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Presenting my first railroad postcard (by Latuff)

03-09-2003 21:53

My first railroad postcard is finished!

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al-jazeera website relaunches - but for how long???

01-09-2003 23:10

The Arab satellite station Al-Jazeera launched an English-language Web site yesterday, five months after hackers brought down a temporary site at the height of the Iraq war but how long will it stay up for?

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philosophical aspects of software patents

31-08-2003 16:45

von Boutet F. from Touluse - 31.08.2003 00:57

The debate on software patentability also addresses old philosophical questions : are computing machines intelligent ? Can we think of making software applications patentable withtout asking what represents these applications for humans and for the european society ? If programmed machines are intelligent, can we patent intelligence ?

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Dead as a Dodi

29-08-2003 19:40

Diversionary tactics?
Why now?

Further an earlier post (IMC-UK censor! cut it out will ya)
might be relevant

Ha ha ! this is all getting hilarious!!

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Sheffield Flash Mob

29-08-2003 06:51

Sheffield Flash Mob on Saturday

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fotos from tekno events in czechia

25-08-2003 10:33

recently in the czech republic there was a wicked teknival, then afterwards a two day art event by hekate, headfuk and reset. here be the stories ...

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Bilston Glen Anti Bypass Film

24-08-2003 18:01

Since the 12th of June 2002 Bilston Glen has been occupied & fortified by an ever expanding group of environmental activists.

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Art Expo at Gloucester Green

24-08-2003 16:52

There is a great expo by local artist Charlie Holmes at Gloucester Green.

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Boy,12, 'Manhandled' for Speaking Irish

21-08-2003 20:49

Boy harassed by Northern Irish police for speaking in Irish Gaelic.

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Fight back against british waterways

21-08-2003 19:31

Your freedom to roam the waterways of britain is about to be curtailed by a new law.

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photos of community life in New York during blackout

20-08-2003 09:51

click on the link-

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Campaign to Gaelicise Scottish Football

19-08-2003 15:50

Iomairt son aithneachadh air a' Ghaidhlig leis CBA
Campaign for recognition of Gaelic by the SFA

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Flashmobs update - daily mail, cops, shutdowns, muggings and reading festival

19-08-2003 10:33

Quick roundup of some of the more interesting flashmob news:

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Concert in aid of healthy Africa

18-08-2003 14:58

Concert in aid of Healthy Africa at the Phil on 14th Sept.(click to see flyer)
TAYO ALUKO and Friends

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Iomairt is Impidh - Gaelic campaign news

17-08-2003 11:10

Gearr-chunntas air iomairtean as leth na Gaidhlig bhon a bhuidheann CLI. Summary of campaigns on behalf of Gaelic in which Cli are involved.

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14-08-2003 09:53

The Bristol Radical Bookfair is back on again!!

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an exibition of 'sixties' american activism

12-08-2003 10:39

click on the link-

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British waterways clamps down on boaters rights to roam

11-08-2003 14:39

British Waterways, the government body which regulates most canals and rivers in this country, is now clamping down on our freedom to travel the waterways. They are trying to force everyone into costly carpark-like moorings.