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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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Italy and the end of representative democracy

14-11-2011 14:53

One thing the papers seem to be as one refusing to comment on or even report, is the fact that an unelected group has been handed control of the country. Economist and new ruler of Italy Mario Monti has not been elected to rule and the Italian public has in no way endorsed the technocratic model, Monti, or his cronies.

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Remember, remember, the fifth of November…

11-11-2011 11:54

On 5th November people from Occupy Birmingham protested outside RBS and Natwest. Below is the content of one of the flyers handed out at the protest.

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Undercover Cop Faces at N9

10-11-2011 18:34

This footage proves secret police ARE dressing in black-bloc gear and hoodies etc to attack and arrest protestors. Print-put spotter sheets with their faces on and if you see them at future demos keep shouting out to everyone who they are, follow them like a hawk, and film their every move.

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Papademos: the first of the Banktators

10-11-2011 15:34

The imposition of unelected technocrats in Italy and Greece is just the sharp edge of a general slide away from democratic values in Europe. That fact that this is coinciding with an economic crisis highlights the incompatibility of neo-liberal capitalism and democracy itself. In this contradiction lies both the cause and solution to the crisis.

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Cops Hide ID Numbers at N9 Demo

09-11-2011 20:23

During today's Nov 9 protest by electricians, students and taxi drivers in central London, at least 2 mounted cops hid ID numbers by pulling metal numerals off their shoulders or by wearing yellow hi-vis webbing over their epaulettes to cover-up the numbers on their epaulettes -

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Pragmatic suggestions for improving security at Occupy protests

03-11-2011 22:35

Pragmatic suggestions for improving security at Occupy protests, and a common-sense response to feminist critique/s of Occupy protests

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VIDEO: University of Birmingham Occupation

03-11-2011 20:25

Video of some of the speeches just before the occupation happened

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N9 Anarchist Bloc on the Student/Education demo

03-11-2011 18:31

Students · Sparks · Anarchists
Out on the streets for Nov 9th

Anarchists will be mobilising on November 9 in solidarity with the students and the striking electricians.

Get active, get angry, get visible!

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Photos from University occupation

03-11-2011 02:46

Photos from today's occupation of the University of Birmingham.

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Why we occupy, our statement.

02-11-2011 23:59

University of Birmingham Occupation: We have come together to discuss democratically alternatives to cuts, privatisation, we are debating what we believe and will publish our points here.

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University of Birmingham Occupied!

02-11-2011 23:44

We have just marched into University of Birmingham Corporate Conference Centre. Our actions are not disrupting education or learning but rather those working to destroy public education in the interests of private profit.

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NEXT threat to OLSX?

02-11-2011 14:22

The Lancaster Unity blog published on-line chatter that shows EDL activists discussing an abortive plan to attack OLSX. EDL chatter discussed OLSX in terms of an alleged plan by "lefties" to close St Paul's on Poppy Day or Remembrance Sunday, and this theme has been hyped by The Daily Mail. These claims are even more ridiculous now that St Paul's has re-opened, but this all suggests a potential threat to OLSX which needs to be taken seriously in terms of contingency and PR planning _

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Bournemouth Occupied

01-11-2011 21:08

Bournemouth goes into occupation in solidarity and support of the other ongoing protests.

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Demo outside Eton College AGM, City of London, 6.30pm, 1 November

01-11-2011 13:50

A protest will be held outside the Eton College AGM to demonstrate our strong feelings about the privileged elite that runs this country, and its most important school. At the time of writing this, there are rumours that the College has cancelled its AGM owing to "public order concerns". This may or may not be true, but the demo will go ahead regardless. We will meet at St Paul's at 6.30pm, and have a short walk to Withers, 16 Old Bailey.

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Greeks win referendum on austerity

01-11-2011 09:52

The Greek government has announced that the £86bn bailout package recently agreed by EU leaders will have to be accepted by the Greek public via a referendum. After years of bitter war between the ruling class and the working class that has seen general strikes, riots, economic blockades and grannies bricking cops, the Greeks have won a huge victory. This article argues against the predictable backlash from the "voting only encourages them" brigade.

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Rally on 10 Nov - Mark Serwotka/Matt Wrack speaking

31-10-2011 21:50

Sheffield Anti Cuts Alliance are hosting a ""Unite the Resistance meeting on 10 November to build for the N30 day of action for Pensions Justice

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Feeding the 99%

31-10-2011 18:26

Birmingham Food not Bombs was officially re-launched on Sunday as the group spent several hours in Victoria Square distributing free food.

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Trial date set and bail conditions removed

31-10-2011 14:29

The three defendants in the Lib Dem Banner Drop case appeared in court this morning for a committal hearing to set a court date and hear arguments to remove bail conditions.

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What lies beneath the Ark Academy in Brent?

30-10-2011 17:21

Concrete ridges (possibly plinths), described as ‘Car Parking Area’
Email correspondence with Brent Council Planning Department, December 2008.
Although the links to the Brent Council website have long broken, links to these images is at the bottom of this document, so can still be accessed.

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Daily Mail dirty tricks continue at OLSX

29-10-2011 21:44

The latest Daily Mail bullshit about Occupy London Stock Exchange alleges that, as temperatures plummet to near zero at the occupation in New York's Zuccotti Park, thermal imaging cameras can show when tents are full after all. This might, in context of New York only, be true, but it is not true in what even The Daily Mail admits is "a much warmer London" - where, in contrast to New York, temperatures remain around 17 degrees... contrast settings on the FLIR thermal cameras are adjustable! ...