UK Education Newswire Archive
US charity bribing UK drug addicts to sterilise selves in eugenics agenda
07-11-2010 15:51
I originally published this on Bristol Indymedia but the charity is targeting those it terms as drug addicts in London, Glasgow, Bristol, Leicester and parts of Wales.Cambridge Students Against Fees Demo
05-11-2010 20:16

boycott vodaphone demo newcastle tommrow 6th november
05-11-2010 17:14
demo against vodaphone tommrow 12pm25,000 students march in Ireland
05-11-2010 17:00

Student Uprising as University Axe Human Rights
05-11-2010 15:47
Roehampton University plans to axe its unique Human Rights degree programme which was originally boosted after a 4.5million goverment injection of funding . Students are planning a nationwide campaign to save the Human Rights department which is one of only several in the UK and which was the very first of its kind. Angry students are organising protests to coincide with an International Symposium on Human Rights to be held at the University next week.Future Survivor
02-11-2010 14:29

Mental Health Campaigners’ Speech Get Workers Support On Social Welfare Cuts
BAE on the back foot: Student protests against arms trade sweep UK universities
02-11-2010 10:31

Islamist radicalisation at British universities
29-10-2010 09:53
Islamist radicalisation at British universitiesA Quilliam Foundation report
Study highlights intimidation of women, Jewish, gay and Muslim students
London, UK - 29 October 2010
Full article | 5 additions | 8 comments
Anti cuts demo escapes police control in Oxford
29-10-2010 00:18
A huge crowd, mostly students, mobilised at short notice to protest the visit of Vince Cable to Oxford, turned up in spite of the fact that he cancelled his visit, and briefly took over several busy areas of Oxford in the face of police attempts to contain us.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Over a thousand on the streets of Oxford protesting against public sector cuts
28-10-2010 19:26
Over 1,000 people of Oxford gathered on the streets today to express their anger and refusal to accept the public sector cuts, in particular those to higher education. The gathering was made up of students, academics and citizens of Oxford.Future Survivor
26-10-2010 07:23

NUS and UCU anti-cuts national demonstration; London; Wednesday 10 November
24-10-2010 22:48

Sit in at Birmingham universities Vice chancellors office
22-10-2010 15:40

Rally against the cuts in Oxford
21-10-2010 21:10
The Comprehensive Spending Review was announced on 20 October. I went along to the rally against public sector spending cuts in Oxford that evening. Here is what I saw and felt ...BAE Systems protest at Guardian's London Graduate Fair
20-10-2010 13:12

Don't let the Lib Dems break their promise on fees! Demonstrate at Lib Dem HQ
18-10-2010 17:06
Student activists will be protest outside Lib Dem Headquarters in London on Monday 25 October, to demand they keep their promise to oppose higher fees. Join us!UG #520 - Education and Its Discontents (HowSchooling has Undermined Learning)
13-10-2010 01:04

"In the beginning is the web"- Global Interactive Discussion Live Webcast
12-10-2010 19:59

"Around The Table TV"
(formally The Kitchen Table TV)
A merging of theatre, discussion & the internet
Japan Continues Murdering Dolphins and Whales... Canada Has Not Ended Seal Murd
12-10-2010 14:17
turning the blue seas purple with the red blood of dolphinsSheffield Free School: What is a social centre?
09-10-2010 22:50