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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Educate yourself with the Burngreave Learner

16-12-2003 09:58

The Burngreave Learner is a guide to courses in the Burngreave area in Sheffield from January 2004. There's something for everyone, and we list courses at small community learning providers as well as those at the big providers like Sheffield College.

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lancaster indymedia reload event

14-12-2003 17:15

hardcore anarchists try to use computers

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Anarchist Dayschool in Glasgow

14-12-2003 12:50

A quick note about the Anarchist Dayschool event in Glasgow yesterday, with workshops, speakers, stalls, gigs and films.

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Cultural Struggle and Resistance

13-12-2003 08:49

A Paneuropean Artistic action day and an Intercultural Network

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fair chances for child authors with asperger syndrome

09-12-2003 16:15

A hate mailer working on self appointed behalf of the Luke Jackson machine - I don't accuse the Jacksons themselves of backing her - is working to suppress autistic organisations from carrying website articles speaking out for child authors whose chance was ruined by abusive school homework.

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Colchester school in revolt

08-12-2003 17:22

St. Helena's school kids in Colchester took strike action over proposed changes to their classes.

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Learn and share knowledge on Paleontology and Climate

08-12-2003 01:50

>> People have to be prepared to think and work on their
>> mindset to put such unpopular subjects in their true
>> perspective. There are many much more familiar with
>> the complexities of climatology who could, and probably
>> will, do a much better job, and be largely ignored.
>> It is most frustrating as all I want to do is obtain a sound
>> understanding of the impact of human activities on the
>> operation of Planet Earth, and we seem to have done a
>> very rapid job on the climate over the past century.
>> .. (snip)

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US troops are worse than scabs

06-12-2003 23:05

A working class perspective on the US anti-war movement's adaptation of the slogan "Support Our Troops".

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Coventry City Pub tour pictures and films

06-12-2003 18:32

This link Article is about Coventry City social, leisure and Business Missions operating from a watercycling base camp area of the city called paradise, using a novel waterbike to help network and promote community internets.
The great Coventry watercycling pub tour start and end at
The nearest public house to the base camp called the Adam and Eve

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Anna Scher in fight to regain the theatre she founded

05-12-2003 02:15


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Latest news on students strikes in Germany & France

27-11-2003 02:45

Latest news about actions and stikes of students in germany and France against the commercialisation of education. Students are calling for an international day of action in December 2003

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Oxford free education demo report

26-11-2003 15:07

This afternoon a group of between 30 and 70 students held banners, chanted and sung on the steps of the Clarendon Building against top-up fees and for free education for all. Many of them then went on to briefly block traffic on Broad Street with a sitdown protest.

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Latest news on the student strikes in Germany and France

26-11-2003 13:10

25.11: students in Berlin in front of the occupied building
More and more students and universities are joinig the student strike in Germany. Every day there are demos, occupations and other actions. In France 17 universities are on strike. Students in germany and Frane are calling for an European action day against the commercialisation of education..

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Youth Music in Oxford

25-11-2003 18:16

of Fusion Arts and Rap’s young people’s music, dance and video at the established local venue The Zodiac, on Friday 12th December, between 7pm – 9pm, free and open to all ages.

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Student Unions respond to Vice Chancellors' pro fees letter

25-11-2003 12:39

This is a letter from the student unions of the five Universities whose Vice Chancellors came out in favour of top up fees in a letter to The Times.

Oxford University Student Union is organising a protest for free education on Wednesday at 1pm on the steps of the Clarendon Building (Broad Street)

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Vocalized Ink The Page The Show the Stylee!!!

23-11-2003 10:37

Vocalized Ink is a collective of poets and writers promoting spoken word
on the internet through the use of audio files. Making inked word verbal
is our quest! VI's founder Sherykah is located in Detroit, MI but VI's
membership is international.

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Prescott Approves Cambridge Uni Animal Research Site

22-11-2003 14:17

On Thu 20 Nov, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister approved the planning application of Cambridge University for a primate research facility in Girton because it helps to further government policy. This comes despite South Cambs DC originally refusing it for good reasons.

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Ancient 'Whistling Language' Facing a Revival/ Canan Aosta Feadalaich ri Fas

18-11-2003 19:54

An ancient and idigenous language of the Canary Islands based on whistles is undergoing something of a revival/ Tha canan aosta duthchail sna h-Eileanan Canaraidh a' dol am feabhas

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Education: protests in Europe

14-11-2003 09:07

Since last week universities in the state of Hessen (Frankfurt), the Technical University of Berlin are on strike against the introduction of Tuition fees. In the state of Bayern strikes are planned as well. In other European countries resistance is growing...

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Gay Youth Take on County Council

12-11-2003 14:57

LGBT Youth Converge on Maidstone
Lesbian, Gay, bisexual and Trans young people in Kent and accross the country are converging in Maidstone in anger at the County Council's congoing homophobic policies - in particular, iot's own replacement of SAection 28 which prevents homosexuality 'being promoted'.