Bollox to the Royal Wedding! BBQ
Chris | 30.04.2011 20:54 | Culture | Free Spaces | Sheffield
The Fargate Speaker invited Sheffield to a "Bollox to the Royal Wedding! BBQ", on 29th April 2011 and around 90 people turned out, there was lots of nice food, some theatre and some football and some great converstations and meetings of old friends and new ones, and no police to be seen.

I spoke to a lot of people at the event about the looming IMC UK shutdown, see:
The Attempt to Shutdown UK Indymedia
And nobody thought that shutting the IMC UK site was a good idea and many people were shocked to hear about the situation.
The Attempt to Shutdown UK Indymedia

And nobody thought that shutting the IMC UK site was a good idea and many people were shocked to hear about the situation.
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