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Bilbao revolutionary assembly - an eyewitness account

22-05-2011 10:10

An eyewitness account of the revolutionary assembly now taking place in Bilbao. No apologies for writing the account in the form of a poem, this is just the way it happened. I read this last night in the assembly (I was very nervous, there were thousands of people there.)

Testimonio de un testigo presencial de la asamblea revolucionario actualmente pasando en Bilbao. No pido disculpas por presentarlo en forma de poesía, así es como ocurrió. Leí esto anoche en la asamblea (estaba muy nervioso, había miles de personas ahí.)

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Images from the Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair

21-05-2011 18:15

Some photos from the stalls at Sheffield's 2nd Annual Anarchist Book Fair which was held on 21st May 2011 on Bank Street.

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Sheffield Temporary Autonomous Arts 2011: Friday Night

21-05-2011 02:40

Some photos and an interview about the Sheffield Temporary Autonomous Arts event taking place until Sunday 22nd May at Unit 3, Bowdon Street, S1 4JP (just behind the Washington). The main act of the evening was a great set from Stan Skinny and the Neats.

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Witney charity supports rock band's campaign

19-05-2011 08:54

Refuge...the band
Creative readers can be a part of a top band’s next EP, and also win Netbooks and iPods for themselves.
Whether they choose to contribute poems, lyrics or artwork they will also be helping to raise money for mental health charities.

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Bobby roberts protest blaydon

19-05-2011 00:21

Over twenty five local activists and residents protested today against bobby roberts
Young and old came came to show there anger at this horrific show

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Take this chance to rock the status quo

18-05-2011 14:21

The band...Refuge.
Your creative readers, viewers and listeners can be a part of a top band’s next EP, and also win Netbooks and iPods for themselves.
Whether they choose to contribute poems, lyrics or artwork they will also be helping to raise money for mental health charities.

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Sheffield Temporary Autonomous Arts 2011: Now On!

18-05-2011 12:04

Sheffield Temporary Autonomous Arts
The 2011 Sheffield Temporary Autonomous Arts event has now started and is on from now till Sunday 22nd May.

Sheffield TAA 2011
Unit 3
Bowdon Street
S1 4JP

Come along and get involved!

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New leaflet about Post Traumatic Stress Response, PDF available

15-05-2011 10:10

I've put together a new one double-sided A4, fold-me-in-three leaflet, about Post Traumatic Stress Response/Disorder. It describes the causes, symptoms, strategies for recovery and activist culture-conundruns, surrounding PTSR. E-mail me for a PDF to print up and scatter around squatts, resource centres, crisis centres and anywhere you think is appropriate.

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Oxfordshire Pride gears up for 2011

14-05-2011 20:27

Oxfordshire pride is getting ready for another feast of events to celebrate lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer life in Oxfordshire.

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Calling language checkers and translators!

12-05-2011 23:05

Just Do It, the upcoming documentary about environmental direct action from director Emily James needs your help. We want as many people as possible - the world over - to see this film. We're doing foreign language subtitles for the DVD to make it accessible to as many different people as we can. So far our quest for translators and language checkers has been incredibly fruitful. But we're now running very close to the deadline, and are missing some vital checkers. Please help!

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Just Do It - World Premier - June the 9th - Sheffield

11-05-2011 17:05

Just Do It will be premiering at Sheffield Doc Fest on Thursday June the 9th at 6:35pm

Don't miss out on the World Premier of this groundbreaking doc, book your tickets here

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Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair

10-05-2011 18:50

***Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair Afterparty***
8:00 til 2:00, Saturday 21st May
@ the Redhouse, 168 Solly Street

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Interview with David Edwards from Media Lens

10-05-2011 18:18

Media Lens is a media analysis organisation set up by David Edwards and David Cromwell in 2001 to highlight the shortcomings of mainstream media reporting in Britain. Sending out regular email alerts to its subscribers, it questions the coverage of key topics by ‘impartial’ sources like the BBC, as well as traditionally liberal publications like the Independent. Ultimately, it hopes to encourage members of the public to challenge journalists and editors over the way they report. After publishing a couple of Media Lens alerts in Now Then in the past few months, we spoke to David Edwards about the venture and how it got off the ground on the month of its 10th anniversary.

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Paint pixies plant provoking phrase

05-05-2011 14:28

a simulation of how it looked
This morning I saw some interesting graffiti...

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After the Royal Wedding - next years Queens Jubilee

04-05-2011 11:21

This is an independent proposal for a networked and autonomous series of groups who just organise events locally and publicise them in one place (possibly Ian Bones blog).

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Brighton: Gustav Landauer and Early German Anarchism - Booktalk 4th May

04-05-2011 09:28

Gustav Landauer and Early German Anarchism
Booktalk by Gabriel Kuhn
7pm 4th May 2011

The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton
Brighton’s collectively run libertarian social centre

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New Banksy Fundraising Print at The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair

04-05-2011 01:25

Every little helps!
The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair was contacted on Tuesday by Banksy's associates advising that he has produced a poster to be exclusively sold at the Bookfair - as a fundraiser for local groups in the Stokes Croft/Bristol area who support local art, squatting and those arrested & harassed as a result of the recent Stokes Croft disturbances.

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Update on situation of Rote Flora in Hamburg and squatting actions

02-05-2011 16:41

banner in solidarity with flora and zomia
Last weekend, a bigger demonstration in hamburg took place with 4000 to 6000 people for support of Rote Flora squat and against commercialisation of the city.
The media attention was high, as there had been lots of discussions in the last weeks about the Rote Flora squat and also about gentrification in generell.
Another bigger event was taking place last weekend, as several people squatted a house in the district altona, demanding a social centre "autonomes centrum altona bahnhof (acab)" and staying inside the former building of the fiscal authorities.

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Banda Bonnot

01-05-2011 16:06

Banda Bonnot

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Bollox to the Royal Wedding! BBQ

30-04-2011 20:54

The Fargate Speaker invited Sheffield to a "Bollox to the Royal Wedding! BBQ", on 29th April 2011 and around 90 people turned out, there was lots of nice food, some theatre and some football and some great converstations and meetings of old friends and new ones, and no police to be seen.