UK Education Newswire Archive
South London Squatted School Defies Eviction Attempt
16-02-2004 16:25
News from SchNEWS about the failed eviction attempt against the autonomous squatted school in Colliers Wood, south London.
Is There A Legal Age for Political Dissent? Teens at Protests!
14-02-2004 13:01

“There has been a school at Lowick beyond the memory of man”
12-02-2004 12:25
Lowick Pioneers - "Shared reading is a firm favourite amongst the whole school, where the Infants chose a Junior to read with them."Sheffield City Hall : 21-02-04 Iranian Community of Sheffield & District
11-02-2004 14:36
Bam Earthquake Appeal: An event organised by the ICSD to raise funds.Tickets: £5 available from Sheffield City Hall Box Office,
Tel: 01142 789789.
Colliers Wood Resistance
09-02-2004 20:30
Eco education group resist property developers in South London.Schooling & Love: Love should be first and foremost value
09-02-2004 10:00
Caring institutions must be explicit and intentional about the role of love as their guiding principle, without apology. There can be no greater justification for providing good care and education for our children than the value of love. The basis and ultimate justification for early childhood education must be, first and foremost, love - without apology.Beyond TV/Do Summat events 16th-19 Feb at the University of Manchester
07-02-2004 12:01

Huge South West Conference on Racist Attacks
06-02-2004 19:18
Concerns about an increase in racist attacks taking place across the South West will be the main focus of a major regional conference on racism being held in Plymouth on Wednesday 11th February. “The Future of Race Relations in the South West” conference, which takes place at Plymouth Guildhall, has been organised by The Monitoring Group, to mark the 5th anniversary of the publication of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report.STUDENTS UNITE! The NUS is NEEDS YOU!
05-02-2004 16:20
The NUS is calling for a National Shutdown of Education on the Wednesday 25th February.Below is an article copied from the Social Workers Student Society that informed me of how much money the Government has and how much it is willing to waste rather than privallege students.
Fellow Students I am calling for you to unite and walk out on the 25th February.
Education: European days of action, April 2nd & 3rd 2004
05-02-2004 08:36

Vigil against tuition fees in Cambridge
03-02-2004 15:01
The Cambridge University Student Union continue their protests against tuition fees.Anna Scher Birthday Bonanza (Saturday 31st January 2004)
31-01-2004 07:19
An Audience With Anna Scher And FriendsStudent pays fees in pound coins
30-01-2004 18:28

suspension, and finally threatened with being denied a degree,
I finally decided to pay up - in pound coins.
Students lobby against top-up fees
30-01-2004 12:12

Your comments and feedback on these pix are very welcome.
Anne Campbell, Cambridge MP, chickens out of vote (again)
30-01-2004 09:28
Cambridge Evening news reports that Anne Campbell, the Cambridge MP, chose to abstain from voting on top-up fees. Apparently she was moved by two letters from students telling her that top-up fees are either good, or do not affect access! She did not mention all the students that oppose them :)Cambridge and national AUT ballots its members for industrial action
29-01-2004 21:37

Interns' Network: Working for free in Westminster
28-01-2004 16:29
At any one time there are around 3000 people working for free in parliament, think tanks, ngos and the political media. These organisations are supposed to be the heartbeat of our democracy but to get a job, people are expected to work for extended periods for free. This creates a huge barrier for people from poorer backgrounds. The Interns Network wants to make internships more transparent, fair and fun. You can subscribe for weekly updates of jobs, events and news by emailing
From protesting students in Germany: solidarity with Oxford occupiers
27-01-2004 10:38
Students in Germany are on strike against fees, budget cuts and the commodification of education. A solidarity for the Oxford occupiers...