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This Weeks SchNEWS - Get Me Out Of Here

04-12-2006 12:08

This weeks SchNEWS

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A Soldier Reflects: We're still dying in Afghanistan

02-12-2006 20:32

“If, in willful or blind ignorance, we do not challenge our government to change the role of our troops from aggression to genuine peacekeeping and reconstruction, we are all responsible for the Afghan and Canadian lives about to be lost.”

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Second Lifers told to keep it real

02-12-2006 14:08

A large death counter has been placed in a prominent place in, 3 dimensional virtual world ‘Second Life’ by global anti-poverty campaigners the World Development Movement (WDM).

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Breaking Oz with News

02-12-2006 11:02

Fiji prepares for Oz invasion by leaving blackhawk helicopters on its beaches. A kava intoxicated Commodore Frank Bullawayo has once again forgotten his coup deadline and Australia's Minister of Defence, Dr Brendan (studs) Nelson, faces hostile relatives over the latest cover-ups and military fiascos! Well done, ‘studs’, the record of Robert (suck harder) Hill will soon be under threat.

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In praise of shoplifting

01-12-2006 22:33

I recently came across the following piece and liked it. It makes use of ideas from "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" which is never a bad thing. See what you think...

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Copenhagen: Police brutality ... again

28-11-2006 21:21

Arrest with a cops glove in mouth
This sunday a demonstration against the church Faderhuset turned into resulted in police brutality and mass arrests.

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' Stage Movement' Political Theatre Workshop at Mooreen Social Centre

28-11-2006 15:56

Creative resistance in the form of a political theatre workshop

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Artist Arrested in Cardiff

28-11-2006 14:04

Artists home raided

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Everything instore half price today!!!

28-11-2006 13:01

Group shot
For this year's Buy Nothing Day, the Hijackers decided to resurect one of our favourite projects. The Half Price Sale.

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Sucessful opening for Poitical Video Festival

28-11-2006 12:52

Sucessful opening for Poitical Video Festival

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Anti-Islam Danish Book Withdrawn

28-11-2006 12:28

Us and Christianity 5
A Danish publishing house has decided to withdraw a book offensive to Muslims after protests by Muslim leaders in the Scandinavian country. The book was listed on the curricula of third-ninth grades under the Christianity subject.

It tackles Islam in a chapter entitled "terrorism." The first pages of the chapter reminds students of the grisly Beslan massacre in Russia, when armed Chechens took hundreds of students hostage.

The book associates Muslims with terrorism and also outline the terrorist 9/11 attacks with a profile of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

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Dragon discovered in Sneinton

28-11-2006 00:57

Dragon discovered in Sneinton: Amazingly, Smaug has flow his lair in Middle Earth, and landed in Sneinton, right here in Nottingham.

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Interview: A London anarchist bookfair organiser

27-11-2006 23:50

The London anarchist bookfair is the biggest annual event for libertarians in the UK. This year was the first since one of the major organisers and founding member left, so Rob Ray interviewed one of the collective to see how they thought it went...

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Oxford Shoppers Left Bemused By Consumer Cult

27-11-2006 23:48

The iPostles warm up for a hard day's worship
The Rev. E. Littlehelps, Lord High Purchaser of the Cult of Consumerism, explains in his own words what happened when a group of activists pretending to be corporation-worshippers descended on Oxford City Centre for International Buy Nothing Day.

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Buy Nothing Day: Report

26-11-2006 11:12

banner floating
Saturday, 25th November 06: Buy Nothing Day, a day where you challenge yourself, friends and family to switch off from shopping and tune into life. This is how a group of colourful happy people celebrated Buy Nothing Day in Manchester UK.

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Stop shopping, start living!

25-11-2006 19:24

BND receipts
Buy nothing day; day of anti-consumerist action.

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Giant Jukebox entertains Shoppers

25-11-2006 18:27

Ray and Joe Dress to impress
Giant Jukebox entertains Shoppers in Swansea.

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SOCPA ban on cycle sound systems.

25-11-2006 05:12

While cycling up Whitehall last night with Critical Mass, a cycle cop pulled up alongside and said I wasn't allowed to play my sound system in Whitehall. I asked if he was going to arrest me and he said no but I would be liable to arrest if I did it again.