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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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Hunter S Thompson: The Way He Would Have Wanted It

04-03-2005 22:43

Hunter was at home, surrounded by his gun collection. It was the nearest he ever came to feeling safe in the United States. He was working on his new editorial and had dropped some mescaline about an hour ago in order to "ease the flow of consciousness from concept to human thought and finally into the written word."

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Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army desperately needs a LOGO !!!

04-03-2005 15:11

The clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown has set up a competition for graphic designers and friends to design them a logo !!!

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Festival of Mapping Invitation

04-03-2005 14:29

Invitation to help curate a free Festival of Maps and Mapping in and around the social centre 56a Infoshop in South London

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Amerikan Exploded ...(In Memory of Hunter S. Thompson)

04-03-2005 03:13

Reeling from the murder of a dear friend at Christmas, 1986, “I” dropped acid with friends from the college newspaper, and listened to an older guy (over 30) spout conspiracy theories. He was “our” paranoid editor-in-chief. The ex-editor, a woman also in her thirties, Native American and witness to Wounded Knee Part 2 (34), lived on a nearby reservation. Between the big chief’s theories of who killed “our” friend, why, and how who did it might be after “us,” and the ex-big chief’s revelations re: bad omens—a hawk committing suicide by flying into a cliff at the reservoir, an evil spirit rattling her trailer before dawn—“we” would gather and listen to them…and totally freak out.

Read the rest at

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Banner Theatre's 30th Anniversary Celebration

03-03-2005 13:41

Banner Theatre
Join us in celebrating Thirty Years of Banner Theatre: 1974-2004

In Birmingham on 8-9 April 2005 Banner will be celebrating 30 years of
creating hard-hitting documentary theatre with and for community and trade
union audiences.

As you may know, Banner has based its work on key issues of our time,
ranging from fights to prevent closure and privatisation of major
industries, like coal, steel and public utilities, through to struggles
against racism, sexism and imperialism. To date the company has created over 30 major documentaries, numerous cassettes and CDs, plus hundreds of songs and street theatre productions.

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Liverpool Social Forum- late notice!

03-03-2005 09:50

Next LSF meeting is TOMORROW (friday)!

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Punishment Park 35th Anniversary Re-Release...

03-03-2005 03:00

Punishment Park still
Peter Watkins' extraordinary Punishment Park ("one of the most incendiary documents of radicalism ever made") to receive a UK cinema re-release...

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Punishment Park

02-03-2005 21:47

Punishment Park 35th Anniversary Cinema Re-Release...

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'Stitches in Time' - exhibition, part of Oxford International Women's Festival

27-02-2005 11:24

An exhibition of traditional Palestinian embroidery and South African story telling through tapestry. Presented to you by Keiskamma Art Project (www.keiskamma .org) and Network of Oxford Women (NOW) for Justice and Peace (

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the anagram of Saint Precario

26-02-2005 22:18

(bad computer translation of article about spoof fashion show in milan)...

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GOTCHA! fashion industry spoofed

26-02-2005 22:09

Tonight saw the climax of an ambitious and extranvagant hoax against the corporate media and the fashion industry in Milan...

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Sweated Labour: Women Workers in the Garment Trade (exhibition)

26-02-2005 12:34

This is the first event in Oxford Women's International Festival 2005, running from Tuesday 1st to Sunday 20 March in the Museum of Oxford. The Festival is in its sixteenth year, and the programme is, if anything, even richer and more varied than before. Most events are free, and many are in or near the city centre. For more details see

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Talking About Total Freedom in London

25-02-2005 13:29

3th, 4th, 5th of March 2005 Talking About Total Freedom
in Circle Community Centre/St.George Theatre/49 Tufnell Park Road London/phone:02076091283Talking circles, lectures, concets, void optikal arts,films, documentaries, sound systems, visionary revolutionary ideas and space travelers meeting point

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Palestinian Music in Brighton

25-02-2005 10:35

Thursday March 3rd at 7pm, Sallis Benney Theatre, Grand Parade, Brighton.

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Wild Thyme Community Cafe in Cambridge

24-02-2005 22:04


3 Course Vegan Meal
DJ & Live Music
Bring your own Bottle

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precarity is in fashion

24-02-2005 20:29

The Milan fashion week was again the target of a protest by antiprecarity activists today (thursday), a big suprise is promised for the end of the fashion week...

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PHILIPPINES : Subanen families face eviction

24-02-2005 15:48

Eighty-six families of the Subanen tribe are being threatened with eviction from their ancestral land by the Canadian mining company TVI.

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Communication, Miscommunication and Propaganda - CIF Seminar series starts today

24-02-2005 10:32

The CONTEMPORARY IDEOLOGY FORUM seminar series (semester 2) starts today (24 February) with Andrew Smith (MP) talking on 'Political campaigning and its effectiveness: Getting the Message across'

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Phoney'CaJone'Gate- Exorcism* of Extremism Utilizing Synergism of Truism's

24-02-2005 01:20

RoVianism? = Quizz'em! & EnVision NoFascism
TruSTING in the TransManifestation of Malignant, metastasizing , Machevellian, MaleCultMatrix
Cathartic & Comprehensive OverView of ' Message ' of Integration Revealed by GannonScandal
What's Going On Here? Why Does This matter??....,Oh, Just UNhealthy BigGov/BigPress concentration and collaboration in a DisInfo campaign directed at American citizens!, scandalously using manufactured-reporters and manufactured news, restricting growth and change, as an inevitable becoming frustrating, sinister and not allowable, cuz! - restricting InFo and 'spinning' insults & insulates Americans from reality and new tomorrow's. Democracies BREATHE upon in-formed consent of the ShareHolders.
This story is, in addition a hopeful, healing, holoGraphic look at the issues of concentrated wealth/media, concentration of facts, Public Right to Know concerns, new Citizen-Media surveillance, Gov accountability, Press credibility, homophobia, bigotry, blackmail, payola & UnderMining democratic consent by masterMinDinG artificially mis-created fantasy groupthink, demographic SuperOrganisms.
it is said the 3 top money-industries are oil, arms and drugs, it's time to ask the '4th estate' if we should add a 4th..., sex.
STILL,.. it's also about this!..., ancient, archetypal, 'holding pattern' because of Individual & Collective, UNre-solved, UNconscious, impulses, conflicts and repression, but Historic chance & challenge for Awkening, Redeeming & UNiting CUZ amazingly...,
It's a gesture from the Universe, beckoning us, demanding us to integrate it and thereby receive its

...if the world is given ya' lemons..., make lemonade.
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