UK Education Newswire Archive
A statement from the occupation at Middlesex
15-05-2010 12:04
In late April 2010, Middlesex University decided to close down Philosophy, its highest research-rated subject; ever since, Middlesex students and staff, and many thousands of their supporters in the UK and around the world, have been battling to save it.In early May, Middlesex Philosophy students took matters into their own hands. On the morning of Tuesday 4 May; when the management cancelled this meeting at short notice, more than 60 students converged on the Dean’s office in the ‘Mansion’ building at Trent Park to demand an explanation. The Dean refused to meet with them. The students decided to occupy.
URGENT - Middlesex occupiers need help to resist eviction
14-05-2010 14:10
The Middlesex management has just gone to the High Court to try and get an eviction order to evict the occupiers. So bailiffs and police are expected any time. Please come down to support us resist the eviction.APP Election Victory
09-05-2010 13:26
There are those who talk and there are those who doMiddlesex Students Occupy Entire Building
05-05-2010 20:56

Beekeepers at war over funding from chemical companies
05-05-2010 11:32

Angry bee keepers have blamed Britain’s rapidly decreasing population of honeybees on their own organisation. By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent .
Sorry to quote the Torygraph, but we have been running a campaign in Europe, for two years and when the mainstream media occasionaly wakes upto reality, we pump it .
Come to Support Occupation at Middlesex University!
04-05-2010 23:57

Occupation at Middlesex University
04-05-2010 13:50
Students currently in occupation at Middlesex University in protest against the closure of the whole philosophy department, which comes after a series of university cuts in the humanities across the country.students of philosophy at middlesex philosophy
04-05-2010 11:21
students of philosophy at middlesex university are occupying the administration officeStudents storm Dean's office, occupation protest against closure
04-05-2010 10:59

Home Builders Federation Condone and Tolerate Members Who Bully?
01-05-2010 23:52

Nottingham Free School's May Day Discussion
30-04-2010 09:39
With Mayday coming soon the Nottingham Free School decided to arrange an open discussion on some of the issues surrounding the day. This discussion took place at the Sumac last Sunday night and is scheduled to be the first in a series which will take place on the final Sunday of each month. The hope is to create a regular space in which we can learn collectively and share our ideas and understandings of issues which strike us to have a particular relevancy. On Sunday we hoped to discuss the nature of class struggle today, as well as the different forms that resistance to capitalism can take, and this was in many ways a success.Bayer Schering: UK Primodos victims demand apology
29-04-2010 12:00
Bayer Schering: UK Primodos victims demand apologyPrimodos victims appear in Bayer shareholder meeting in Cologne tomorrow
Karl Murphy from Liverpool and John Walmisley Santiago from London will speak at Bayer´s shareholder meeting in Cologne/Germany tomorrow. They will demand that the company apologizes to Primodos victims and offers a compensation scheme. Attending will be Bayer´s board, supervisory board and about 4000 shareholders.
An all new term of Sumac Skillshares
20-04-2010 11:55

Emphasising the notion that we are all skill-sharers this term will be seeking to empower and facilitate dormant skills that we have all developed through our life experiences.
Dr Steve Best PHD asks are Vegans Space Aliens or compassionate Earthlings
19-04-2010 14:39
Dr Steve Best PHD, author of "Terrorists or Freedom Fighters" and animal liberation front activist asks the question are Vegans Space Aliens or compassionate Earthlings?How the U.S. Education System Leads to our Global Imperialism
19-04-2010 01:18

Election Poll
15-04-2010 18:35
With the election frenzy of the media in the past week, just where do you stand?London School Students' Union Benefit Gig and Barbecue - Tomorrow!
15-04-2010 12:27
Tomorrow, from 6pm at the Freedom Bookshop until late, LSSU are hosting a benefit gig and barbeuce. There will be poetry, music, and vegetarian food.Yescool: WHAT IS IT? Just an idea?
15-04-2010 11:09
envisoning a physical space where one can learn about fixing the world(1st article from my blog)