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PEACE NOT WAR 4 Night Music Festival, Feb 12-15th

26-11-2003 14:27

... on the anniversary of the global peace protests,
Hackney Ocean, Mare Street, London E8
Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th February 2004

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barcode yourself

26-11-2003 10:20

click on the link-

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Vocalized Ink The Page The Show the Stylee!!!

23-11-2003 10:37

Vocalized Ink is a collective of poets and writers promoting spoken word
on the internet through the use of audio files. Making inked word verbal
is our quest! VI's founder Sherykah is located in Detroit, MI but VI's
membership is international.

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23-11-2003 00:07

Why are they trying to stop the world from seeing the documentary “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised?”

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Messages to Bush pt1

22-11-2003 21:43

Bush's visit to the UK provoked a variety of responses.

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Trafalgar Square Today

22-11-2003 02:54

Trafalgar Square, Friday around 1.30pm
Back to normal - well almost.

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Music mix from ESF 2003

21-11-2003 12:07

Thanks to everyone who made Paris a much livelier city for a few days, here are some songs and good vibes from the European Social Forum...

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STOP PRESS: Times reporter done it before

20-11-2003 16:25

+++====+===TIMES REPORTER Laura Peek at it BEFORE!!!+++====+===

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PoP dEFECT Radio - King George w Bush Audio mixes

20-11-2003 02:29

A Special Audio Collage mixes of our current Resident George W Bush

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Ancient 'Whistling Language' Facing a Revival/ Canan Aosta Feadalaich ri Fas

18-11-2003 19:54

An ancient and idigenous language of the Canary Islands based on whistles is undergoing something of a revival/ Tha canan aosta duthchail sna h-Eileanan Canaraidh a' dol am feabhas

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EZLN: 20 &10: Fire and Word

17-11-2003 15:32

The EZLN is celebrating the 20th anniversary. On November 10, the "EZLN: 20 &10, Fire and Word" campaign was launched with the presentation of the book of the same name, written by
Gloria Munoz Ramirez.

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Sheffield Anti bush demo & analysis

16-11-2003 21:17

The unity of Police and protesters symbolises a secret set of shared goals.
An analysis of yesterday's Sheffield demonstration against George Bush.

Demo apathy - what is it, what causes it.

Why we keep on repeating the same tactics that never achieve the results we want?

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16-11-2003 04:28

Queen of England rejects Antichrist demand that she rebuild Buckingham Palace to accommodate his personal wishes.

Now, where is the honourable Poodle for North Texas?

No, this is NOT a satire, nor is it an internet hoax!

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Buy Nothing Day

15-11-2003 01:29

Saturday November 29th is Buy Nothing Day and a good time for fun for anti-consumer action everywhere. Here are some of the ideas from a new UK site

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Have 'Faith' in Liverpool Resistance!

13-11-2003 23:15

Liverpool City Council is planning a year of 'Faith in the City' for 2004 as part of the run-up to the 2008 Culture of Capital. According to their website, they want to celebrate "the beliefs, passions, good deeds and contributions made by all the city’s citizens – from the oldest to the youngest – which make Liverpool such a special city".

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BBC man offer Middle Eastern open dialogue

12-11-2003 21:28

BBC News
UK Jewish and Israeli groups have welcomed the BBC's decision to appoint an executive to look at its coverage of Middle Eastern issues. Malcolm Balen, former editor of the BBC's Nine O'Clock News, is to examine how the BBC is covering the region.

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Culture year cash warning

12-11-2003 17:16

THE man who ran the Capital of Culture years in Glasgow and Brussels has sent a stark warning to Liverpool: "Don't make the mistakes we did".

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No easy ride for BP Chairman Sutherland - tomorrow (13.11.03)

12-11-2003 13:16

BP Chairman, ex-WTO boss, board member of a fistful of blue chip companies and all round cheerleader for full-on capitalist globalisation Sutherland is peddling his ideological wares tomorrow. Come down and give him a (globally) warm welcome. He speaks on 'Access to World Markets: Tackling Poverty, Creating Equity', at the The Royal Commonwealth Society, 18 Northumberland Ave, London, WC2N 5BJ. Be outside at midday if you can.

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Slide Presentation on the Yanomami Indians

10-11-2003 13:22

A Slide Presentation on the Yanomami Indians by Robin Hanbury-Tenison,
co-founder of Survival International.