UK Education Newswire Archive
Christians declare solidarity with students who occupied Millbank
15-11-2010 16:05
A group of Christians has written a statement to show support for the people at Millbank currently being victimised. Please email details to millbankchristiansolidarity _at_ if you wish to sign. Together we can overturn the media vilification of an action that should have inspired hope, and their victimisation of students who had the courage to put people above property!the expected unexpected
15-11-2010 09:19
50.000 students, teachers and lecturers are not a few, in particular if the student union‘s expectation was around 7000 people for the 10 of November. Las week it was the biggest demonstration of social opposition from the 90s in England. The spokesman of the student union said that the direct action was just «despicable action» organized by a minority that occupied the head quarter of the Tory. For who was there last week it was clear that the only minority group of the demo was the union! This is a kind of a paradox for a rally organized by them.Millbank – what happened, and how can we build on it?
14-11-2010 21:39
Millbank – what happened, and how can we build on it?
All Anti-Cuts Activists Read This. Day Of Action
14-11-2010 17:42
Read below, join this facebook event and publicise widely.
Manchester Anti-Cuts meeting, Wednesday, Central Hall 7:30.
14-11-2010 16:38
There will be a meeting next Wednesday at Central hall, Oldham Street, Manchester city centre to begin discussing and planning how we resist the cuts here in Manchester.Students Show the Way – Honours All Round for the Millbank Protesters
14-11-2010 11:26
The University lecturers who described Wednesday’s Student Protest as magnificent were fucking spot on. Thousands of students were involved in the trashing of the Tory Party HQ and despite the media’s howls of outrage it seems most of the country agree (1).How LEGO helps BAe train future drone designers
13-11-2010 21:33
British Aerospace Engineering (BAe) , the world's biggest arms manufacturer , has teamed up with educational toy makers LEGO to introduce school children to the design of drones through its sponsorship of FIRST LEGO Leagues .Education in the UK, Lib Dems & the dictatorship of hedge-fund gangsters
13-11-2010 11:33
Re-post/re-write (with additional information)The Lib Dem's went into the last election on a ticket that they opposed any increase in student fees, which, as is now widely known, they have done a u-turn on in the new Con-Dem coalition. Now today, the Guardian newspaper reports on documents showing Clegg's public claim was at odds with secret decision before the election.
Back in March 2006, main Lib Dem thinktank - Centre Forum - funded and chaired by hedge fund speculator and founder of the Ark academy network Paul Marshall were then calling for an increase in student fees. Marshall is a special advisor to Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg. The chameleon-like nature of the Lib-Dems and what they supposedly stand for not only rings even more hollow but is further exposed as being as slippery as the lizard skin of their wealthy benefactors.
Lib Dem education policy & the agenda of Lib Dem sugardaddy Paul Marshall
11-11-2010 19:28
The Lib Dem's went into the last election on a ticket that they opposed any increase in student fees, which, as is now widely known, they have done a u-turn on in the new Con-Dem coalition.That's what they say. So, why was their main thinktank - funded and chaired by hedge fund speculator and founder of the ARK academy network Paul Marshall - arguing for an increase in student fees as far back as March 2006? Marshall is a special advisor to Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg. The chameleon-like nature of the Lib-Dems and what they supposedly stand for not only rings even more hollow but is further exposed as being as slippery as the lizard skin of their wealthy benefactors.
November 10th Demonstrator Defence Campaign
11-11-2010 10:28
Were you or anyone you know at the National March against Cuts or at the Conservative HQ in Millbank London ?Posted on November 10, 2010 by nov10
November 10th Demonstrators Defence Campaign
Students march against cuts, occupy Conservative Party HQ
11-11-2010 09:19
A march of more than 50,000 students and academics in London yesterday against the Conservative-Liberal Democratic coalition government’s education cuts ended in the occupation of the Tory Party’s headquarters and confrontations with riot police.Full article | 1 addition | 9 comments
Pictures From Student Demo
11-11-2010 04:45

PLEASE SIGN: Statement of solidarity with students arrested at Millbank
11-11-2010 03:02
A statement in solidarity with the student protesters arrested in London today - to sign email
Open University 'partners' with Google
11-11-2010 01:09
The Open University (OU) has 'partnered' with Google to provide its students and staff with email accounts and other online tools, such as calendars and document storage. The service-level agreement is the latest landmark in the web giant's invasion of higher education. Many establishments are keen on cutting costs by outsourcing their IT services to commercial providers.Full article | 2 additions | 9 comments
Nick Clegg cancels visit to Oxford
11-11-2010 00:56
LibDem slimebag Nick Clegg has cancelled his visit to Oxford next week, after several inspiring and militant mass actions, citing 'a scheduling problem'.California Research Facility Requests Monkeys For Vivisection
10-11-2010 21:55
letter from animal researcher in California requesting monkeys for vivisectionIt was about much more than university fees...
10-11-2010 21:01
52,000 people took to the streets in London today, but it was about much more than university fees. 10/11/2010.Students occupy Tory HQ against university fees
10-11-2010 18:37
Not content with taking over the streets, students take over Conservative Party HeadquartersAnimal Aid Campaigns Trailer
10-11-2010 11:23
Animal Aid Campaigns Trailer