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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Student Fightback - another great anti-cop tactic brings rewards

09-12-2010 23:45

Bring on the paintbombs!! This is the kind of art we can all dig!

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The anti-cut movement needs be radicalised

09-12-2010 22:22

The movement is now stuck in visible violence but lacks ideology. It is worrying that student elitism and insufficient understanding of the capitalist system will bar the working class from joining the struggle and end the movement badly.On the other hand, the leftists fail in radicalising the movement by mistaken strategies.

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Violence against student elected uwesu by met police

09-12-2010 19:40

elected represented of uwesu hospitalised by met police in london during tuition fee protest. Paddy Besiris, st Matts Chair of UWESU has been admitted to hospital after a head injury inflicted by excessive force by the MET police. 24 hours ago at an event hosted by centre forum David Cameron, prime minister, praised uwe professor Steve West current vice canceller of Samantha Cameron's alumina. Today popular representative lies in hospital following police brutality propping up Cameron's coalition.

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How British higher education became corrupted

09-12-2010 17:14

The rot set in when money began to follow the student rather than a block grant to a university being disbursed by the University Grants Committee. The comercialisation of the student was completed with the withdrawal of maintenance grants and the imposition of tuition fees. Students were transformed into customers.

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Book Bloc comes to London

09-12-2010 15:22

Inspired by and in solidarity with the Italian protesters in Rome, and all those fighting austerity cuts

The Book Bloc joins the student and public sector workers' protest to affirm and defend what is under attack: Our universities and public libraries, literacy, thought, culture and jobs. In the past few weeks our attempts to do so peacefully have been met by police with batons, riot shields and horses. These are not isolated incidents of brutality but part of a system of institutional violence. By bringing books into the streets we are drawing attention to the violence at the heart of the neo-liberal ideology of the Con-Dem government.

When the police kettle us, baton us or charge us we will not only see police violence against individuals but the state's violence against free thought, expression and education.

Books are our tools – we teach with them, we learn with them, we play with them, we create with them, we make love with them and, sometimes, we must fight with them.
Book Bloc

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UK students protest prior to parliamentary vote on increased fees

09-12-2010 13:02

A day of action by student protesters was held Wednesday, ahead of today’s parliamentary vote to raise tuition fees.

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Exeter University occupation

09-12-2010 01:53

Students stand together during the first hour of occupation
Exeter University has joined others around the country in holding an occupation and teach-in. Direct action started today after a march and involves University and Exeter College students, and non-students too. By late evening it was clear the day had been a success: inspiring, well-attended, constructive and welcoming. Students plan to remain overnight and have planned a full programme for tomorrow.

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Tuition Fees Protestors invade Cambridge shopping malls

08-12-2010 21:52

Kings Parade, rapidly becoming the 'traditional' starting point.
Today in Cambridge, both of the local Cathederals of Consumerism were invaded by several generations of angry students, fighting for a future that doesn't involve getting themselves into vast amounts of debt.

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Birmingham University cuts protest speeches - Tuesday 7th December

08-12-2010 17:48

Video from the Birmingham University cuts protest speeches.. Click here to view video..

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Open letter to The Guardian and the Careers Group, University of London

08-12-2010 15:51

United under our banner after protesting at the careers fair
As part of the Ban BAE campaign there was a peaceful protest at the The Guardian London Graduate Fair on the 19th October against the presence of BAE Systems. We have now written to The Guardian and the Careers Group who are responsible for this event lobbying them to Ban BAE from future events.

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Today at the Goldsmiths Occupation

08-12-2010 12:12

Update from the occupied library, and events today and this evening...

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London Occupations Teach-Outs Euston at 5pm

08-12-2010 10:33

'Come all ye minds of intrigue. After a very successful teach-in day, it is time to once again break out of the university bubble. This time we take to the streets in a form of protest quite different than the usual. Our message that education and access to knowledge should be open and accessible to all will be made all across London, as lectures and discussions erupt in train stations, museums and shopping centres…'

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UCL Occupation Injunction Application - Court enters 3rd Day.

07-12-2010 16:53

After a full day today hearing arguments from lawyers representing UCL management, and lawyers representing the occupation, court is deferring its decision, which is now expected tomorrow: Wednesday 8th December)

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UK government outlines frontal assault on education

07-12-2010 15:01

The British Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition’s Education White Paper is a frontal assault on teachers, the right of children to a decent education and the state provision of education.

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St Andrews occupation freezes under repression!

07-12-2010 12:56

Turn up the heat on university officials to end repression of occupation.

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Goldsmiths University Occupied!

07-12-2010 07:31

Several hundred people occupy Goldsmiths library, first statement made + demands

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Puerto Rican students block central offices in fee protest

07-12-2010 03:00

Dozens of students sought to disrupt work Tuesday at the University of Puerto Rico’s main administrative offices in Río Piedras in a protest over looming $800 quotas.

The students blocked off the main gate to the UPR offices at the Botanical Gardens, pledging to only allow the finance and financial aid offices to continue working.

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University of Bradford Students Occupy!

06-12-2010 23:26

Tonight, students of the University of Bradford have occupied the management suite of the Richmond Building.


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University of Bradford occupied!!!!

06-12-2010 23:21

Following a meeting earlier this evening with the vice chancellor of Bradford University, A large number of us decided to further our message of sincerity against tuition fees by occupying the management suit outside his office.....for however long it takes

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UAL: Camberwell College of Arts Occupied

06-12-2010 22:22

University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Art is now OCCUPIED!We now have an Amazing space at Wilson Road (SE5 8LU) which is occupied…!! The Lecture Theatre will become a space for students to plan action, make work and perform. It will act as a student union and catalyst to create ideas for action and organisation. We call for more support and involvement! The space is open and everyone is invited to be involved in discussion making and workshop building. Open meeting today: 6.12.10 at 3.30pm.

We, the students of Camberwell College of Arts, believe that if the massive cuts proposed for education happen, it is unlikely that academies such as ours will continue to exist. Arts and humanities courses are being targeted with the largest cuts, while still requiring a great deal of funding, which even a rise in fees will not cover. In response, we have decided to occupy the Wilson’s Road building at our college.
We see the arts as occupying a vital place within society, one which benefits us all, both culturally and economically. If arts education ceases to be a viable route for students, that benefit will be lost.

An artless society is a heartless society!

We oppose the transformation of education into a market. Education should be a forum for all publics, not just those who can afford, to learn, experiment and debate.

Therefore, we call for all arts students, especially those from UAL to join this occupation, and call for more arts-led occupation and actions. We propose to use our space for a practice led resistance.  We will run workshops, performances, debates and experiments, creating a collective space of generative discourse. At no point will we disrupt any fellow student’s education, allowing all scheduled lectures to continue. We wish to propose, rather than simply oppose!

We demand that UAL:

  • Issue a statement condemning all cuts to Arts education, and the rise in tuition fees and defending the value (economically and culturally) of Arts education for society, and its place within government funded education.
  • Put pressure on the MP of every borough that UAL has a college in to vote against the educational reforms.
  • Guarantee that there be no more course closures, or course amalgamations. This includes, if possible, the re-instatement of the Ceramics course at Camberwell.
  • Safeguard all jobs for our teaching, research and support staff.
  • Issue a statement guaranteeing no further cuts in access time to workshops and facilities. This means no losses of current facilities, studio space or access time to workshops.
  • Provide full details of the existing budgets, and any projections of how the budget is likely to be spent if cuts and fee reforms do happen.
  • Provide all cleaning, catering and security staff with a full living wage package, again with no loss of jobs or hours, and that all outsourced staff and services are brought back in-house.
  • Provide a more effective, regular structure for student feedback which effects positive change, in the normal running of the University.
  • Do not victimize anyone taking part in this occupation.
  • Allow free access in and out of the occupation for all students, staff, speakers and other visitors.

The Occupiers, Camberwell College of Arts

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