UK Culture Newswire Archive
Indonesia - The time for being polite is over !
30-04-2015 04:44
FCUM Bans Workfare
29-04-2015 08:19
Manchester radical book fair and workshops, all welcome
22-04-2015 13:01
A group unhappy with the gentrification of Manchester and the decline in people who are awkward to the status quo have got together to start the first of what we hope will be an annual event.700-strong Massed Voices Choir will gather to "Sing for Water" in Cardiff Bay
16-04-2015 22:36
Social Centre Gathering This Weekend
16-04-2015 15:21
A gathering open to all social centre users and facilitators in Britain is being held this weekend at the Liverpool Social Centre, Next To Nowhere.USA — 152 Death Penalty Mistakes, and counting!
15-04-2015 00:25
In the USA, people end up on death row after being convicted of horrific crimes they did not commit. The lucky ones are exonerated while they are still alive — a macabre club that has grown to include 152 members since 1973.
Mayday! Reclaim the Beats!! - Join the Fuck Parade!
11-04-2015 17:33
How Australia Abolished Death Penalty
11-04-2015 09:01
Runnymede needs You! Eviction Resistance ॐ
06-04-2015 19:36
To one & all, an invitation and call out to activists and lovely people across the gamma for talks and discussion on thoughts feelings and strategy leading up to the court hearing on the 9th of April at the County Court at Guildford. We would like to invite anybody with experience or advice in our situation to join us in solidarity with our views for freedom, justice and equality for all.All species and subspecies alike.
International Callout
26-03-2015 14:47
Letter from Lerwick
17-03-2015 22:12
The three Tower Hamlets schoolgirls and Azmal Alam (Poplar schoolboy murdered )
24-02-2015 15:23
The Guardian website is running a piece by a female name that calls for more of the same - ‘support’.It is a very odd plea as it leaves out the local Tower Hamlets Council from any
expectation that it must discharge the duty to provide support to the local population with the £Billion plus budget that the public already allows the Council to claim from a variety of established sources
INDONESIA: Shamed by Lack of Gratitude
23-02-2015 00:02
Cardiff Anarchist Bookfair this Saturday
18-02-2015 16:10
When will the ITUC investigate one of its "own"?
10-02-2015 12:17
ITUC’s Sharan Burrow criticises FIFA.Melanie Shaw - Shocking story of child abuse whistleblower being victimised
08-02-2015 13:51
INDONESIA - Death By Firing Squad
08-02-2015 08:43