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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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60 days older and deeper in debt: postscript to "On SYRIZA and its victory"

06-04-2015 12:50

An update on the rule of SYRIZA in Greece

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Report of Radical Independence Campaign Conference

20-03-2015 17:50

Here is a report with 20 photos of the RIC conference in Dundee last weekend. As we approach the May 7th UK election, events in Scotland may influence what happens in Westminster. How will issues like austerity, Trident and overseas wars be affected?

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Maximarse is more than a farce.

04-03-2015 20:38

Reworked banner

On the 2nd of March 2015 Disabled People Against the Cuts, Mental Health Resistance Network, Black Triangle and many other associated groups took to the streets to protest against the US company Maximus taking over the contract from Atos. The contract involves administering the Work Capability Assessment on behalf of the Department of Work and Pensions.

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Mental Health Resistance Network Statement

04-03-2015 20:26

MHRN members with placards
MHRN speech given outside Maximus' offices in central London and Balham on 2 March 2015 during the day of action against Maximus

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Wrexham joins National Day of Protest Against WCA & Maximus

02-03-2015 16:35

A national day of action was called for Monday 2 March to protest the ongoing use of the discredited Work Capability Assessments to determine fitness for work or otherwise and to leave Maximus, the company that has taken over from Atos to carry these out, in no doubt that resistance will be ongoing.

2 March is the first working day of Maximus' new contract and protests were held in 30 UK towns and cities including here in Wrexham and at Maximus HQ in central London. A solidarity demo was also organised in Toronto at the offices of Maximus Canada. In Wrexham, there was a small but highly visible protest outside the DWP and Medical Examination Centre on Grosvenor Road.

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Cameron is attacking poorest pensioners as well

02-03-2015 13:32

Has anyone noticed that IDS is punishing some Pensioners for asking Qs?

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Job Centre Protest in Cambridge Disrupted by Job Centre Security.

06-02-2015 23:17

Good News for Tommi! Now, what about everyone else who's been sanctioned?
This afternoon a protest was held outside Henry Giles House, the Cambridge Job Centre branch, in solidarity with Tommi Miller, a boy with cancer whose benefits had been suspended by the DWP.

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March for Homes feedback + BBC coverage, etc

31-01-2015 17:39

March for Homes feedback + BBC coverage, etc

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Housing Crisis - today's march in London is a token one!

31-01-2015 13:57

1346 Sat 31 Jan 2015
The London Evening Standard website is carrying a post timed at 1308 saying there is a march underway to tell Boris ti solve the Housing Crisis in London
That is, to put it kindle, banal and ignorant and the timing is opportunistic for
most "mainstream" Politicos supporting the event today

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Obstacles to Solidarity: The Age of Anxiety

08-01-2015 19:44

Continuing his examination of the decline of radical activism, Mikhail Goldman explores the theory that we are all very anxious. Precarious employment, continuous surveillance and the threat of sanctions under modern capitalism paralyse us and make us more alone than ever. We need to recognise and fight these obstacles to solidarity.

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All I want for Xmas is a pint of Cobra venom.. - Youtube video

22-12-2014 11:43

Bus pass Elvis has a go at Ian Duncan Smith in his new Youtube Christmas Song -

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Bath #FreeEducation March - Sat 6th December

05-12-2014 13:27

#FreeEducation march in Bath, 12:30 at the Abbey.

Opposed to tuition fees and cuts, in favour of free education for all!

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Report and photos from Faslane anti-Trident demo on Sunday 30th November 2014

30-11-2014 19:07

A report with 20 photos of today's anti-Trident demonstration in Faslane, Scotland.

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UG#696 - The Morality Play of Austerity (Bailing out The Shipwrecked Plutocracy)

29-11-2014 20:46

Three looks at the Financial 'Crisis':- First, Professor Mark Blyth, author of "Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea" looks at the promotion of austerity as a financially necessary measure, uncorrelated to bailouts. Next Les Leopold, another new speaker on the show, author of "How To Make A Million Dollars an Hour - Why Hedge Funds Get Away With Siphoning Off America's Wealth", describes financial chicanery of dubious legality and even less morality. We conclude with a stirring speech by regular speaker, Chris Hedges, who sets the austerity in the context of a dying empire, and assets that the only consistent position for those of conscience is outright rebellion against "the dehumanizing ideology of totalitarianism capitalism".

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Cambridge FBU Picket.

04-11-2014 21:47

The FBU Picket outside Parkside Fire Station.
According to the FBU website, tonight marks the last night of a four day strike by the Fire Brigades' Union after a "refusal from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)" to make any new pension offers.

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Anarchist Bookfair, London, 18 Oct 2014

19-10-2014 16:49

Anarchist Bookfair, London, 18 Oct 2014

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Can the TUC march and rally today deliver the Movement thats been overdue?

18-10-2014 11:09

Poverty Made in England to mark today's march and rally against low pay
The slogan should be No Pay and Low Pay-
Will the TUC listen to the people who are not in chains of trade union bureaucracies?

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Waiting for the Charity to Commission to wake up - at 1230 on Wednesday!

24-09-2014 11:35

Thank you for calling the Charity Commission - 0845 300 0218 -"this helpline is now closed", so says the recorded male voice at 1228 on Wednesday 24 September 2014

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Well the referendum is over but how much was it influenced by outsiders?

20-09-2014 14:09

The 2014 referendum on Scottish Independence was the focus of worldwide media attention. How much was the result affected by outsiders? Dr Henry Kissinger advised Scots to vote `No` - here is what he may have said.