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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Dialog among Civilizations: Whytalksfail? Part-1

23-03-2007 05:15

This analysis explores why dialogs among civilizations continually fail to produce results by showcasing one short dialog as an illustrative example. The showcased dialog is meant to illustrate the depth of passion, preconceptions, and self-interests that often formulate opposing view points such that if ever they come together for a discussion, they fail to communicate despite all the rationality and compassion they can muster in the best of cases, friends. The Preamble is informally structured into three seamless sections. First section is the narrative that highlights vast disparity in views, emotional affiliations, and cultural attachments, as exemplary of any deeply contentious and dichotomous problem space that is insoluble and irresolute under current best practices among nations and peoples. The second section is the analysis that points towards a rational approach that can potentially make this problem tractable and make contentious dialogs among civilizations actually work despite jealously coddled self-interests. It further examines a snippet from a dialog between former American President Jimmy Carter and his detractors on his own new book "Palestine, Peace not Apartheid" to extend the analysis. The third section develops the rational solution space by proposing a strangely commonsensical algorithm that has hitherto been ignored by nations and statesmen alike, like the proverbial trumpeting elephant in the bridal suite. It further makes suggestions on how to globally deploy this algorithm to validate its premise. The Preamble is followed by a short illustrative dialog in the form of letters and replies to demonstrate how dialogs fail. The illustrative sequence showcasing where it succeeds is left for Part-2. Hopefully that will happen - by employing the commonsensical algorithm developed here - before another civilization is made to hit the dust at the hands of hectoring hegemons!

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Respect Community Forum - Another Education is Possible

22-03-2007 10:34

Respect Community Forum - Another Education is Possible
7.30pm Tuesday 27th March
Ross Street Community Centre

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It's Hotting Up

22-03-2007 01:02

A quick update from one of the Spring Into Action attendees.

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Lobby to keep English lessons free

21-03-2007 12:54

Save ESOL petition and placards
While constituents of Siôn Simon MP talked to him in his surgery, supporters of a campaign to keep English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes free of charge were outside collecting a petition in Erdington High St. They had a warm welcome from many local residents.

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10 ways to get free MP3s

21-03-2007 10:46

10 ways to get free MP3s

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Birmingham protests 4 years ago against the invasion of Iraq

21-03-2007 10:08

This week marks the fourth anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq. It also signaled the beginning of a tide of civil disobedience that swept across the country. The following pictures show some of what happened on that day on Birmingham University's campus.

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Nottingham University Student Die-In :: to protest at un-ethical investments

21-03-2007 00:31

Nottingham University Student held a Die-In outside the Portland Building On Tuesday afternoon [20 March] at 1.00pm to protest at un-ethical investments and the university's connection with the arms trade.

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Schwarzenegger Betrays Students on Tuitions

20-03-2007 18:40

Advocate groups for free education consider the recent tuition hikes for UC and CSU students to be no less than a tax on college students. California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has done nothing to make education affordable for students since he was elected in 2003. In the past the governor’s office has made it clear that education is a right for K-12, but not for higher education.

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Radical Academics

18-03-2007 22:54

Several Speakers were talking at an event titled "Radical Academics in neoliberal university Inc: Experiences and Horizons on May 24th 2006.

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International Media Conference

17-03-2007 13:43

Major International Media Conference Coming To Windsor
Chomsky, Herman, Goodman, McChesney, Jhally, K'naan (& more) Among
Internationally Renowned Media Scholars and Journalists to Attend Event

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Greece: The police transformed the biggest student demonstration since last year

15-03-2007 11:02

This Thursday March 8 in Athens and Thessalonica, two great demonstrations took place at the time when the Parliament voted the new law -cadre. In Athens, 40.000 demonstrators were in the streets, 5000 in Thessalonica. The demonstration of Athens was regarded as the main event and gathered demonstrators from all of Greece. That of Thessalonica was more local and gathered students from the city itself and north of Greece.

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KIibera: This World Is Not Your Home?

13-03-2007 19:28

Kibera Drive Times
A region bordering Ngong Forest Reserve in the western part of Kenya's capital city Nairobi is now a big media hit. After a few prominent "rescue visits" from popular society.

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Greece: Students' parents clash with the police outside the court

13-03-2007 08:38

Athens Court, Monday: Parents clashed with the police outside building 7, were the the minor charges are facing trial. The conflict started after some parents tried to enter the building, and they were pushed away by the cops. The conflict spread around and the cops started hitting. The cops sprayed some parents on the face, one parent collapsed and another one was transferred to the hospital.
Photos posted in Indymedia show a cop hitting, by holding his baton the way round, which is strictly prohibited.

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Occupation at Lancaster Uni

12-03-2007 23:47

A Mongolian Yurt has been put up on the main square of Lancaster University to resist the superficial interpretation of what it means to live in "one world".

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Update from Greece: Ongoing repression, tear gas and arrests

09-03-2007 00:16

The police keeps provoking against the students' protest, a situation that has started earlier in the afternoon, as the new law for the University structure was being voted in the parliament

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GREECE, breaking news: The most severe police brutality against 35.000 students

08-03-2007 19:18

Thousands of students and teachers, protesting against the new law for the universities which is being voting at the moment, were brutally repressed by the police.

(visit Athens indymedia for follow ups)

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Help us to rebuild Sheffield Girls College Bagh,KASHMIR

08-03-2007 11:19

Our appeal is to raise 300k to rebuild a sheffield girls college in the Bagh area.
Bagh was one the most hit area that took the lives of 300 young children and 60% of the area is still under rubble.

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Contact for BRIGHTON Autonomous Students Society

08-03-2007 01:02

I can't seem to find it on the internet...

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Student Venezuela Meeting at SOAS

07-03-2007 22:13

Student HOV will hold its next event this
Thursday, March 8th, at SOAS from 6pm, details bellow! It will feature
members of the HOV delegation who visited Caracas for the elections at the
end of last year, and should prove a very interesting and enjoyable even

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Kashmir Bazaar 2007

06-03-2007 09:06

Sheffielders are assisting the people of Bagh in Kashmir ,one of the most affected area with 60% still under the rubble to rebuild a girls college that was totally demolished and since then no education of any sort has been delivered.
The Lord Mayor kindly chose the Sheffield Bagh Girls College as one of her 3 charities.The Kashmir Bazaar will take place on 23rd March in the Town Hall between 10 and 4 to help raise further monies. Please bring allyour gifts and items to the 1st stop reception so we can raise funds to help those in great need.
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