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the anagram of Saint Precario

milano | 26.02.2005 22:18 | Culture | World

(bad computer translation of article about spoof fashion show in milan)...

Fashion, the Global does not reveal the enigma ' has created we Serpica Naro' the name of the sedicente designer is the anagram of Saint Precario MILAN - In an interview it has declared: "conflict if not in the common one straight to the dream does not exist". On the situated one they come brought back the controversies provoked from the "its spregiudicato use of thematic social and metropolitan atmospheres". "Lascerò Milan without words", had promised Serpica Naro, "young person artist and anglonipponica designer", and in fact therefore has been, above all why Serpica Naro does not exist. The organizers of the week of the from Milan fashion have only this evening uncovered, little before the paraded one of the sedicente designer, that he would have had to close the appointments in calendar, than draft of a prank of ' Not global' that they make head to Saint Precario, and in fact Serpica Naro is the anagram of Saint Precario. The attache's of the National Room of the Fashion have been trick to you from the interesting ' look book' of the sedicente initially designer and they have not hesitated to credit it and to insert it in the official calendar of the presentations. To confirm their good faith, however, there were, and there are still, it is a situated one dedicated to the designer, is other situated Internet that they speak about she, created for the occasion, is an office prints Italian, one Japanese and one English, beyond to nonexistent addresses of showroom to Tokyo and London and fantomatiche reviews prints. In order to conquer the confidence of the attache's to the jobs, then, it has been also created a situated one of news on the week of the fashion, dedicated to the young designers, from which more fictitious controversy launch from Not the Global against the Japanese designer is divampata an anchor, guilty having chosen the adjacent spaces the social center Bower, from which, instead, the operation has left all. In order to mount the boutade, global they are not invents pure a rough past to you for Serpica, disclosing on mailing list homosexual one false news: and that is that the designer, in 2001, had dealt itself for activist gay in order to convince numerous members of the Japanese homosexual community to make from models for a fashionable magazine alternative, in order then instead to use of the images in its publicity. Therefore the prebeloveds have been able to circulate communicate you polemici against the Japanese designer and to announce manifestations of protest to paraded its. Nothing protests instead, only the detection of the deceit: "Serpica Naro is a metamarchio, than servants launch a place of creativity encounter autoprodotte and of sharing of the saperi that - one of the organizers explains, of the Chainworkers collective - after the paraded one odierna, it will find space in the situated official of the feint designer, but to one single condition, being ' open source ', like the Linux software, that is copiabile and riproducibile". However the paraded one has been indeed, organized from the Chainworkers. On the footbridge of the Bower they have paraded eight models dedicates you to the difficult living conditions of the precario worker. They have been proposals wrapping dresses ' you hide maternity ', skirts ' anti-hand morta' scattered of traps for rats, coverallses from job that hide the pigiama, why some time is difficult to wake up itself for the turns of morning, and dresses sdoppia you for who make two jobs. After the precaria performance, also one paraded true and own with models autoprodotti from young truths of movement: the London line Sailor Mars, that it is born from the mercatini of the used one, the ' from Milan Industrial couture', with dresses all aerografati by hand, and the Spanish ' Yo mango collection ', with full heads of pockets to soffietto, creating in order to steal. Yo Mango, in fact, is a Spanish collective, whose literal translation is ' I steal ', been born from the workers of the Spanish chain Mango that in order to round off the salary had decided to steal some head, putting in motion a movement of ' expense proletaria' and of trade-union defense of the prebeloveds he pays you to 90 days. After the paraded one, under cavalcavia Bussa, music live and dances in honor of Saint Precario (26 February 2005)
