Oxford's Pro Choice Group Launched
Eleanor | 01.06.2007 21:15 | Education | Gender | Health | Oxford
A new group, Pro Choice Oxford, has been formed to facilitate and promote a vocal pro-choice presence in Oxford. At a time when women’s choices about motherhood are coming under increasing threat from moralistic lobbying and NHS reforms, the new group aims to counter anti-choice domination of the debate. This will include defending abortion rights, tackling taboos, promoting sex education, highlighting the poor provision of benefit and childcare, questioning the credibility of pro-life counselling, and investigating abortion access in Oxford.
A number of people from different sections of the community recently came together to form the group at the East Oxford Community Centre. Those present discussed their aims and objectives for the group, current threats to choice including barriers to abortion as well as to motherhood, and shared ideas for projects that the group could take on. Issues discussed included the presence of anti-choice organization Life in Oxford, the need to defend and liberalize UK abortion law, abortion as a student issue, and the effect of NHS cuts and privatization on women’s access to services. The group also discussed the importance of promoting real choice, rather than just abortion access – including highlighting the plight of those wanting to become mothers who may resort to abortion due to poverty, and mothers struggling with insufficient financial support.
Pro Choice Oxford will work closely with interested parties at the universities and in the community, while functioning autonomously. Meetings will continue to be held upstairs at the Community Centre. Getting others on board is a priority for the group, which welcomes new members and ideas.
Those interested in joining the group and receiving updates are encouraged to follow the web link and join the Pro Choice Oxford email list.
Pro Choice Oxford will meet again on Wednesday June 13 at 7:15 for 7:30pm.
East Oxford Community Centre,
Princes Street off Cowley Road.
A number of people from different sections of the community recently came together to form the group at the East Oxford Community Centre. Those present discussed their aims and objectives for the group, current threats to choice including barriers to abortion as well as to motherhood, and shared ideas for projects that the group could take on. Issues discussed included the presence of anti-choice organization Life in Oxford, the need to defend and liberalize UK abortion law, abortion as a student issue, and the effect of NHS cuts and privatization on women’s access to services. The group also discussed the importance of promoting real choice, rather than just abortion access – including highlighting the plight of those wanting to become mothers who may resort to abortion due to poverty, and mothers struggling with insufficient financial support.
Pro Choice Oxford will work closely with interested parties at the universities and in the community, while functioning autonomously. Meetings will continue to be held upstairs at the Community Centre. Getting others on board is a priority for the group, which welcomes new members and ideas.
Those interested in joining the group and receiving updates are encouraged to follow the web link and join the Pro Choice Oxford email list.
Pro Choice Oxford will meet again on Wednesday June 13 at 7:15 for 7:30pm.
East Oxford Community Centre,
Princes Street off Cowley Road.