UK Culture Newswire Archive
Stokefest Cancelled!!
01-06-2006 10:57
Proving that they couldn't organise a piss up in a park the festival Stokefest has been cancelled due to the near legendary incompetence of Hackney Council.Arphield Recordings Sound Jam/Memorial Stockwell Tube Station Saturday 10th June
01-06-2006 10:27

and bring the sounds on a portable music player to experience a mix of live and prerecorded Oyster beeps.
Critical Mass on Friday!
01-06-2006 09:36

City of Culture Clowns can't organise a piss up
30-05-2006 09:56
This is a shame becasue the project sounds intresting - but those clowns in the city of culture team are going to ruin everything. Spend loads of council tax payers dosh and organise things crap and tell no-one about them.Arboretum Festival Weekend :: The pictures
29-05-2006 14:01

A free event, held in the Arboretum Park, Nottingham.
Held over two days on Saturday 27th to Suncay 28th May.
With live bands, children's activities and a variety of craft stalls and street artists.
Loach Irish Civil War Film wins Cannes Palme d`Or : Radio Interview
28-05-2006 20:55

Full article | 2 additions | 5 comments
27-05-2006 15:59

A 'plod' supports Brian Haw !
27-05-2006 15:28
A letter in The Independent from I think a serving police officer who says she supports Brian against the Met....!celebrating two years this weekend
27-05-2006 10:49
this weeked is being celebrated as marking two years of existance for the rampART social centre in essay about how we don't talk to each other
27-05-2006 09:23

At one end of the geography of the social discourse we have 'the mires of the concerned and conflicted humanist' And on the southern approaches are 'the fens of the rabid and vindictive.'
Whilst in the middle are the broad lowlands that are the social swamp.
Rhythms of Resistance Manchester & Art and Activism Caravan
26-05-2006 13:28
Interested in Art and Activism?A country staiined with blood and injustice. Sri Lanka
26-05-2006 12:12

World Naked Bike Rides to be held in Brighton, Manchester, York and London
24-05-2006 23:32

London Critical Mass in Court
24-05-2006 15:42
article from the bbcA London cyclist is to launch a high court challenge against police claims that a long-running monthly cycle ride through London is unlawful.

9/11 and Homeland Security
24-05-2006 09:47
The people who don't know the truth don't want to hear and those who do know are too afaraid to speakNeoCon Comics presents: Tales of Iraq War (by Latuff)
24-05-2006 07:30

rampART 2 Years Birthday Anniversary Celebration
24-05-2006 06:25
Our favourite autonomous social centre is 2 years old. It was opened on May 21st 2004 in an abandoned warehouse which was previously used as an Islamic girls school. Located in the East End of London near Whitechapel (15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA) it has hosted over 200 cultural and political events in it’s two years of existance - placing the rampART firmly and literally on the activist map of London.Sheffield Free Bus
20-05-2006 17:03

20-05-2006 14:58
A memorial garden, a national silence, supported by ALL(A REPOST OF THE PICTURE OF THE SHEET HELD UP BY THE PEOPLE AT THE G8 - - - - VERY MUCH APPRECIATED .)
(plus plus plus plus?)