Daily Mail dirty tricks continue at OLSX
North Wind | 29.10.2011 21:44 | Occupy Everywhere | Culture | Public sector cuts | Technology
The latest Daily Mail bullshit about Occupy London Stock Exchange alleges that, as temperatures plummet to near zero at the occupation in New York's Zuccotti Park, thermal imaging cameras can show when tents are full after all. This might, in context of New York only, be true, but it is not true in what even The Daily Mail admits is "a much warmer London" - where, in contrast to New York, temperatures remain around 17 degrees... contrast settings on the FLIR thermal cameras are adjustable! ...
The latest Daily Mail bullshit about Occupy London Stock Exchange alleges that, as temperatures plummet to near zero at the occupation in New York's Zuccotti Park, thermal imaging cameras are capable of showing when tents are actually full after all. This might, in context of New York only, be true, but it is not true in what even The Daily Mail admits is (quote) "a much warmer London", where, in contrast to the snow and ice of New York, temperatures remain around 17 degrees... contrast settings on the FLIR thermal cameras are - after all - adjustable! The New York images do not therefore prove that earlier Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph claims about OLSX in London were true.
Oblivious to the fallacies in their own logic, several images that Daily Mail hacks Mark Duell, Hannah Roberts and Thomas Durante obtained in New York show clear signs of visible heat sources only when bodies directly touch the skin of the tents, which no-one inside a sleeping-bag would do, while a few appear to show tents filled with heat, but these only show-up because the contrast between the atmosphere inside occupied tents and New York's freezing atmosphere is so extreme.
As New York's Occupiers increasingly fall victim to clinical hypothermia, after the authorities maliciously confiscated the generators that helped keep them warm, rather than celebrate New York's Occupiers for their impressive bravery, the Daily Mail chooses to continue insulting their intelligence instead. Hard-right journalists would do well to remember what happened to The News of the World after its' lies were exposed. In the meantime, the video disproving The Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph's original claims has received more than 48,000 hits in just one day...
As Ian Tomlinson's killers prepare to use force against peaceful OLSX protestors, Saturday's "Sermon on the Steps" at St Paul's featured support from speakers from the Christian clergy, including several C of E vicars and a nun, also Quakers, activists from the Catholic Worker group and Pax Christi, charity workers, Jewish and Buddhist speakers, and a former squaddie who condemned the spurious support given to soldiers by the EDL and who called on all serving soldiers to support the Occupy movement!
Daily Mail admits OLSX "speak for England" -
Telegraph & Daily Mail OLSX smear based on "Rubbish Science" -
Daily Telegraph hack Richard Alleyne LIED to smear OLSX -
Oblivious to the fallacies in their own logic, several images that Daily Mail hacks Mark Duell, Hannah Roberts and Thomas Durante obtained in New York show clear signs of visible heat sources only when bodies directly touch the skin of the tents, which no-one inside a sleeping-bag would do, while a few appear to show tents filled with heat, but these only show-up because the contrast between the atmosphere inside occupied tents and New York's freezing atmosphere is so extreme.
As New York's Occupiers increasingly fall victim to clinical hypothermia, after the authorities maliciously confiscated the generators that helped keep them warm, rather than celebrate New York's Occupiers for their impressive bravery, the Daily Mail chooses to continue insulting their intelligence instead. Hard-right journalists would do well to remember what happened to The News of the World after its' lies were exposed. In the meantime, the video disproving The Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph's original claims has received more than 48,000 hits in just one day...

As Ian Tomlinson's killers prepare to use force against peaceful OLSX protestors, Saturday's "Sermon on the Steps" at St Paul's featured support from speakers from the Christian clergy, including several C of E vicars and a nun, also Quakers, activists from the Catholic Worker group and Pax Christi, charity workers, Jewish and Buddhist speakers, and a former squaddie who condemned the spurious support given to soldiers by the EDL and who called on all serving soldiers to support the Occupy movement!
Daily Mail admits OLSX "speak for England" -

Telegraph & Daily Mail OLSX smear based on "Rubbish Science" -

Daily Telegraph hack Richard Alleyne LIED to smear OLSX -

North Wind