UK Education Newswire Archive
Jerusalem Art Exhibition: Children's painting competition
19-08-2014 07:44
Exhibition now on at the Gallery Wall, Oxford Central Library until September 12th of paintings by children aged 7-17 from throughout the Arab world of Jerusalem. The exhibition is free and on display during library opening hours.Statement from Squat50 - new Cardiff squat
05-08-2014 16:20
Oi you, yes, you at the back, listen up!We are a collective of free thinkers. Our lives have come together but our paths have been different.
The Biggest Greyhound Awareness Campaign to Date
04-08-2014 22:41

Greyhound Banner in the Sky
04-08-2014 22:27

Whatever happened to the unemployed organising themselves?
03-08-2014 23:50
Whatever happened to self- organisation within the unemployed sections of our class? Surely they must have some hours left in the week after being forced on courses, or in to doing voluntary work for nothing.Rally for Gaza
01-08-2014 21:18

Tuesday 5th August, Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates.
Called by Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign
and supported by Oxford Muslim Community Initiative
Call-out for the Radical Bookfair Hamburg, 4-5 Oct 2014
30-07-2014 19:20
We are inviting people who are interested in having a table/stall (booksellers, publishers, zine distros, independent presses and political groups) or holding a workshop (current political issues, book talks, skill-shares, networking meetings etc.) to help create an exciting, interesting and forward-thinking event in Hamburg this autumn.COALITION WANT TO RAISE TUITION FEES AGAIN - DEMO 19 NOV
29-07-2014 10:27

Wednesday 19 November, 12 noon, central London (route TBC)

The Groucho Gate Affair
29-07-2014 09:17
The Elite and Famous the people who run our country in London's Groucho club was allowed by management to have services of a sexual natural advertised on a online forum.Come Clean on Child Abuse Grouch Club Whistle Blowers Welcome.
Curo Housing - Foxhill regeneration scheme - contaminated land
23-07-2014 12:25
Concerns grow after Curo Housing buys 48 acres of land heavily contaminated with heavy metals and asbestos for £47mKRONOS - Global Paymaster
23-07-2014 01:22
KRONOS - Global Workforce Management Solutions - operates in: Americas, Canada, México, Brasil, Caribbean, United States (Corporate Headquarters), Europe, Belgium, Deutschland, España, France, Nederlands, United Kingdom, Other Europe, Middle East/Africa, Africa, Middle East, Asia/Pacific, Australia, ASEAN, 中文, India, ChinaJUSTICE 4 SANAZ CAMPAIGN- CALLING ALL FILM-MAKERS!
22-07-2014 15:13
The Justice 4 Sanaz Campaign is currently looking for a film-maker willing to volunteer in creating a short documentary detailing the situation of PhD candidate at the University of Leeds, Sanaz Raji.IT SHOULD HURT TO BE A CHILD ?
23-05-2014 07:27

Please Share and comment on the article the more evidence the better.
March on Parliament, 21st June! Austerity is Theft!
15-04-2014 20:23

No More Austerity! Austerity is Theft! National Demo!
Festival outside the BBC, then march on Parliament
An Unfinished and Incoherent Fact Based Essay Collection 'Finland Unrevealed'
04-04-2014 22:10
An Unfinished and Incoherent Fact Based Essay Collection about the problems one finds in Finland (needs logging in FB). Read more on journalists practising self-censorship, mass media usage, security police history and it turning to red, systematic procedures practised to shape the Finland more Russia (and Soviet) friendly, The Agreement of Friendship Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, abuse formulas used by the police and government officials etc. Link is an essential reading for those who plan to move, work or live in Finland. Finnish 'Stasi' file one may say...Road Blockade Save Britain's Children From Abuse
21-03-2014 12:58

Parents Carers Grandparents. British Muslim Polish French Jews Christian
Children being stolen then abused.
Inverness to Plymouth Glasgow to Swansea and Aberdeen to London.
Self-censorship of journalism and mass manipulation by using media
18-03-2014 23:16
Practising self-censorship can be compared to castrating an ox; once it isdone, the ox looks like an ox, feels like an ox, may even occasionally
have fun with the cows, but is totally incapable to produce descendants.
Self-censorship has got the same kind of an effect to people, who become
slowly brain washed by the idea of some ideal world without anything
negative existing. People not questioning the case start thinking one
sided and doubting those claiming something verifiable opposite. For any
research, this would mean twisted and one sides research results ending
either into a chaos, or making humankind simple and dumb.
The US and Britain’s Paedophile Colony
13-03-2014 21:01
Less than a month before the 11th anniversary of the illegal US-led invasion of Iraq, the near destruction of much of the country, heritage, culture, secularism, education, health services and all State institutions, the country is poised to revert “two thousand years” say campaigners.