UK Culture Newswire Archive
19-12-2004 06:40
A new drugs bill introduced to parliament on 16 Dec will extend police powers, including the power to test for class A drugs simply by arrest. Those testing positive would be required to attend an assessment and follow-up appointment.Additionally, the bill will clarify the current ambiguity relating to the legal status of magic mushrooms, making POSSESSION OF ALL PSILOCYBIAN MUSHROOMS ILLEGAL. Fresh/unprepared mushrooms are currently legal to possess and sell in the UK. Mushrooms artificially dried/prepared for consumption are currently class A. Psilocybian mushrooms are of deep spiritual value as entheogenic sacraments to many people. Their further prohibition constitutes not an increase in the repression of both freedom of spiritual belief, and of basic civil liberties. Common features of the "drug war". I hate to say it, but i kinda saw this coming around a year ago when our beloved mycolegal loophole started becoming over-commercialised :@
Ramparts Radio Promo
18-12-2004 23:41

Bicycle Film Festival Call for Entries
18-12-2004 00:44
The Bicycle Film Festival is seeking submissions for its fifth annual Festival.Dress better than people you hate
17-12-2004 23:37

Bin the Bid action
15-12-2004 12:51

The Louvre for all !
14-12-2004 22:39

More Remembrance - Less War
14-12-2004 20:44
Support the broadbased, non-aligned, global "Remembrance: Once a year is not enough" campaign to deepen and extend Remembrance to encourage reflection, information-sharing, learning and actions around the eleventh of EVERY month "...because, as yet, we are neither remembering or learning enough to stop it happening". Here, we are posting a Faslane Peace Camp press release, some Eisenhower speech, and some breaking news.Band Aid 20 - The Real Story
14-12-2004 16:27
Do they really give a fuck at all’ is the CD released by the Free the World Collective. The CD is a response from the anti-capitalist movement with several spoof versions of the Band-Aid 20 single, a song almost beyond parody. Diverse in their messages and themes, the songs are about understanding that we don’t exist separately from the “world outside our window”, that we are all part of that world and have the power to change it.OPSC alternative carol-singing - Thurs 16th 6pm
14-12-2004 10:57
Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign Alternative CarolsThursday 16th December, 6pm
Meet at St Michaels Tower, Cornmarket Street, Oxford.
Oxford internet radio meeting - 16th December, 7pm
14-12-2004 10:44
Hello!!!Everybody who wants to be involved or is interested in the radio project
is invited, to come to the second
in Oxford!!! At 7 pm (if you know, that you're normally late, please
come earlier)!!!
Anti G8 - Free the World EP Now Available !
13-12-2004 15:48
Here it finally is: The answer from the anti-capitailst movement to the remake of the Band Aid song. The "Free The World - Do They Really Give a F**k At All EP" tells the real story about Africa, the hunger at the causes.Check it out, download the songs and sing along on
Photos of lantern festival in Coalville
12-12-2004 14:12

Un Louvre pour tous
12-12-2004 13:36

Redecorate London
10-12-2004 11:53
Calling all artists, culture jammers, anarchists, activists, nihilists, punks, and other radicals to...ASPIRE SOICAL CENTRE 9-12) LATEST
09-12-2004 17:51
Anni and Lindis
08-12-2004 21:19
As "Coachnap" takes another step, Tony Hillier pays poetic tribute to Anni and Lindis who work tirelessly for accountability of American Bases.THE APOLOGY OF SHOP-DROPPING
08-12-2004 15:54

Revolutionary Art Exhibition in Swansea
06-12-2004 21:46
Revolutionary Art Exhibition and talk in Swansea Art Gallery this sunday