What lies beneath the Ark Academy in Brent?
Caz | 30.10.2011 17:21 | Education | Public sector cuts | Technology | World
Although the links to the Brent Council website have long broken, links to these images is at the bottom of this document, so can still be accessed.
Concrete ridges (possibly plinths), described as ‘Car Parking Area’
Google earth image with yellow markers
‘Tree Planning Survey’ submitted to Brent Council when the Ark Academy plans wer

Subject: Planning Application
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:33:01 +0000
> Thanks for that info on the phone Hayden.
> The following, as far as I am aware, has not been made available to the
> public. If you could find out
> where these documents are available I would be most pleased.
> I have sent the Googe Earth image as an attachment, as I don't think the
> image will appear on the email.
> I will get back to you tomorrow.
> 1) As far as I am aware, planning permission for the following has not been
> made available on the Brent Council website.
> a) Reinforced concrete slab, and works on western side of property, marked
> with yellow markers on google earth map:
> b) Cement ridges and ‘site tank’ shown on page 22 of this document
> described as ‘car parking area’ and ‘site storage tank’:

> 2) Planning Application Design and Access Statement, p.16, cites planning
> application drawings as follows:

> 1193-PL020 Sections AA, BB & CC,
> 1193-PL021 Section DD,
> 1193-PL022 Section EE.
> 3) ‘Statement of Community Involvement in the process of establishing Ark
> Academy’,

> as follows:
> a) Document 2: ‘Consultation on temporary buildings/feasibility study for
> permanent buildings through newsletter and public meetings’, is not
> provided.
> b) Document 5: Meeting with Youth Parliament 16 September 2008 is not
> provided.
> If these documents are available and I have overlooked them, could you
> please let me know where I can access them.
Subject: Re: Planning Application
> From:

> Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 12:06:28 +0000
> Further to our converasation this morning, I wish to confirm the following:
> Document 2 of the Statement of Community Involvement appears to have
> been ommitted in error. I will contact the applicant to chase this up;
> I believe that the email from Bruce Sounes dated 30 September 2008 is
> the document refered to as 'document 5', although it does not appear to
> be labelled as such;
> The various existing structures you have identified on the application
> site appear to relate to previous uses of the site, such as a go-cart
> racing track. The planning history of the site does not indicate that
> these structures were granted planning permission. Similarly, the uses
> themselves do not appear to have benefited from planning permission;
> Sectional drawings of the proposal have been provided on drawing PL028.
> It seems to me that this drawing must have superceded drawings PL020,
> 021, and 022 prior to submission.
> I hope this is of some help,
> Hayden Taylor
> Planner
> ( Office: +44 (0) 20 8937 5345
> Ê Fax: +44 (0) 20 8937 5207
> : Email: mailto:

> *Address: The Planning Service, 4th Floor, Brent House, 349 High Road,
> Wembley, HA9 6BZ
> To
> 18/12/2008 14:20 cc
> Subject: Planning |Application
> Dear Hayden,
> Thanks for the reply. Thank you for chasing up the missing Document 2 of
> the Statement of Community Involvement. The existing structures I identified on
> the site do not 'relate to previous uses of the site, such as a go-cart
> racing track.'
> They specifically refered to (with photographs), reinforced concrete in the
> lower south-east corner of the site, unknown works on the western part of the
> site, and the 'site storage tank', and the 'car park'. These have nothing
> to do with a 'go-cart racing track', as they are in a completely different
> location.
> I stated:
> Cement ridges and ‘site tank’ shown on page 22 of this document
> described as ‘car parking area’ and ‘site storage tank’:

> The two other locations I referred to I have sent, again, as an attachment,
> the two locations marked with yellow markers.
> Can you please state whether you have acces to planning permission for
> these locations, or if you do not. If you do have planning permission for
> these sites please let me know how to access them. If this is not possible,
> please confirm that there is no available planning permission for these
> works.
> Subject: Re: Planning |Application
> From:

> Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 15:23:34 +0000
> It seemed to me that you were referring to existing structures on the site,
> which would be likely to relate to previous uses of the site, of which
> there have been many. If your enquiries relate to current works on the
> site, please let me know. It is a little unclear exactly what you are
> trying to find out, perhaps you could help me to put your enquiries into
> context.
> As previously stated, there does not appear to have been any planning
> applications that specifically relate to the structures you have
> identified. I have attached a copy of the site history for your perusal.
> Regards,
> Hayden Taylor
> Planner
> ( Office: +44 (0) 20 8937 5345
> Ê Fax: +44 (0) 20 8937 5207
> : Email: mailto:

> *Address: The Planning Service, 4th Floor, Brent House, 349 High Road,
> Wembley, HA9 6BZ
Ark Academy site planning history which Hayden Taylor of Brent Council Planning Department provided:

Images referred to in the above:
Concrete ridges (possibly plinths), described as ‘Car Parking Area’:

Site Storage Tank:

Google earth image with yellow markers:

‘Tree Planning Survey’ submitted to Brent Council when the Ark Academy plans were submitted (incorporating the pre-existing concrete structure):

Close-up of this ‘Tree-Planning Survey’:

Glenda Jackson’s (Brent MP) response earlier this year (2011) to the information that the Ark Academy in Brent is built on top of underground cells was (quote):
‘So what?’
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