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UK Education Newswire Archive

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What more does it take to waken the US workers from their state of self-denial?

03-08-2010 21:50

Yes, what more does it take to wake up the workers of the world to see and fight against the unfolding global fascism?

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Veterans Mental Health Comes to Manchester

02-08-2010 21:01

The first open day for the veterans mental health society Combat Stress is coming to Manchester this Saturday!

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"SIKITIKO" satirical shortfilm

27-07-2010 12:50

In 2004 a mysterious group abducts the hand of a statue, part of a monument for King Leopold II. This as an act of political activism. They would catalyse a surreal chain of events, in the best Belgian tradition. A little girl reconstructs the story...

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Speaker of Parliament in denial on eight week long protest

24-07-2010 23:10

Protest outside John Mickel's electorate office
John Mickel, Speaker of Queensland Parliament continues to ignore constituents, who have been demonstrating outside his electorate office every week day for the past eight weeks.

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The new scramble for Afrika

19-07-2010 13:49

what the western media does not inform thier people is that Afrika is the place that the West depends on for thier survival as Afrika is home to the vast majority of the world's mineral resources which the Westneedsfor its industries. Afrika is NOT the basket case that many White people and others have been conditioned to beleive. This article proves that access to Afrika's rich materials by the West and now Asia is the cause of of Afrika;s wars and instability.

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Who owns Ghana's oil?

19-07-2010 13:39

Many Ghanaioans think that with the discovery of oil on its shores, the people and the Ghanaian economy will benefit. Hoever what this article seeks to do is to inform Ghanaians, Afrikans and other people that the imperialists in the form of British, American and possibly Chinese oil companieswill loot the lions share of this Black Gold leaving Ghana and its people further impoverished.

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Oil Leaks in the Gulf of Mexico threatening all Plant, Animal and Human Life

19-07-2010 00:17

If billions of workers would not awake now, not defend life, then we would soon be star dust blowing in the galactic winds.

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Hundreds of school rebuilds scrapped by British government

16-07-2010 14:05

On July 5, Conservative Party Education Secretary Michael Gove announced the cancellation of the previous Labour government’s £55 billion school building programme. Hundreds of secondary and primary schools promised new buildings and refurbishments have seen their hopes dashed.

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New Schools Network; The John Adam St Gang

13-07-2010 13:26

New Schools Network claim to be an independent group, however they are most certainly not independent of the John Adam St Gang.

What we describe as the 'John Adam St Gang' are those insitutions located roughly between The Strand, Embankment, Craven Street and Lancaster Place.

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Animal Equality Protest

08-07-2010 20:16

We carried out a protest,in Central London,promoting veganism and educating people on speciesism.

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Manchester Class Struggle Forum #5 - Anarcho-Syndicalism

08-07-2010 17:24

The next Manchester Class Struggle Forum will host a discussion on Anarcho-Syndicalism.

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UG#505 - The Matrix Deconstructed (Why Strict Fathers teach "Economic Liter

01-07-2010 05:06

This week's show attempts to deconstruct the matrix of illusion that surrounds money and economics that is used to disorientate citizens and keep them working hard for their corporate masters.

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Manchester College staff strike back

30-06-2010 16:06

Members of the University and College Union at The Manchester College (TMC) were on strike today in the latest stage of the row over new contracts. Pickets lines were held at TMC buildings around the city from 7.30am, before moving to a rally at the Mechanics Institute at midday.

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Job Seekers Only

30-06-2010 08:11

One million jobs possible
Michael Njoroge responds to last week's emergency budget

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Academy Schools: possibly 1,567 more by September, ARK, FRS, involved

29-06-2010 22:33

A list of 1,567 schools which have expressed an interest in becoming an academy in England has been released by the government. Are your children in one of them, or do you teach in any of these schools? You might like to be aware of what this is actually about.

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Right to Education International Student Conference (Birzeit University)

29-06-2010 14:54

The Right to Education Campaign, endorsed by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and the The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign National Committee (BNC), are pleased to issue a call for participants to the first international conference in Palestine on student activism, to be held on the 27th and 28th of July 2010 at Birzeit University in occupied Palestine. The full invitation and registration form is available on the Birzeit R2E website ( is providing limited funding for international delegates to the conference. Students at universities in Europe email sammutj[AT]caabu[DOT]org for more information on the application process for this.

Pass it on to any other students that you think will be interested.

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"Vince- Send my friend to school!"

29-06-2010 13:51

Students in Twickenham ask Vince Cable to pressure world leaders to meet promises made on ensuring all children will receive primary education by 2015.

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'Just Do It: Get Off Your Arse and Change the World': A Film

28-06-2010 16:09

Bishopsgate after the G20 protests in April 2009
Documentary following environmental activists in 2009 from the G20 to COP15 and beyond launches innovative crowd-funding appeal

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animal abusers brag on facebook sites

24-06-2010 12:29

facebook users should not be subject to abuse because they love animals or be subject to abuse because they are dyslexis .its a family site .

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The Outdoor Skillshare a success

23-06-2010 15:28

yummy vegan baking workshop
Over a hundred people came together last weekend for the Outdoor Skillshare. Held at Talamh Housing Coop in South Lanarkshire, the weekend aimed to bring people together to share the skills needed to occupy land and defend it from eviction. Workshops covered varied topics including cooking for the masses, digging tunnels, radio communication and climbing trees.