Manchester Class Struggle Forum #5 - Anarcho-Syndicalism
Mark | 08.07.2010 17:24 | Analysis | Education | Workers' Movements
What is anarcho-syndicalism? How do anarcho-syndicalist unions differ from existing workers' organisations? Do anarcho-syndicalist strategies have any value in 21st Century Britain, or are they 80 years out of date and several countries out of place? Or are anarcho-syndicalist strategies the tool we need to fight back in a period of savage cuts and declining living standards?
The forum will be introduced by a speaker from Manchester Solfed, with open discussion to follow and an open literature table.
Suggested Reading:
'What is anarcho-syndicalism? - libertarian reformism, vanguardism or revolutionary unionism?' (Black Flag) -
'Winning the class war - An anarcho-syndicalist strategy' (Direct Action Movement) -
'The Economics of Freedom - An Anarcho-syndicalist alternative to capitalism' (Solidarity Federation) -
The meeting will take place from 7pm on Monday 19th of July at Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS. Email or ring 07976386737 to express your interest or ask for more info.
The forum will be introduced by a speaker from Manchester Solfed, with open discussion to follow and an open literature table.
Suggested Reading:
'What is anarcho-syndicalism? - libertarian reformism, vanguardism or revolutionary unionism?' (Black Flag) -

'Winning the class war - An anarcho-syndicalist strategy' (Direct Action Movement) -

'The Economics of Freedom - An Anarcho-syndicalist alternative to capitalism' (Solidarity Federation) -

The meeting will take place from 7pm on Monday 19th of July at Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS. Email
