UK Culture Newswire Archive
The 'Jesuits of Capitalism'
27-06-2005 15:57
Blair's apparent fave consultancy firm McKinsey.Mini-Festival This tHURSDAY!
27-06-2005 15:42
Mini Festival in Birmingham, featuring Food Not Bombs, Filastine, Persons Unknown, LOst Film Fest and the Infernal Noise Brigade. One night only!FCUK The G8! Hip Hop EP Out Now
27-06-2005 15:29
The Fuk The G8 Hip Hop EP 12" Vinyl is out now. It is a Limited pressing and features 4 tunes by Manage, Syanyde, Chemo and MC Excentral The Tempest. Its AntiCapiatalist, Anti G8, Anti Cop, pro partying and Fooking havin' it!!!.ZINE READERS LISTENING NIGHT-56a Infoshop, London
27-06-2005 13:33
For those not in Scotland, the 56a Infoshop Social Centre in South London presents a night of zinery and relaxation.InfernalNoiseBrigade -vs- RhythmsOfResistance + LostFilmFest + Filastine G8Benefit Wed
27-06-2005 12:29
RampART presents a real mid week spectacular this wednesday 29th from 7pmTELL YOUR FRIENDS
Treat your ears to a once in a lifetime double bill drum fest with the inspiring Rhythms of Resistance facing off the mighty Infernal Noise Brigade who are fresh off plane from the USA.
Also flown over the pond to play at the rampART before heading up to the G8 is the awesome Filastine, but that not all.
For your viewing pleasure, the LOSTFILMFEST is coming into town too!
The truly independent *** anti-authoritarian *** anti-corporate *** grassroots DIY media extravaganza from West Philadelphia, hosted by Festival Director Scott Beibin (Bloodlink Records, Evil Twin Booking) is a laugh-a-riot event with equal emphasis on both "laugh" and "riot."
Focusing on pranks vs. corporations and government, pie fights with cops, riot footage, and culture jamming, you'll love the punk rock urgency of the Lost Film Fest and its celebration of media archaeology and illegal art, incorporating live performance and video.
29 of june at the RAMPART, from 7pm TIL LATE!!!
benefit gig lantern theatre sheffield saturday july 9th 2005
27-06-2005 10:49

UN links herb smokers to terrorism: propaganda!
27-06-2005 09:10

Free Radicals mp3: Eyebrows
27-06-2005 05:01
Gloria Edwards - vocals, Nelson Mills III - scat, Ian Varley - electric piano, Marcos Melchor - sax, Chris Anderson - guitar, Theo Bijarro - bass, Nick Cooper - drumsGirl in a Cafe my arse! BBC TV G8 Film Tosh
27-06-2005 00:55
Girl in a Cafe my arse. This was Imperialism in a Hotel.Stuart Hodkinson.
For those unfortunate enough to have just sat through Richard Curtis's (a.k.a. 'Bob with a brain') ridiculous BBC TV film, The Girl in the Cafe, about a pretend G8 summit in a Reykjavik hotel, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Yes, you really did just watch a jingoistic political broadcast on behalf of New Labour. Yes, she really did interrupt the PM's speech at the G8 dinner by clicking her fingers every 3 seconds to mark a child dying of extreme poverty in Africa. And no, you really didn't learn a single thing about the causes of that poverty, the culpability of the present UK government and the destructive role of the G8 in the world.
Stonehenge - Summer Solstice 2005 :: Pictures 3 Clearence
25-06-2005 10:48

Stonehenge - Summer Solstice 2005 :: Pictures 2 After dawn
25-06-2005 10:44

Stonehenge - Summer Solstice 2005 :: Pictures 1 Before dawn
25-06-2005 10:39

Newsflash: The Oil Is Running Out!
25-06-2005 10:31
In short, the so called "alternatives" to oil are actually "derivatives" of oil. Without an abundant and reliable supply of oil, we have no way of scaling these alternatives to the degree necessary to power the modern world.more stonehenge picture
24-06-2005 01:19

peacefull gathering in a...miltary zone!
MAKING POVERTY HISTORY (Emergency on Planet Earth)
23-06-2005 10:49
It's not possible to make poverty history. And even if it was a small number of people would get VERY rich doing so therfore creating more poverty.Art Not Oil heads to Scotland - update & call for help
22-06-2005 22:13

I hope it's OK to write with a wish list...
Bob Trubshaw, "Sacred Places" at Libra Aries Books
22-06-2005 14:22
Bob Trubshaw speaks on "The Invention of Sacred Places" at Libra Aries Books. Sunday 26th June 2005 at 2pm.Please Think Fast
22-06-2005 13:09
The long-term implications of Peak Oil on your way of lifeare nothing short of mind blowing. As we slide down the
downslope of the global oil production curve, we may find
ourselves slipping into what some scientists are calling a
“post-industrial stone age.”
Save Yourselves
22-06-2005 13:07
The long-term implications of Peak Oil on your way of lifeare nothing short of mind blowing. As we slide down the
downslope of the global oil production curve, we may find
ourselves slipping into what some scientists are calling a
“post-industrial stone age.”