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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Strike for JOBS and EDUCATION at Tower Hamlets College

23-09-2009 13:02

250 teachers at Tower Hamlets College (East London) are on all out indefinite strike action since 27th August to fight aginst education cuts. 13 teachers have been sacked and 1000 ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) places lost.

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CSSGJ Open Seminar. Thursday 24th September @ 4pm

17-09-2009 12:24

"Barbarians at the gates - the historical construction of the 'universal terrorist'"
An open seminar presented by Matt Carr, author of 'The Infernal Machine: A History of Terrorism from the Assassination of Alexander II to al-Qaeda (New Press 2007)
followed by discussion

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Campaign Against Arms Trade Launches University Wiki

16-09-2009 12:13

CAAT launches new Universities Wiki to assist with campus campaigning.

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Student Stop the War Conference with Ilan Pappe

09-09-2009 10:25

Stop the War Student Conference- 19th September, 10am-5pm
University of London Union, Malet St.
Nearest tube: Russell Square (Piccadilly Line)

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Climate Swoop and COP 15 Mobilisation Call Out

07-09-2009 13:44

This is going to be hot Autumun of Climate Action - we are are oprganising a mobilisation tour of the UK and we need your help! Local groups from all over the country are being called upon to organise and resist!

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Sinister plans to merge ID database with Criminal Records Bureau checks

04-09-2009 20:29

Last month the Home Office announced that the National Identity Card Scheme would no longer be compulsory and that implementation would be delayed until 2011 or 2012. Online magazine The Register has, however, uncovered proposals to merge the National Identity Register with Criminal Records Bureau background checks, potentially forcing millions of people into ‘applying' for an Identity card that they neither want nor need in order to avoid facing unemployment.

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The Camp is not yet a "middle class liberal disaster"

01-09-2009 11:13

A response to criticism that the Camp for Climate Action has become a "middle class liberal media disaster"

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Mental Health Act Silences Litigant in Person - Maurice Kirk South Wales Police

31-08-2009 21:29

Battle Bus London Maurice Kirk Fight Against Human Rights Violations
The Mental Health Act and section 35 must never be abused, or be seen to be abused, as the ultimate, ‘passive’, ‘peaceful’, ‘non-violent’ and silent weapon of State, and Police control. In the presnt matters pertaining between Maurice Kirk, the 'flying vet', aviator and South Wales Police, this one case that may deserve a closer look.

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cruise ISSSS selling real fur

27-08-2009 14:42

2 animal rights supporters visited cruise in newcastle yestrerday after hearing its now selling real fur again

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Fourth Generation Warfare: Twisting our minds into total submission

26-08-2009 15:17

Only with a social class consciousness and a consequently internationalist, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist vision can we emerge without harm from the bombardments of mental manipulation a ...

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Manchester College strikes again!

24-08-2009 11:38

Staff at Manchester College will go on a one day strike on August 27, protesting against compulsory redundancies and union intimidation.

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Obama: Necessity of War in Afghanistan; continuation of Democratic politics?

23-08-2009 18:23

Franz & Jutta: In the War of Ideas.
In a previous commentary we indicated that United States President Barack Obama, like his predecessor George W. Bush, in all probability is steering his corporate ship of State, his 'Titanic', towards turbulent waters, to a programmed, protracted world "war of necessity" ...

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Bath Vegan Fayre 2009

22-08-2009 15:43

Bath Vegan Fayre returns this year with another day of free food and information surrounding veganism for local residents.

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Cambridge Festival of Ideas

13-08-2009 13:12

foi logo
The next Cambridge Festival of Ideas will take place from 21 October to 1 November 2009, with over 140 free events in arts, humanities and social sciences

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Autonomous Students Network - A place for radical students to gather

13-08-2009 11:54

A network for radical anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist groups and individuals in UK universities and colleges formed and statement of unity agreed upon.

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Correlation Between Abuse of Women and Abuse of Animals

10-08-2009 14:23

Men are the sealclubbers, matadors, slaughterhouse workers
In Australia, Japan, Spain and elsewhere, oppression of women
is correlated to violence toward animals

It is men who torture bulls in rings in blood sports reminiscent
of ancient gladiator contests.
It is men who are the vast majority of hunters and fishermen.
Men are the sealclubbers.

We are to be our sisters' keepers as well as our brothers'.
We are to be our animal sisters' keepers as well.

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Urgent Action - Support the Oxford 6

09-08-2009 21:31

Saharawi students due to attend a course in the UK have been prevented from travelling, interrogated and violently assaulted by the Moroccan police. Please contact the Moroccan Ministry of Justice and the British Ambassador to Morocco to help ensure their safety.

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Radio Interview: Cristina González, Franz J. T. Lee & Jutta Schmitt

08-08-2009 19:52

We will talk about the Bolivarian revolution and the new (wo)man.

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Sex Worker Open University

05-08-2009 10:44

Sex Worker Open University
Sex workers are routinely portrayed in the media as victims. At London’s first ever Sex Worker Open University, over two hundred sex workers and allies from the UK and abroad took part in workshops, discussions and actions. This film presents an alternative and empowered image of the sex worker:

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Bligh government corruption savaged by Tony Fitzgerald QC

04-08-2009 01:32

Former Queenslander, Fitzgerald Inquiry Commissioner and respected corruption fighter, Tony Fitzgerald QC, has savaged Queensland Labor's corruption, cronyism and secrecy during its 12 years in power.,25197,25851749-5013871,00.html
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