UK Culture Newswire Archive
Anti War Exhibition opens in London.
14-10-2005 09:57

Entry to exhibition is absolutely free.
New Tribes Mission sent packing from Venezuela
14-10-2005 09:53
Yesterday the Venezuelan president Chavez announced that the controversial American Christian missionary group 'New Tribes Mission' were to stop their activities with the countries indigenous communities. The NTM's website states that the organisation is to be 'expelled from the country. [Chavez] did not indicate a specific time, but did say it would be done in an orderly manner.'opposing the state media
14-10-2005 07:25
we live in the Society of the Spectacle - ideas that prop up capitalism are broadcast daily by multinational and state media, often smearing our comrades in struggle - the bbc director general is appearing at the sheffield int documentary festival today - we are leafletting and intervening. come along for a bit of fun if you can.British US critic Harold Pinter wins Nobel Literature Prize
13-10-2005 14:33
The Nobel award also includes a $1.3 million cash prize, and just to remember how this famous jewish writer observes developments, here's a story on our present time's depressing detoriation.Romani Media Channel Launched
13-10-2005 12:08
Romani Radio initiative announced and maiden programme now available as archiveNorfolk USA seeking TransAtlantic TownHall Meeting on Peace
13-10-2005 06:30
Peace and Justice Activisits in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia are sister cities in UK for Town Hall meeting on war, to be conducted live via satelite hook-upBono Pimps for Rightwing Nutjob? Dump Bono!
11-10-2005 17:31
the senator who claims that homosexuality is equivalent to bestiality is about to be lauded by none other than the so-called rocker, BonoNottingham Refugee Artist Project Festival Day :: Chile SCDA
10-10-2005 16:36

Nottingham Refugee Artist Project Festival Day @ The Playhouse
10-10-2005 16:30

A festival day celebrating the work of artists in exile across the region and the launch of an East Midlands refugee artist network: Long Journey Home. The day included theatre, music, song, poetry, film, exhibitions, food, crafts and free workshops.
After the tornado: ‘market forces’ force demolition of Sparkbrook Church
10-10-2005 14:29

small WORLD - Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction
10-10-2005 09:47
Interview with Dr. Dona De Sanctis of the Order Sons of Italy in America about the Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction reportWORLD DAY AGAINST THE DEATH PENALTY:
10-10-2005 03:46

(audio) Mindwalk 16: Happy Halloween!
10-10-2005 02:42
It's October as you know, I thought I'd get the Halloween episode out of the way early. This Mindwalk is not the typical Halloween type show. No freakin' Monster Mash etc.
09-10-2005 21:34

URBAN INVASION | A call for submissions for a fringe event to Sheffield's Art 05's main event to be held at Matilda, 111 Matilda Street, Sheffield S1 4QF.
08-10-2005 16:35

14-16 OCT
Sumac Centre - October Dates Confirmed
07-10-2005 15:29

Print off and distribute!
Events include:
Colombian Activists Presentation - Mon 24th Oct
Medical Aid for Cuba Benefit - Sat 22th Oct
G8/No I.D. Benefit - Fri 28th Oct
Saving Iceland Gathering - 28th-30th Oct
Workshops, Gatherings and Meetings! ...
06-10-2005 22:22

06-10-2005 20:29