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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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London Underground Adverts in Buy Nothing Day action

26-11-2007 20:59

The TFL team in action
It seems that Transport For London have bowed to activist pressure and decided to remove all the adverts from the district line.

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Half Price Sale's in Knightsbridge

26-11-2007 17:33

Agents in Gucci
80's slogan t-shirts are back in fashion! A group of Space Hijacker agents decided to wear the very latests trend setting t-shirts on a 'Buy Nothing Day' jaunt around London.

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Olympic Fire Covers London In Smoke - sound and pictures

25-11-2007 01:10

Radio 4 Olympic oppression of local residents covered by You And Yours last Friday
Olympic fire:BBC Pictures page

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Islam in Venezuela?

24-11-2007 20:16

Greetings, I’m sending you this to clarify what the Wayuu + Islam is. The Wayus have for years been sharing and having interaction with the people originating from the Middle East. Evidently, the fact is that human beings can modify common impressions – what people are saying -- and transform them into convictions.

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Free Stall in Leeds for Buy Nothing Day

24-11-2007 20:00

Leeds Free Shop 1
The truth is out - buying stuff doesn't make you happy! Central Leeds today saw a free shop sprout from the pavement to drive the message home.

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Buy Nothing Day Rat Race

24-11-2007 16:33

Rat in the Maze
To mark Buy Nothing Day, 12 people from Norwich Rising Tide held a Rat Race in the city centre.

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March against Tesco - Mill Road Cambridge

24-11-2007 15:40

The samba band lead the march
Several hundred people (I've heard estimate ranging from 250 to 800) marched down Mill Road in Cambridge today to show their opposition to Tesco's plans to open an "Express" store.

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Buy Nothing? Steal Something Day...

24-11-2007 09:44

Planning on doing something today for Buy Nothing Day?

Read the critique that calls out instead for Steal Something Day...

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Benefit Gig for Vegan Prisoners in Birmingham

22-11-2007 21:36

As many of you are aware the number of people in UK prisons for animal rights has grown considerably in recent months and the VPSG needs YOUR support more than ever so please make the effort and get to this gig...

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Anti-war Play Returns To Liverpool

22-11-2007 18:09

Friday, 30th November, 7.30pm, £5/£4
Liverpool Academy of Arts Actors Studio
36 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4BE
Box Office: 0151 709 9034 or 07926 658 302

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Israels only squatted house evicted by police

22-11-2007 15:02

the squat
The Ben Atar squat in Tel Aviv was evicted today by many policemen, undercover detectives and border policemen.

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Mathew Street Email:They All Knew Six Months Before!

22-11-2007 01:41

CITY council leader Warren Bradley, birthday boy Mike Storey, chief executive Colin Hilton and Culture boss Jason Harborow all knew about the problems with Mathew Street at least SIX MONTHS before it was cancelled.

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21st Century Malcolm X - Anthony Thomas

19-11-2007 16:31

Anthony Thomas - 29th November
Recently back from a tour of the US where he met with Barack Obama, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, Anthony Thomas is the new face of explosive black political activism.

'The civil rights generation black politics is dead'

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Why I Walked Out In Richard Reed Of Innocent Drinks

17-11-2007 18:12

Ok, being uber-cool in jeans, t-shirt and Ugg boots on a stage in front of 300 environmentalists of varying shades is not, in itself, reason to have someone walk out on you, but I did give it at least 2 minutes before I left. Here’s why.

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New Norwich Social Centre!

17-11-2007 15:14

The Where Will It Be Collective (WWIB) announce the opening of a social centre in a squatted building in Norwich city centre. Come and visit! Here's the press release:

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Thoughts on evolving strategy

17-11-2007 13:47

While battles are fought against the police, protests raged against politicians and corporations, I want to raise the more thorny issue of what do we, as activists, do about the "common people", the general mass of "ordinary" people who make up the bulk of consumers (and producers)?
In this short piece I argue that it is necessary to obtain support from people in the street for a number of reasons: first, because of the groundswell support that this group could lend to the cause(s) and second, because it then becomes that much more tenuous for the authorities to dismiss the cause(s) we fight for as radical, or reflecting fringe interests.

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New Net Privacy threat - sale of activists details and history

15-11-2007 08:11 introduces Registrant Search, selling full lists of the internet domain names which people own together with their address, email and telephone. This is a major threat to privacy, and a direct threat to the physical safety of many who run websites of any kind. Even entering just an email address yields someone's name, address, telephone, and websites.

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Load of WANC at rampART

13-11-2007 21:15

Cafe flyer

The Womens Anarchist Nusiance Cafe is held every penultimate wednesday of the month at the RampART creative centre and social space in Rampart St, E1 2LA ( open from: 7.00pm-11.30pm. Free admission.

The next cafe is Wednesday 21st November 'Goodness Gracious Ghee Cafe'. More than just Bollywood, Shilpa and vindaloo... A celebration of South Asian culture. Qweer/feminist activism, Diwali and Eid, sari wearing instruction, dance workshop, fantastic food and guest speakers.


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Another gig, this thursday

13-11-2007 20:43

gig flyer
This Thursday at the rampART, no cinema this week as there's a gig instead.

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Shell's Wild Lie Corners Shell In Aberystwyth

13-11-2007 10:25

Aberystwyth Arts Centre is currently hosting the 2006 Shell Wildlife
Photographer exhibition, organised by the Natural History Museum and BBC
Wildlife magazine. The day after it shut, on November 10th, the Centre began
showing the counter-exhibition, 'Shell's Wild Lie', which will run
until November 17th: