UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Keep Jeremy Corbyn!
30-06-2016 22:11
Readers, following the events of the last couple of weeks I would urge all of you to sign the following vote of confidence in Jeremy Corbyn. It is now more vital than ever that a socialist voice is heard in opposition to the impending move to the right. I for one don’t believe that Corbyn who was voted in less than a year ago with 59% of the vote (more than all the other candidates combined!) by the members should be without support at the recent behaviour of both Labour MPs in their coup attempt.Puerto Rico Archbishop Urges Congress, Governor and Creditors to Solve Debt Cris
08-06-2016 19:39
Ahead of a likely House vote this week, San Juan's Roman Catholic Archbishop, Roberto González Nieves OFM, announced his support for Puerto Rico debt crisis legislation in an op-ed to The Hill.Walden Bello: Sanders as US President good for US, Philippines, and Asia
02-03-2016 06:46

Universal Credit is coming to Cambridge!
22-02-2016 23:43

Universal Credit is being rolled out for all new claimants over 25 in Cambridge from February 29th!!
'International terrorism' cooked up by criminal governments to keep us in fear
30-01-2016 13:21

VIDEO:Cardiff police beat anti-austerity protestors then arrest them for assault
18-01-2016 12:15
CCTV from Cardiff mayday demonstration 2015 -
Cambridge March for Affordable Housing (14/11/2015)
18-11-2015 12:37

It was a march for affordable housing, in an era of all-time-high property prices and proposed Tory policies to force local authorities and housing associations to sell off at least 25% of their existing stock, despite there being enormous demand for new social housing (approximately 2,500 people in the Cambridge area alone are on the Council's waiting list).
Demonstration – No Local Health Cuts / No Hospital Closures
20-10-2015 09:53

12:30-1:30 pm on 5th November
East Coast Community Healthcare, Common Lane North, Beccles, NR34 9BN,(near Morrisons and Brand of Beccles)
National Demo: Free Education, November 4th 2015
18-10-2015 21:03

Below you will find resources to assist in promoting this event, including both sides of an A5 flyer and a sticker design.
Stop The Agency Rip Off (Flyer)
18-10-2015 20:19

Take Manchester March 4th October
05-10-2015 12:12

Housing Sticker Designs.
29-08-2015 14:56

Ireland and the Privatization of Water
09-08-2015 16:16
Anti-Water Charge Campaigners’ VictoryAnti-water charge campaigners had a major moral victory over government plans to make the people pay for the financial crisis when Eurostat determined that Irish Water had failed the Market Corporation Test.[1]
CURO Housing criticised by Housing Ombudsman over asbestos complaint records
07-08-2015 09:21
"The Curo Group suggested you might want to pursue a legal claim through its insurers, rather than identify liability through its complaints procedure, If you are of the view that the Curo Group was liable for exposing your family to asbestos."...
Fantasy Politics - a Media Lens analysis
30-07-2015 14:29
An analysis by Media Lens of the concerted attempts to smear and discredit Labour leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn who is currently the front runner in the race to be the new Labour Party leader.
Anti-Austerity Court Solidarity // Unoliaethllys Gwrth-Lymder
22-07-2015 14:32
Video of the arrestes, content warning: Police brutality
"Back To Work Therapy, Is No Therapy At All"
29-06-2015 03:45

March on Streatham Jobcentre June 26th
10-06-2015 19:06

Speaking to a BBC Journalist a DWP spokesman stated:
The government plans to place 350 psychologists in job centres by the end of the summer to help benefit claimants beat depression and get back into the jobs market.
Having learnt that Streatham Jobcentreplus is the site for a pilot of the scheme, the Mental Health Resistance Network have called a March on the Jobcentre for Friday 26th June.
Anti "Austerity" Demo in Cambridge.
02-06-2015 01:43

Manchester protests
20-05-2015 08:46
Two student occupations and a roving homelessness protest campWe Don’t Want a Bigger Slice of the Pie… (new version of flyer)
13-05-2015 00:05

@ Love Activists Liverpool - Latest Press Release - 1/5/2015
01-05-2015 17:52

Occupiers of Bank of England building turned homeless shelter make demands
29-04-2015 15:24

Locals Protest Outside Housing Exhibition.
17-04-2015 23:34

Heartless Guzzlers at the public trough @B_I_tweets
11-04-2015 09:54