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Paris clash between cops & demonstrators.

17-03-2006 21:36

You could be forgiven for thinking...
Many more youth groups than just the students attended the demo. Also present was the working class and Algerian young of Paris both of whom have an axe to grind with the authorities. The CRS riot police kept their distance from the demo letting the marchers complete their route un-harassed until the end. At this point they made confrontation inevitable by blocking all routes away from the finish with tooled up riot squad.

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Paris Student march

17-03-2006 21:26

The kids are allright.
It is impossible to give a number for the demo. There was no helicopter available to IMC UK. Tens of thousands marched against the CPE legislation possibly up to 100,000. The demo was loud and peaceful with few stewards and not a cop in sight. Several sound systems entertained the thousands over a route of several miles.

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University occupation, Paris.

17-03-2006 21:19

Preparations are made...
One mobilization from just one of the occupied Universities.

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GF6 verdict: what did the judge say?

17-03-2006 19:53

This is a summary of the verdict in Preston Crown court earlier today: Guilty of disruption and obstruction £3600 costs to be paid, and conditional discharge for 18 months.

See for background information.

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17-03-2006 09:23

From Indymedia Paris

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French Students Continue CPE Resistance - Hundreds of 1000s on Streets + Clashes

17-03-2006 03:27

Thursday 16th March Update:
Well over 250,000 students in France took to the streets in protests against the CPE around the country. That's the official estimate, groups involved put the numbers much higher (300,000 according to the student union UNEF, 500,000 according to FIDL’S, and even 600,000 according to UNL’S). 70% of universities effected by occupations and protests, schools also occupied in many places. More roads blockaded, town hall occupied in Rennes, reports of fascists attacking student protestors in several locations, heavy clashes in central Paris and at Sevres and near Sorbonne area this evening with tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon used as people fought riot police from 7.30pm, CNT union members arrested, reports of up to 300 total arrests today...

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Monkeys around Nottingham

16-03-2006 22:14

A troop of Robin Hood and Maid Marian monkeys, were monkeying around the Nottingham Castle and Broadmarsh Shopping Centre, to draw the public’s attention to the plight of primates in laboratories, in Nottingham and other cities throughout the UK and EU.

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Gagged 11 - Anarchist Newsletter of south east Wales

16-03-2006 21:25

GAGGED! #11 March 2006
Anarchist Newsletter of South-East Wales • Against Power & Profit • Anti-Copyright
Email to to subscribe online. If anyone wants copies contact & we'll work somthing out.

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East Enders set up Whitechapel Community library - campaign news

16-03-2006 15:43

The Whitechapel Community Library has been set up by a group of independent voluntary organisations - not receiving any funding from any public source of any kind – to continue to facilitate public access to and use of the books and materials that used to be in the now-closed Tower Hamlets Council-controlled Whitechapel Library. The site is soon to be taken over by another body, not a library. The Tower Hamlets Council has been accused today of destroying the library resources in the area. A new community, alternative, library is being set up and will be opened to the community in the very near future

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SOAS student fights to clear his name

16-03-2006 14:12

Nasser Amin Update

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Join the unwelcome for Mr. Blair at Matthew Boulton College this Thursday 16th

15-03-2006 13:29

Tony Blair is visiting Mathew Boulton College tomorrow (Thursday 16th March 2006), there will be an unwelcome for him from various groups and individuals including the MB2 (Mathew Boulton two), who are two students who were suspended for daring to publish a student newsletter asking for rights to establish student societies. The unwelcome is planned for 13:00 Hours (1pm) at Mathew Boulton College Jenners Road, Birmingham.

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Mad Pride 2006 Events to Include; Africa, Ireland, USA, Canada, France.

15-03-2006 12:03

Mad Pride 2006 promises to be better than ever with plans underway for several events in Ireland, USA, Canada, France and even a Mad Pride celebration in Africa thanks to MindFreedom Ghana! Dan Taylor, who is the Secretary of MindFreedom Ghana based in Accra, Ghana, announced, "Our Theme for our Mad Pride event is 'Free Minds At Ease.'"

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14th March: Student Action Against CPE in France: Protests + Blockades + Clashes

15-03-2006 08:06

Tuesday 14th March France:

More nationwide demos, blockades, railway obstructions, occupations and street clashes as a student day of action opposed the CPE employment law. Updates from libcom below:

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BBC makes dumbing down its official policy

14-03-2006 23:55

It was obvious that this is what they were doing anyway but now the powers-that-be are making it official. The BBCs lofty purpose is now simply to entertain the masses rather than inform...

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Experiences and perspectives of the students' movement in France

14-03-2006 09:50

The text that follows introduced the ICC public meeting of 11th March in Paris, at which students and militants involved in the recent events debated their experience and the best means for spreading the movement.

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George Fox Six Case Moved to PRESTON - Solidarity needed

13-03-2006 14:22

The George Fox Six
In a move to attempt to limit the impact of local solidarity protests, the authorities moved the George Fox Six case away from from Lancaster and to Preston this morning.

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Sorbonne University Eviction Video + Pics and more background to CPE resistance (france)

13-03-2006 13:30

pics from
For the last week protests, occupations and direct action against the CPE in France has been increasing. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in hundreds of demonstrations. Railways have been blockaded, airports disrupted, and around half of France's universities have seen occupations. Clashes with police have occured throughout the country.

Much international publicity has come from the occupation and violent eviction of the Sorbonne university in Paris (video below). With the media making the obvious 1968 comparisons, riot police stormed the university building firing tear gas at around 4am on Saturday after hours of resistance from the occupiers and their supporters outside. There were around 30 arrests. The university had been occupied since Tuesday night with tensions increasing. On Friday police batton charged students who were blocking a road near to the university.

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wasteland - squatting documentary now online

13-03-2006 12:01

wasteland, a documentary exploring the lifestyle of squatting, by filmmaker Will Wright, is now available for viewing and download from Google Video.

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French filth riot against student revolt.

11-03-2006 12:56

Riot police have stormed the Sorbonne University in Paris, forcing out students who have been occupying the building since Wednesday in protest against government labour laws.

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The Real Oxford Union First Annual Address

11-03-2006 00:31

TUC Deputy General Secretary gives the first Real Oxford Union Annual Address.