UK Education Newswire Archive
3rd Annual Nottingham Human Rights Film Festival, 4th July - 20th July 2010
23-06-2010 12:46

Combat Stress: PTSD & the Family
20-06-2010 09:33
A public meeting on the affects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the impact it has upon the wider family unit.Demonstration to save Goldsmiths Nursery 9:30AM 21 June Deptford Town Hall SE14
19-06-2010 18:54

Pupils Aged Five Should be Taught all About Sex: Watchdog’s Instruction to Schoo
18-06-2010 16:41
now call me paranoid...democracy village fair and peace weekend 19th to 20th June Parliament Square
18-06-2010 16:16

Manchester College cuts off contact with UCU as staff vote for strike action
14-06-2010 15:11
Principal of The Manchester College (TMC) Peter Tavernor yesterday severed ties with the University and College Union (UCU), accusing the union of “underhand tactics” and trying to “agitate staff” in the row over contracts.University of Manchester falls again in Guardian rankings
10-06-2010 00:36
For the second consecutive year the University of Manchester has fallen in the Guardian’s league table of satisfaction levels among undergraduates.New contracts strictly imposed on Manchester College staff as principal raises o
09-06-2010 10:20
Staff at The Manchester College (TMC) are having new contracts imposed under little or no consultation, with significant changes to working conditions. Meanwhile, much criticised principal Peter Tavernor has awarded himself a 10 per cent pay rise and now earns more than the Prime Minister.The IMF and Afrika - the Double standars and hypocrisy
07-06-2010 14:35
The IMF claims that it has sent Afrika trillions of dollars in so-called aid only for the bulk of it to be squandered by so-called greedy Afrikan leaders. What this article seeks to do is to expose the double standard at play here and impart to White people and others whose media brainwashes them that far from so-called corrupt Afrikan leaders wasting the money in Swiss Bank accounts, the real corruption lies with the West and its corrupt institutions like the IMF.Community garden celebrates keeping chickens
07-06-2010 10:31
As keeping chickens increases in popularity, Barracks Lane Community Garden in Cowley/ East Oxford is holding a Chicken Day, this Saturday 12th June, with the aim to give local people information about keeping chickens on your allotment or at home in your garden.Stop The Mad Cycle
07-06-2010 10:12

Berlin court bans Islamic prayer in schools
06-06-2010 20:47
Students in Berlin are not to be allowed to perform Islamic prayers on school grounds. While the Christian religion is routinely taught at public schools and—according to a 1979 Constitutional Court ruling—Christian school prayers can even be spoken during normal lessons, Islamic students are not allowed to perform their ritual prayers, even if they do this outside of lessons and only once a day.sorting out our own problems :: freiden utopian
05-06-2010 18:12

Sounds on the Downs returns on June 9th!
31-05-2010 20:32
Nottingham's only 100% renewably powered greenfields festival returns on the 9th June from 1-9pm.The IMF and Afrika - the Double standards and hypocrisy
30-05-2010 14:22
Many in the West wrongly beleive that Afrika has squanderd billions in so-called developmental aid money due to the corruption of its leaders. However what the WEstern media fails to point out is the vile and greedy corrption of western multi-national conpanies and thier networks like the IMF - this article seeks to point out to Westerners and others who really benefits from so-called aid money to Afrika - and its not the corrupt leaders the Western media and politicians would have us believe.Rally against Middlesex Uni suspensions
26-05-2010 14:42

Come and show solidarity with students and staff suspended after the Middlesex University occupation. Rally tomorrow, Thursday, 27th May, from 4pm onwards at the Uni's Hendon Campus. There will be another rally the following day, Friday, 28th May, from 10am to 1pm while the hearings take place. NB. For those who came to the occupation, both rallies are at the Hendon campus (address below) and not at the campus where the occupation took place.
Stop the Mad Cycle
18-05-2010 14:20

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Take Back Parliament, Rise of the Purple People, London - Pictures
16-05-2010 14:55

Support student's strike in Puerto Rico (by Latuff)
15-05-2010 15:03