UK Education Newswire Archive
Photos from University occupation
03-11-2011 02:46

Why we occupy, our statement.
02-11-2011 23:59

University of Birmingham Occupied!
02-11-2011 23:44
We have just marched into University of Birmingham Corporate Conference Centre. Our actions are not disrupting education or learning but rather those working to destroy public education in the interests of private profit.Midlands Anti-Academy Conference
02-11-2011 11:38

12th November
Birmingham & Midlands Institute, Margaret Street, Birmingham, B3 3BS. (Behind the Council House)
Registration 9.30am
Conference 10am to 2pm
Demo outside Eton College AGM, City of London, 6.30pm, 1 November
01-11-2011 13:50
A protest will be held outside the Eton College AGM to demonstrate our strong feelings about the privileged elite that runs this country, and its most important school. At the time of writing this, there are rumours that the College has cancelled its AGM owing to "public order concerns". This may or may not be true, but the demo will go ahead regardless. We will meet at St Paul's at 6.30pm, and have a short walk to Withers, 16 Old Bailey.St. Andrews Prepares for Another Occupation
31-10-2011 19:08
St. andrews leads the way in rolling occupations. We urge student activists to adopt our tatic and keep the pressure up.Below is the email sent out to hundreds of students.
What lies beneath the Ark Academy in Brent?
30-10-2011 17:21

Although the links to the Brent Council website have long broken, links to these images is at the bottom of this document, so can still be accessed.
day 6 of newcastle occupation
21-10-2011 08:42
well the weather maybe rough in geordi land but that wont deter uswe are the 99%
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Term starts today: Plebs' College is back!
18-10-2011 12:12
Plebs' College is open for the new term.Audio Recordings from the Sheffield Free School
17-10-2011 22:47

The Sheffield Free School is underway!
15-10-2011 11:36

Daytime Venue: CADS (Creative Arts Development Space) Snow Lane Entrance, Shalesmoor, S3 7AL (5 mins from city centre, next to “Kit Locker”). See the image below for the latest timetable.
ARK Academy Public Meetings
13-10-2011 08:48
I live in South Birmingham and am a parent of two primary school-aged children. On 10th October 2010, I attended a public consultation meeting at Kings Norton High School on the proposal to turn it into an ARK academy school. I have to say that it was far worse than I had actually imagined it would be!I had thought that, whilst academies would be a form of privatisation, there would be enough safeguards in place and enough self-restraint by the people running the academies for it to avoid being too radically different from schools as they are currently run. Having heard from the people pushing this academy agenda I now think that is quite naive.
The 1-hour public ‘consultation’ meeting basically consisted of a 30 minutes of an incredibly one-sided sales-pitch given by 4 academy fundamentalists, followed by an attempt to shut down any form of criticism that came from the floor. The academy fundamentalists consisted of the ARK project director, the chair of the governors of Kings Norton High School, the Head Teacher of Kings Norton High School, and another head teacher from an existing ARK school in Birmingham.
Students To March On The City | Nov 9 [NCAFC]
12-10-2011 20:25

National demonstration will go to the City, rather than to Parliament
Students plan to derail the government’s HE white paper
Demonstration a key date in the autumn of resistance, ahead of the November 30th strike action
Filmshow - Emma Goldman: An exceedingly dangerous woman, 12th Oct 2011
12-10-2011 12:44
Filmshow - Emma Goldman: An exceedingly dangerous woman, 12th Oct 2011, Brighton (UK)St. Andrews in Tent City Occupation
11-10-2011 06:04
St. Andrews students are in occupation against the recent fee increase for Rest Of UK students. The cost of a degree at St. Andrews now stands at £36,000 which makes our University the most exspensive in the UK. Anti cuts activists and autonomous supporters have started a tent-city occupation to demonstrate against this University's policy.What Passing Bells
30-09-2011 09:16
A new novel by a British Veteran talks about his experiences with life after war.St Andrews Strikes Again!
26-09-2011 14:12
every year St. Andrews activisits attack the Army for the Freshers Fayre. this year, let us delight you with our methods and tactics for you to employ at your own leisure!Youth Climate Event "Power Shift" Returns to UK
24-09-2011 23:46

That is what many young people will be doing this October at Power Shift: coming together to build the youth climate movement and take action on issues surrounding climate change. Power Shift will bring together hundreds of young people in Salford, Greater Manchester, for a weekend of workshops, inspiring speakers and cutting edge bands. It will give them the skills, inspiration and knowledge to campaign and communicate around the youth climate movement, and transferable skills for use in other social action campaigns.
For more information and to book tickets (from £10) please go to
Lib Dem Conference - Convergence and Crash Spaces
13-09-2011 11:55
The national campaign against fees and cuts is organising convergence (and crash) space for anti-Lib Dem conference action which has already been reclaimed. The Birmingham Social Centre is ready to be a base for the start of another autumn of anti-austerity direct action by students and workers.Statement from the Chilean school students on hunger strike
12-09-2011 15:06
Translation of communique issued Sunday September 11 by the school students on hunger strike (some for 50 days now) in Santiago, Chile. Education without profit.