UK Education Newswire Archive
Sheffield Free School - 8th - 10th October
08-10-2010 16:12

Associated Press, NY Times, Miami Herald Glorify Bear Murder By Arrow
02-10-2010 03:20

TAKE ACTION: Ban BAE from campus this term!
01-10-2010 16:51

Save FTT Jobs at Reading University!
30-09-2010 23:29
Dear AllStaff and students in the Department of Film, Theatre and Television at Reading University have launched a website and online petition to oppose compulsory redundancies in their department.
Please help the campaign by signing the petition

and visit the website

You can also join the Facebook group 'Save FTT Jobs'
An evening with Gabrial Kuhn
29-09-2010 18:00

An age of consent of 14?
27-09-2010 15:33
Peter Tatchell’s speech to the Sex and the Law conference in Sheffield, England, on 23 September 2010, organised the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health:Is HAARP again at work in Venezuela?
26-09-2010 18:08
From Severe Drought to to Nationwide Floods:Is HAARP again at work in Venezuela?
Will we cast our vote for the French Revolution or for the Paris Commune?
22-09-2010 22:06
Barbarism is already worldwide; our Hobson's choice, as a meager possibility, is now either global socialism or human extinction.How to Protect Animals From Hunters
18-09-2010 18:27
Few are as courageous as Alex Pacheco, cofounder of PETA, and Dave Sickles,who got onto a hunter lodge island to frighten the animals into hiding.
Here are some suggestions for those who wish to deflect hunters.
Can Marxists with scientific accuracy predict the future?
17-09-2010 16:20

Environmental Justice Groups’ Concern Continue As Carson-Gore School Opens
14-09-2010 03:50
Parent Exposed to Toxic Vapors from Nearby Oil OperationsSheffield Free School 8-10/10 Prepare for a future without oil or governments...
04-09-2010 17:27
The Sheffield Social Centre Collective
Is Facebook now reflecting the undemocratic, hateful grimace of global fascism?
30-08-2010 15:57
Against a 'Hatebook,' we can only survive by creating our own 'Lifebook,' the Book of Life, the emancipatory Book of Anti-Capitalist Love.Affects of Bullying at School often Overlooked
26-08-2010 02:37

Sunrise Offgrid - reclaiming & redesigning our future - dancing our dream awake
14-08-2010 16:57

50,000 children killed in Catholic Indian residential schools.
12-08-2010 22:38
As part of "Protest the Pope" week a screening of the multi-award winning film "Unrepentant"is scheduled for September 15th at Conway hall in London.
The Librarians Strike Back - Southampton' Libraries to be closed by more Strikes
10-08-2010 11:50

Break the Bank - Camp for Climate Action 2010
06-08-2010 08:27

Break the Bank!
Four days of training and direct action: 21st--24th August
This year we're targeting the Royal Bank of Scotland, one of the world's largest investor in oil, gas and coal.