attack against the poor and the have-nots..
Oxford EDL demo fails to materialise
01-06-2013 23:56
An EDL wreath-laying-type mobilisation (as elsewhere) was announced in Oxford today. A lively counter-demo was there, but they weren't - unless you count one or two grumpy looking guys.Stop G8 Direct action skillshare this weekend
31-05-2013 12:56
Skillshare2013 is coming to Brighton this weekend!