UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Forced heavy handed eviction of University of Birmingham occupiers
18-01-2011 15:53
Last night students determined to remain in occupation and create an area for free and constructive debate, where removed by excessive force by university security assist by the police.I’m proud to say the student involved, remained peaceful in spite of personal injuries and very distressing scenes.
This report is compiled by testimonies of a UCU representative present and three students who are pressing charges of assault but, wish to remain unnamed for now.
During the period 18:30-19:00 students were removed from the maths-physics bridge, where on their first day back at university they had immediately re-occupied the university.
Rawmarsh school teachers strike against job cuts in Rotherham, UK
17-01-2011 18:24
Teachers at Rawmarsh Community School (RCS) in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, started a three-day strike January 12, in protest over proposed job cuts. A one day stoppage took place the previous week, shutting the school.Silent Protest in Cambridge by Academics.
17-01-2011 16:05

Many of them were university academics, who symbolically turned up in their black robes to represent the wider body of higher education tutors, whom are affected by the government's cuts to higher education funding.
Occupation At Birmingham University
17-01-2011 13:19
We are not being allowed to get anyone in or out of our occupation please ring one of these two numbers to voice your complaint: 01214144536 or 0121 4143344Preston Against Cuts: 100 rally on Flagmarket
16-01-2011 23:41
100 people rallied against the Condem coalition cuts on Preston Flagmarket yesterday. 'This could be the start of something big'Callout for Operation Dual Power/March 26 Direct Action planning
16-01-2011 22:43

400 march against the cuts in Portsmouth
16-01-2011 19:36

The Case to Close Temple Cowley Pools is Crumbling...
15-01-2011 22:03
We are getting more and more information, mostly forcing it out of the council via Freedom of Information requests, that refutes all the arguments they have used to push forward with their scheme to close TCP.Lloyds TSB Occupied in Hereford!
15-01-2011 12:46
15.01.2011 Ten anti-cuts activists are currently occupying Lloyds TSB in Hightown in Hereford city centre.Bath Bomb #36 Out Now
14-01-2011 23:22
In This Issue:Senseless Violence! Bah Humburg! No Ifs, Some Cuts! E.M.A. - No Way! Doling Out Abuse! Wikileaky Roofs! The Leaning Spa Of Bath! Charlie & Camilla Hitty Stick Makeover! Palestine! 'Prince' Andrew Opens His Big Mouth! The Usual Suspects! Pixelated Graphics! Gratuitous References To Burning – Without A White Hood! 100% Recycled Taglines
Democracy Dead in Oxford City...
13-01-2011 21:06
The Labour administration running Oxford City Council has stopped yet another way of interacting with the general public. Lack of accountability and transparency is becoming a trademark for them, as they ignore the largest ever petition in the city's history, councillors refuse to talk to their voters, and now this...Portsmouth Anti-cuts March This Saturday
13-01-2011 20:32

March on parliament-London 19th Jan - finally a huge protest is happening again
13-01-2011 18:50
The scum in parliament are debating taking even more money from the poor - in this case scrapping EMATranslated: "Indignez-vou" by 93-y.o. Incites Young French-600,000 Sold
12-01-2011 21:45

National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts: Latest News
11-01-2011 17:24
The second National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts has been called for 24th January 2011 targetting Atos Origin and the rest of the poverty pimps.Keep updated on facebook at:

Or the website at:

The NSSN & the Cuts
11-01-2011 14:28
The authoritarian left are arguing over whether the Shop Stewards Network should set up another anti cuts campaign.Student protester who threw fire extinguisher from roof jailed
11-01-2011 13:37
Edward Woollard, 18, sentenced to two years and eight months for hurling object towards crowded courtyardLeaflet for Network X gathering: movement beyond actions
11-01-2011 13:23
Movement beyond ‘actions’: what we have been, what we can becomeAs the UK moves into times of potential mass unrest, how does our movement find a way of connecting with the people around us? What is the best use of our political time, energy and experience in this new, and maybe very exciting phase? We all know that deep social change is going to take a mass movement, not just a bunch of activists – but how can we best be part of and agitate for such a movement?
Britain and the Long Emergency
11-01-2011 13:00
An excellent summay of the unfolding situation in the UK.
Are the food riots spreading across north africa being caused by commodity specu
10-01-2011 22:47
it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. financial speculators buy up food commodities, hoping prices will rise. if prices do rise, there is no incentive to sell. the longer demand is greater than supply, prices will rise. eventually, someone will sell, and prices will stabilize......if you weren’t paying attention in those days, there were food riots all over the world. the rioting sparked revolutions which topples at least three governments.
this was originally written this from an american perspective, but it’s clear that the peole who casually toss people’s lives away don’t just hate people in one country or another, they seem to hate human beings in general.
and this post didn’t even bring up the pointless wars, the resource extraction industries, trigger-happy cops and ideologies of hate…this world isn’t going to hell, it’s become hell.