UK Culture Newswire Archive
Archaeology and Olympics 2004
11-08-2003 14:28
Article by dr. Dorothy King at the archaeological magazine Minerva and related stories.
The Celtic Confederation
10-08-2003 21:06
The Celtic Confederation is mainly a cultural confederation for the Celtic Rim of Europe. However, economic cooperation and developments and international lobbies, mostly at the European (Union), are part of the tasks of the confederation together with education and science policy development. Ireland as only sovereign state within this confederation shall sign treaties with the United Kingdom and France to assure their territorial integrity. With this treaty, the UK and France are assured that the confederation is no threat to their territorial integrity. If both nations refuse to sign such a treaty another measure has to be taken to satisfy their anxieties. One is that the Confederation becomes an Irish Foundation with independent Foundations from the Celtic regions in the UK and France.Europe architectural students demand US help make world more sustainable
09-08-2003 10:29
"Doomed or Dumbed?"
09-08-2003 09:56
This article is a commentary on modern culture and the direction of humanity in the light of current events. It attempts to address and question the reasons why our species is unable to address its challenges constructively, in particular in the western world. It is also an appeal for greater unity.FlashMob Hack - subversion and clampdown ahoy?
09-08-2003 08:20
Are we approaching a moment in time when sending out a last-minute flash mob announcement will trigger a mob consisting of more cameras and reporters than anything else? If so, that could be a lot of fun in itself. Take advantage of this, people; it won't last...
Artist Welfare In a World of Music and Dance
08-08-2003 20:10
You are all coming to Barcelona.
08-08-2003 17:57
Call invitation manifesto message communiqué chinese whisper rumour.this weeks news from the paral·lel universe of Okupe-dominio.
Manchester people
08-08-2003 12:52
Where are all the radicals in Manchester?New World Disorder Magazine - Summer Edition Online
08-08-2003 03:30
I perk up when I see weird, woozy efforts like this. I'll be dropping by every so often to see if they can still reach the keyboard. That white-on-black text has got me hallucinating already.Bruce Sterling, science-fiction author and futurist
Radio - AgriCultured - Oxford farming lives, past and present
07-08-2003 15:48
The AgriCulture Project presents documentation and analysis of farming livelihoods in Oxfordshire, one of the counties in south-east England. This project is a study in social ecology: how do people become farmers, how do they live as farmers, and how do they leave farming. The landscape may be shaped by farming, but the landscape which farmers inhabit is also a social, economic, and cultural one.Former NCPM Planning Application
06-08-2003 14:50
Sheffield Hallam University has submitted an application to change the former NCPM building into a multi-purpose entertainment venue for its students.The BBC's Pound of Flesh
05-08-2003 14:55
If the Board of Governors is so confident that the BBC is universally adored by viewers and listeners, let it vie for subscriptions in the open market.Flash Mobs Sweep the Planet!
04-08-2003 23:42
American Arabs and Jews Agree on Path to Peace
04-08-2003 17:37
If politicians could but put away their misconceptions about Arab Americans and American Jews and their unfounded fears of a mythical bloc vote, they would realize that a strong base of support for peaces exists into which they could tap.Peace and Justice at the Fringe
03-08-2003 12:53
The Peace and Justice Centre has put together a flyer about events at the Edinburgh Festival, which might be of particular interest to activists.