UK Education Newswire Archive
“Free Education for All” remains a pipedream under the policies of the ‘New ANC’
16-06-2007 02:46
This article argues that by adopting neo-liberal policies, like Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’ Party the ‘New ANC’ has also sold out. And because of anti poor policies, on the 31st anniversary of the June 1976 ‘Soweto Uprising’, for poor working class kids, “The Doors of Learning” remain as shut as during apartheid.Students To Do Epic 50,000 Protestations In Front Of Giant Gordon Brown Photograph
13-06-2007 15:12
Cycle Cinema Public Meetng & Call-out
13-06-2007 13:17
Mamma Mia, it's a game we play!
12-06-2007 22:56
Renowned Kenyan dissident Ngugi wa Thiong'o in Leeds 29-30 June
12-06-2007 13:01
Two hundred years on from the parliamentary abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, the celebrated Kenyan writer Ngugi wa Thiong'o will headline two major public events on today’s struggles in Africa and beyond for global social justice in late June being organised by the University of Leeds and the World Development Movement.Defend Adult Education. Save ESOL. No Redundancies.
08-06-2007 16:30
A demonstration is being called by UCU (University and College Union) in response to government cut backs which are resulting in the loss of over 100 adult education courses at Bradford College as well as a number of redundancies for the teaching staff involved.UK universities in internation Hall of Shame
08-06-2007 10:10
Two UK universities - Imperial College and Wolverhamptom - have received the inaugural 'Divestors in People' © award. ‘Divestors of People’© is a standard awarded to Higher Education institutions that excel in mismanaging, bullying, and harassing their staff.Nominations remain open for the Hall of Shame.
West Midlands Climate Activists Weekend
08-06-2007 01:18
Activists organising for this year's Camp for Climate Action in the West Midlands are putting on a two-day event of discussion, workshops and partying this weekend in Birmingham this weekend - Sat 9th June and Sunday 10th June.Opening of Barracks Lane Community Garden & Workshops, 16 June
04-06-2007 08:47
Investigation leads to chicke rescue by Gloucesntershire animal activists.
04-06-2007 08:39
Video and images of animal rescue following a five month investigation.Conference for Education Workers
03-06-2007 20:14
July 1St, Manchester, Education Workers Conference.Support the Cuban People -- Help Send a Bookmobile to Cuba!
03-06-2007 14:37
The US embargo on trade with Cuba continues. This summer Pastors for Peace will again challenge the blockade with a friendship caravan. A fully stocked bookmobile will accompany it. Before the revolution there were only 32 libraries in Cuba. In 2002 there were 400 public libraries and 6000 school libraries. Cubans are avid readers and life long learners but Cuban librarians struggle to meet their needs under the blockade. We urge you join us in sending books to Cuba!Oxford's Pro Choice Group Launched
01-06-2007 21:15
A new group has been formed in Oxford to facilitate and promote a pro-choice presence in the city.Liverpool: June 'News Not Profit' printed
01-06-2007 20:10
Political film 'Return to Kurkuk, a year in the fire'
01-06-2007 19:57
Film @ Broadway Cinema Satarday 2nd June 1pm - about Karzan (imprisonewd and tortured by Saddam' regime) after 25 years in exile RETURNS TO KIRKUK - This thought provoking, intelligent and emotional story gives a unique insight into the true political feeling and civil unrest in Iraq today.Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Activists hijack phone boxes across London to raise their voice against poverty
29-05-2007 17:05
The stunt is part of The World Can’t Wait – Your Voice Against Poverty Campaign, which will be followed by a huge rally in Westminster on Saturday 2nd June, prior to the G8 Summit which starts in Germany on 6th June.
Funding crisis in higher education
24-05-2007 15:14
With the abolition of student grants—and, more recently, the introduction in England of tuition fees for students—ever-greater responsibility has been placed on individual students in Britain to fund their further education.School biometrics in the City and Notts
21-05-2007 11:05
A recent article in the local rag contained the news that Big Wood School will be employing retina scans for class registration. Here's the latest on what schools are and aren't doing with biometrics in the region.