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Bristol's Transpersonals: fighting Lady Ga-Ga's occult music industry

31-10-2010 16:53

plus Bill Still on hidden monetary reform allegories in 'The Wizard Of Oz'. Tony Gosling: 5pm - 7pm Friday. Friday Drivetime - Bristol’s weekly current affairs round-up. Discussing the big stories in Bristol. Britain and around the world live with Martin Summers and Marina Morris - at 6pm straight talking and investigative reports.

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UG#522 - Spiritual and Social Separation

27-10-2010 15:07

This week a range of voices continue our series on separation. We start with Michael Lerner speaking on his 2006 book, "The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right", about the spiritual disconnection of modern US society, and how this has been both exacerbated and the exploited by an alliance of corporate interests and the 'religious right'. Next a short section of an interview with Bill McKibben. In our second hour, after revisiting the words of Charles Eisenstein, we hear from Richard Louv, about what he terms 'Nature Deficit Disorder'.

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London’s Gay Art Festival GFEST Held ‘SAME – SEX KISS’ In Trafalgar Square

26-10-2010 13:13

London’s Gay Art Festival GFEST 2010 ‘SAME – SEX KISS’ In Trafalgar Square
London’s gay art festival GFEST – Gaywise FESTival had a public art video & photo-shoot installation ‘The 15 Minutes of SAME-SEX Kiss’ in Trafalgar Square on Monday the 25 October 2010 at 11 am.

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Hollywood - Weaponised Dream Factory: an Interview with Matthew Alford

22-10-2010 09:16

Where They Have Holes In Their Souls

We bask in a certain reflected glory from the newspapers we read. To “take” The Times is to be far more intellectual, far more highbrow, than someone who takes the Mail. To read the Mail is to be far more responsible than someone who gawks in the Mirror. A Guardian reader is highbrow with a human face: intellectual, aware, like other “broadsheet” readers, but with a much greater commitment to making the world a better, fairer place. Independent readers share the same commitment, perhaps a little less earnestly.

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The Global Crisis, The Role and Meaning of Art in Society

21-10-2010 17:22

Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin - Hommage à Haiti (2010)
The more horrifying the world becomes, the more art becomes abstract.
- Paul Klee

As the current world economic crisis deepens, the role and meaning of art in society changes as more and more people are dragged down by the weight of personal debt, unemployment and poverty. Galleries close and less people can afford to buy art creating a new awareness among artists of the fragility of the art market and the economic system behind it that creates an increasingly alienated and elitist exclusivism.

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Taunton Benefit Gigs: Hunt Sabs / UK Tek 6 / Stop Hinkley / Womens Refuge

20-10-2010 20:01

TOMORROW NIGHT: Bristol & Bath Hunt Sabs @ The Winchester Arms, Taunton
Sickwax, King Tuts Revenge, Room 4 1 More & Rat Bandits

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New Film Co-op in Birmingham

18-10-2010 20:19

Just Film Co-Op

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Music, Food & Politics - Weds 27th Oct - Liverpool Social Centre

18-10-2010 17:24

"Sober Living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics"
A book presentation and discussion by Gabriel Kuhn
Followed by the riot-folk music of Evan Greer, USA and Al Baker, UK.
Food from 7pm. Talk starts 7.30pm sharp. Music 9.15pm Next to Nowhere social centre, 96 Bold St, Liverpool 1. Donations on the door (£3 if you can) & for food.

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The Big Society and lower league football

18-10-2010 09:56

We know the Big Society is a smokescreen for cuts and privitisation, and people getting together to make things happen isn't exactly a new concept. Just look at how non league football clubs.

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Dissident Island Radio - 15th October 2010

16-10-2010 10:05


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Dissident Island Radio - October 1st 2010

14-10-2010 23:09

dissident island radio

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Women's Festival Fundraiser 30 October

13-10-2010 10:23

70s and 80s disco with raffle (fancy dress optional)

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"In the beginning is the web"- Global Interactive Discussion Live Webcast

12-10-2010 19:59

glastonbury tor
"In the beginning is the web"- Unique Global Event from Glasonbury UK - Live Interactive experimental fully participatory event
"Around The Table TV"
(formally The Kitchen Table TV)
A merging of theatre, discussion & the internet

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Film About Climate Activism Seeks Crowd Of Donors

12-10-2010 16:41

Just Do It, a pioneering new film following the life of the UK climate activist movement, is seeking funds to help complete the film, and release it free to the entire world in 2011. They're undertaking a massive push with guarantees of all their funding for the next 20 days being matched!

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Animal Abusers in Hackney

10-10-2010 15:21

Trendy vintage boutique Pelican Paradise displays heads of Butchered Animals for sale

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EDL in Leicester tomorrow -- More details

08-10-2010 15:17

The EDL are planning to stir-up hatred in Leicester. They claim that they have "pull[ed] all police liaison", "remove[d] all stewarding" and "will still march in one way or another".

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Oi! No Borders benefit in Wales

08-10-2010 12:26

On Saturday 16th October at Six Feet Under nightclub in Newport, South Wales:

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Government cuts: "There Is No Alternative" ... now where did I hear that before?

06-10-2010 23:02

An hour long discussion with two of Britain's leading trades unionists about the latest attempt to privatise Royal Mail and the proposed cuts in civil service jobs and public services.

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When Bad Faith Moves Mountains - Manifesta goes to Limburg

06-10-2010 19:43

The mediatisation of an event always removes some of its visibility, just as they say that the mode of production of a commodity always disappears.
Similarly, Manifesta, the quintessential European biennial, is preparing to embark upon its eighth and latest exhibition effort in Murcia, in the south of Spain, in October. But it is common knowledge that Manifesta is a sort of phoenix that comes to an end in one place only to come back to life again in another.
After working on the frontiers between Spain and North Africa, Manifesta is already prepared for its return to the heart of Europe, to investigate the notion of “Europeanism” in the Limburg region: in the very Euroregion it has always favoured. Holland, Luxembourg, and Germany have all been venues for the event, and now it is the turn of Belgium, in a geopolitical hub that recalls the ECSC more than the new EU.