UK Culture Newswire Archive
American Beauty
20-03-2005 19:16
The concept of 'embodiment' is not an easy one to make sense of - but in using it to explore how America is perceived around the world, Yakoub Islam began to understand why he no longer feels at home on the Muslim Wake Up website.BBC bans Better Dead Than Wed
20-03-2005 14:12
BBC RADIO has banned the Class War/Conflict CD 'Better Dead Than wed' after allegedly discovering a plot to hype it to the number one slot during the week of the Royal wedding. Sales of just 18,000 would apparently do the trick!"Pagan" Celebration Turns Into Street Fights Against Iranian Regime
19-03-2005 10:57
L ast Tuesday , 15th March, violent clashes rocked the main Iranian cities as brutal militiamen attacked Iranians who transformed the already hardly tolerated celebration of the traditional "Tchahr Shanbe Souri" (Fire Fiest) into protest action and show of "un-Islamic" joy.Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack
18-03-2005 20:07
Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack by Alexandre Skirda is now out. Never heard of him? Been conned by Leninists into thinking was was a bandit without the sense to tie his own shoelaces? Either way, you will find this an interesting read.Reform the UK flag!
17-03-2005 14:05

Anarchist Therapy
16-03-2005 23:39
How an anarchist (anti)psychiatrist developed an psychotherapy to help people liberate themselves collectively in a fun way.Shakedown ‘05 - Nottingham G8 :: The Pictures
14-03-2005 22:10

Biggest Opposition Demo Swears to Break Syria's Stranglehold and Lahoud's Regime
14-03-2005 16:55

Between 1.5 and 2 million opposition activists converged on Beirut's downtown Martyrs Square and surrounding neighborhoods to mark the lapse of one month on Hariri's assassination. They shouted slogans demanding the resignation of all security commanders in Lebanon because of dereliction of duty in stopping the assassination.
Stiches in Time new date
14-03-2005 14:59

Oxfordshire Local News Campaign - Saturday 19 March: Have your say
11-03-2005 10:07

broken words
10-03-2005 17:01

10-03-2005 10:12
The real fraud situation in the UK. It is a very depressing and saddening picture.Stitches in Time
10-03-2005 09:21

Fun Protest, Upper Clapton, Springfield One O'clock Club Site
09-03-2005 16:32
Protest agaianst building on Metropolitan Open land in Upper ClaptonThese guys are comeing to the UK do we whont to host them in Oxford?
08-03-2005 14:11

Colombia and Human Rights Defenders talk
07-03-2005 13:24
Talk on Colombia and Human Rights Defenders at thecommonplace -Tues 15th March 7pmMarch London Calling
06-03-2005 17:51
March's London Calling looks at London's new police chief ( having one Mr Blair who wants to lock everyone up is surely enough) we continue debate about the Hackney Empire, and comment on the first anti-olympics march in London.Film: Why I Love Shoplifting from Big Corporations
06-03-2005 16:30