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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Varde Crest Nicholson Open Weekend The Captain - Family Help Appeal

13-11-2012 06:17

Knock Down Offer To Contract Crest Nicholson Penarth Heights
Wrong is wrong - right? Immoral is immoral. Negligence is negligence. Varde Crest Nicholson is wrong in the history and account of the Shalom Family in Wales, and although many years have passed, this saga isn't over yet. Penarth Heights in Cardiff Bay, a Crest Nicholson Flagship development, gets another visit asking for help. A NOTICE was delivered, reproduced here in full.

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'Can We Rebuild the Plebs Tradition?'/Destruction of Archives at Ruskin College

01-11-2012 12:25

Meeting in Barsley on 24th November organised by the Independent Working-Class Education Network entitled 'Can We Rebuild the Plebs Tradition?'
Also, info on how the archives of Ruskin College, pioneer institution of working-class education, have been partly destroyed, on the instructions of the college principal and despite protests and an offer from the Bishopsgate Institute to take everything. What remains may still be at risk.

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Alfie Meadows & Zac King retrial — Day 3

01-11-2012 11:01

Police feared overcrowding in Parliament Square on the day Alfie
Meadows nearly died — but kettled protesters who arrived anyway, a
court has heard.

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Speech by Robert H. King at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge

11-10-2012 18:17

Robert King and Professor Michael Thorne, Vice Chancellor of Anglia Ruskin Univ.
On Tuesday Oct. 9, Robert King of the Angola 3 received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England, for his achievements as a civil rights campaigner. The full text of the speech made by King at the ceremony, which moved the audience of over 2,000 to a standing ovation, is below.

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The Black Fish UK speaking tour

10-10-2012 11:01

The Black Fish speaking tour - London
The Black Fish marine conservation organisation are holding an speaking/information tour of the UK. The co-founder Wietse van der Werf will be travelling the UK giving talks on industrial overfishing and the creative ways The Black Fish is turning the tide, as well as other Black Fish campaigns against marine animal captivity and much more.

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The Film 'Four Horsemen' & ARK (Absolute Return for Kids)

29-09-2012 17:09

'Four Horsemen', a recent film of exposure/analysis of the so-called economic disaster, interviews Camila Batmanghelidjh, who operates hand in hand with ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) which therefore undermines the credibility of this film. ARK is part of the insidious ‘olympians’ (aka Committee of 300, or John Adam Street Gang) network.

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Preparing for peace with Wrexham schoolchildren

24-09-2012 21:43

banner at the school gate (photo: Paul Lowndes)
Grassroots activists, singers, musicians, poets, artists, cooks, holistic therapists, photographers and film-makers along with teachers, members of faith groups and atheists, council officers and others have been working together to bring the subjects of peace, conflict resolution and nonviolent action into the public domain in Wrexham. These efforts resulted in three days of events last week focused around World Peace Day. The first of these days took place in a local school.

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20-22 September: Three days for peace in Wrexham

19-09-2012 10:53

Last year, people in Wrexham came together for an inclusive day of music, celebration, information and sharing for International Peace Day on 21 September. Read about it here:

This year, we're going to be back, for three days.

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Teacher X: Why I'm striking, JCB

11-09-2012 23:17

I am willing to sacrifice an awful lot to protect the students I serve every day. I am not hurting our kids by striking, I’m striking to restore some semblance of reasonable care for students to this system.

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The Constitution Unit - 'constitutional change'. Who controls it?

06-09-2012 20:58

The Constitution Unit describes itself as ‘The UK's leading research body on constitutional change’. It was also said by Ben Rogers of Prospect Magazine: as 'preparing the ground for a hung parliament and enabling the creation of a coalition government...’

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Double Demonstration against dogs4us

02-09-2012 23:34

Boycott Dogs4us
To co-inside with the Worldwide Anti Puppy Farming Day

We will once again do double demonstrations at LEEDS store and MANCHESTER store

Join with us and make this day special for the animals

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Child Kidnapping By The UK Government Cconference. Now It's Our Turn To Expose You.

30-08-2012 12:50

news paper article
The child protection and the future of our famillies conference is on 12th and 13th september 2012 suncastle north parade skegness. 9 to 6pm.

We expose the corruption and the cover ups leaving thousands of famillies child less. We are protecting our children from goverment and their agents abusing our children

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Who rigged Britain’s hung parliament? ‘The Institute’ rigged it.

26-08-2012 17:10

Quote from ‘The Institute for Government’ Annual Accounts, 2011:

'Just think of the role that The Institute for Government ....played for preparing the ground for a hung parliament and enabling the creation of a coalition government...’

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NATIONAL DEMO - London, Weds 21 Nov - #Demo2012

23-08-2012 00:01

National Union of Everyone, Solidarity Action
London, Weds 21 Nov 2012 - #Demo2012

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Radical Anthropology Sep 8 Taster day (London)

22-08-2012 13:45

The Radical Anthropology Group is holding a free Taster Day in London on Sep 8

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ECF declared Institutionally Racist by father of Junior England Chess Player

13-08-2012 22:35

Yousuf reveals injuries following attack (09/08/12) by Brigitte Weaver. Mureck
Junior England Chess Player Yousuf, returned home to England on Friday 10th August from Austria. He was visibly injured and traumatised following an alleged 'racist' attack upon him by Brigitte Weaver. As a result of events which led to Yousuf's injuries, his father Sohale declares the English Chess Federation institutionally racist.

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A real Big Society: South Bristol's practical example of sustainable development

11-08-2012 12:16

Friday Drivetime - BCfm’s weekly politics show
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

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Child Chess Player for England Attacked at EU Championship

10-08-2012 22:43

from right to left, brothers Ibraheem, Yousuf & Ieyssa,
13 year old Yousuf currently representing England at the European Union Youth Championships in Austria was attacked today during a chess tournament by an Adult female, Brigitte Weaver, a member of the England chess delegation.
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