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The Bologna Declaration : Critical Notes - Part 2

06-12-2008 20:39

Employability is a point around which the Bologna Declaration has based its rhetoric of the positive forces of the free market.

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benefit 4 cowley

05-12-2008 00:56

Help your favourite alternative Brighton social centre/caff/bar/meeting place out of a hole. Cowley Club on London Road needs funds!

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Latest 'Anomalous Wave' rebellion in Italy news + analysis

05-12-2008 00:28

There is a massive student/worker rebellion in the Italian education sector. Many schools and universities are occupied. The slogan "we won't pay for your crisis' is at the forefront of the Anomalous Wave movement that opposes initially the Gelmini reforms of education, but more importantly, the creation of a new round of precarious workers in shit jobs joining the other thousands in the same boat. Last Friday 28th was another round of street demos and blockades.

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New interactive online map reveals the extent of police brutality during protest

04-12-2008 13:03

Sussex students arrested under anti-terrorism laws - Disabled student held in custody for 7 hours and denied access to doctor - Police set dogs on peaceful protesters

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#11 The December Show

01-12-2008 15:06

riseup dec
Riseup! Radio presents the December show.

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The struggle for academic freedom

30-11-2008 18:20

This article originally appeared in Ceasefire magazine, an independent political magazine at the University of Nottingham ( The article explores the role that the institution has played in commercialising education and in suppressing academic freedom.

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The Sparrows' Nest - A centre for anarchist education and culture

30-11-2008 13:21

Anarchists in Nottingham have been busy converting a house in the St Ann's area into a centre for anarchist education and culture. The Sparrows' Nest will be home to a library of books, pamphlets and other media relating to anarchism, workers' struggle and local struggles. I went along to chat to one of the residents...

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The Bologna Declaration: Critical Notes - Part 1

29-11-2008 19:06

After nearly ten yeas, the effects of the Bologna Declaration in shaping European Higher Education (HE) along neo-liberal lines are becoming evident

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Kingston Student Union bans the military

28-11-2008 16:09

At yesterday's Student Union AGM, Kingston University students voted to "ban Military Forces from Promoting on Campus".

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Manchester Students remember Ken Saro-Wiwa in University Shell protest

24-11-2008 19:14

Students from the University of Manchester held a memorial protest in remembrance of Nigerian human rights activists who were killed by the Nigerian military in 1995. The protest highlighted the new partnership to research biofuels between the University of Manchester and Shell.

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Further reports from Anomalous Wave rebellion, Italy

24-11-2008 12:52

More news and updates on the ongoing student / education rebellion in Italy. Next dates to watch out for: DAY Of ACTION November 28th and GENERAL STRIKE (sort of!) December 12th. Details of history and analysis of The Anomalous Wave pamphlet at end of updates.

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2nd Working Class Bookfair Success

24-11-2008 08:59

Nice article (3 columns - Top and centre of page) and photo in today's Northern Echo (24.11.08, page 26) about the 2nd Annual North East Working Class Bookfair.

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'The Anomalous Wave Rebellion in Italy' pamphlet (PDF)

20-11-2008 16:58

Some people in and around 56a Infoshop have put together a pamphlet detailing some history and analysis of the ongoing Italian Anomalous Wave rebellion. The point is to spread the word about this amazing social struggle.

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Publicity for Activism workshop at the London Free School

20-11-2008 00:27

Skill share, role-play, and discussion about how to publicise our actions and political events better.

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The lot that "La Repubblica is missing"

19-11-2008 17:14

Now is a very precarious moment for democracy and education in Italy. La Repubblica is certainly not helping in bringing democracy to the fore.

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Young People Welcome Greater Student Voice

19-11-2008 16:03

School students across England have welcomed the amendments to the Education and Skills Bill that will make it compulsory for schools to listen to students’ views when making decisions that affect them.

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100,000 school students strike in Germany

18-11-2008 18:50

demonstration in Berlin
100,000 school students across Germany went on strike on Wednesday, November 12. In more than 40 cities there were rallies and demonstrations instead of classes. In many places, university students and teachers expressed solidarity. The walkout was directed against overcrowded classrooms, the lack of teachers and the reform of the "abitur" program (the high school degree which qualifies for university), shortening it from nine to eight years. The strike was also against Germany's three-tiered school system, which leads to education levels in Germany being more closely tied to social status than in any other developed country.

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Friday 14.11.08 anarcho students occupy ministry - report and photo's

18-11-2008 02:05

Members of anarchist group Autonomy&Solidarity from Goldsmiths University joined other students and revolutionaries to take action last Friday in London. Education is a priceless; it shouldn't have price.

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Boycott A4e

15-11-2008 20:09

A4e is a global corporation providing 'motivational' training for the unemplyed. Their business model depends on bounty's paid for every trainee they place in a job.

A4e works in partnership with BAe Systems