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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Role of the Media NEW BOOK: BAD NEWS FROM ISRAEL (ei)

29-06-2004 08:26

The study suggests that television news on the Israel/Palestinian conflict confuses viewers and substantially features Israeli government views. Israelis are quoted and speak in interviews over twice as much as
Palestinians and there are major differences in the language used to describe the two sides. This operates in
favours of the Israelis and influences how viewers understand the conflict.
This edition of the (E.I) also includes a piece on corruption in the Palestinian authority which I bosched on just to level things up. As in any struggle it's the innocent civilians who suffer. while fat cats get fatter..

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engineered bt soil virus in commercial use

28-06-2004 19:16

it has come to my attention that certain products are available pesticide free and are sold near to and next to organic produce... it has become clear that in some cases these products are maintain and grown with the use of genetically modified bt soil virus's. a batch of them were registered back in 94 and i am sure others have been registerd since. i understand that many were not employed until 97 or later.

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Yard Sign Project Update

28-06-2004 04:35

10 of the Commandments of the Geneva Convention
Open Invitation to Participate:

Yard Sign Project ( includes two additional images (jpeg attachments included here) for free downloads.i

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21-06-2004 13:32

Justice Rally for Anna Scher on Friday 25th June 5.30 - 6.30pm outside the Anna Scher Theatre, Barnsbury Road, Islington, London N1

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Day of Rage: students call for creative resistance

15-06-2004 23:42

BREAKING NEWS: leaflet found on campus!!!!
University management ignores students and staff, closing one of the most successful art department in the country - and more!

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ICG-UK Position

15-06-2004 17:31

Press release

IGC-European Constitution
Assembly of European Regions deplores UK government decision to grant the Union exclusive competence in Health & Education Policy

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Consumers of the world, unite!: On German Politics

13-06-2004 20:18

"One could say: capitalism is the highest form of communism: Consumers of the world, unite! The standardizxed person is the result, foolish, eating like a pig and eager for applause. The base of all culture is lost: differentiation and tolerance.."

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Secondary Illiterates: The Crisis of Education in Western Industrial Countries

11-06-2004 16:38

"European literacy and the schooling of society were not generous civilizing gifts to people but part of that process described in the critical literature with the term `inner colonialization'..Infrastructural institutions like the postal service, the water supply, the public health system and education are not market enterprises but overall social conditions of the market economy.."Other articles by R.Kurz are on

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New Start for Caribbean Carnival of Manchester

09-06-2004 15:53

Manchester’s legendary Caribbean carnival has a new name, a freshly elected committee and is to be supported by a local cutting-edge events company.

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OutRage! welcomes London Lesbian and Gay Museum

08-06-2004 07:42

OutRage! is delighted to hear that there is so much support for the museum. The lives and stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have been largely ignored and even written out of the ‘official’ history books. Much of history has been ‘sanitised’ of our queer lives and this project will be an invaluable resource in reclaiming much of it.

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'Wobblies' film screening

07-06-2004 23:03

London Socialist Film Co-op screening of: “WOBBLIES” a documentary on trade union activity in the USA between 1905 and 1918

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TONIGHT! What's So Grand about Banks? (At the Ex-Grand Banks Social Centre!)

03-06-2004 15:52

Thursday 3rd June
Open discussion evening at The Occupied Social Centre (formerly “The Grand Banks”), Tufnell Park NW5:

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OFVM Shooting Video course - only £15 for claimants

02-06-2004 09:41

Shooting Video Intensive - 6-day course at OFVM - £15 for people on benefits

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Professor advocates blood and fire

27-05-2004 19:33

To avoid dismissal, the professor should take a test on the subject of why “the prophet and the demagogue do not belong on the academic platform.”

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Who needs propergander, what you need is this...

27-05-2004 16:27

This was pulled off the Sydney ICM, it needed no changes even though it has local content the media is Murdock here as well. Mr Jon Wood Wrote it I just Happen to agree, gave me a break any how so read it and weep for you have no say and you comment less...

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Misrepresentation in the Media: conference at Manchester University

27-05-2004 14:55

Mis/Representation in the Media: Rethinking Media's Impact on Contemporary Society

This conference will be held by the faculty of arts, and the faculty of social sciences and laws on 17/18th June. Entry is free, but they want you to pre-register.

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Kensington Academy

25-05-2004 11:21

Less an article than a question. I am surprised, considering the recent local controversy surounding the building of a new secondary school in Kensington, that there is no comment on this site.

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Ignore her Advice at your Peril: Jane Jacobs' Dark Age Ahead

21-05-2004 15:25

"Her message is that to ignore the poor's plight is to allow this pillar of community (marriage) to warp and disintegrate. Then society as a whole risks sliding into a Dark Age." North Americans must heed the warning signs of the next Dark Age or risk cultur4al collapse.

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New 1 in 12 Club Anarchist Library Grand Opening

20-05-2004 20:19

Protag performs the ceremonial cutting of the ribbon
The 29th of April saw the grand opening of the 1 in 12 Clubs new library in the recently renovated top floor room of its Bradford premises. Invited guests and friends enjoyed fine food, wine and humorous speeches as two seperate collections of books were brought together in one space. The original 1 in 12 Club's Albert Meltzer Collection, opened by the veteran anarchist in 1996, now combined with 1,500 new titles bequeathed to the club by the late Bradford anti-fascist Reuben Goldberg.

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Sign our protest! Ambassador advocates separation of Roma children from parents

17-05-2004 17:39

In a TV Interview EU Commission's Ambassador proposed to separate Romani children from their parents to submit them to "the system values of the dominant society". Almost no reaction from the EU Commission. Join the Roma organisations in their protest! Spread this message!
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