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UK Education Newswire Archive

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The truth on Pellas Group's shameful insensitivity

27-06-2009 16:37

Boycott Flor de Caña
Since March 9, former sugar workers suffering from Chronic Renal Insufficiency have been camped in Managua calling for compensation.

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July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change

27-06-2009 14:39

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change

The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.

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Nicaragua: Campaign against Grupo Pellas lacks scientific evidence

26-06-2009 16:47

CKD campaign against Grupo Pellas and Nicaragua Sugar Estates and Flor de Caña Boycott by ANAIRC and UITA lack scientific evidence. Informative article on chronic kidney failure disease, its causes, and lack of scientific evidence linking it to sugarcane growing.

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Eviction Resisted at Lewisham Bridge School

24-06-2009 13:32

Up to 100 people gathered at the occupied Lewisham Bridge School this morning to stop today’s eviction scheduled for 10:30am.

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Germany: A quarter of a million people at the "education strike"

24-06-2009 10:41

A nationwide mobilization of school and university students: After the last major school students' strike in Germany in November 2008, there were large demonstrations across the country on June 17 in the framework of a week-long "education strike"

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save our school!!!!!!!!!!!wed,

22-06-2009 13:02

hi we need people to resist eviction on wed,please respond to the link,bless,x

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Hands Off Lewisham Bridge - Eviction Alert - Call for support

22-06-2009 11:43

An eviction notice has been served on the occupation at Lewisham Bridge.

Bailiffs are arriving at 10.30 on Wednesday morning.

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Iona School Summer Fayre

21-06-2009 19:36

After their traumatic Easter escapades Iona School deserve a great success for their Summer Fayre.

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To President Hugo Chavez and the World: Coke Zero

19-06-2009 15:55

President Hugo Chavez has banned Coke Zero from Venezuela based on a health problem. He needs to know what the health problem is. Aspartame in Coke Zero is an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with other drugs and vaccines.

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Location for London FreeSchool Announced...

18-06-2009 21:30

The London FreeSchool began occupying 161 Commercial Street. There will be various workshops and discussions held there over this weekend on 'Squatting, Housing & Gentrification'. The event begins at 10am Friday 19th June so feel free to pop in anytime from then onwards. For more information see the website

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1st Oxford Working Class Bookfair - Provisional Timetable

17-06-2009 18:13


A SPECTRE IS HAUNTING ENGLAND - the spectre of the 1st Oxford Working Class Bookfair. On the eve Summer solstice there will be a gathering of the tribes -a bookfair -a place to meet likeminded people & exchange ideas & information!

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SOAS occupation ends with (partial) success

17-06-2009 18:01

The SOAS occupation ended at 12.30pm today, having achieved most of what such an action could have achieved. After several rounds of intense negotiations, the occupiers and the management reached an agreement in which the management agreed to all five demands put forward by the protesters, albeit in a not-very-committing way.

In the signed document reproduced below, the management promises to “review” the immigration raid and “discuss” the possibility of bringing cleaning services in-house and the “health and safety issues” relating to immigration raids on campus. There were, however, two more concrete commitments: first, to write to the Home Office requesting the return of the deported cleaners and granting exceptional leave to remain to those who are still detained or have been forced into hiding; and second, that no action will be taken against those involved in the protest.

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Pictures from the SOAS occupation - 16th June

17-06-2009 00:20

just before the start of the rally at 4:30pm
The main SOAS building has been occupied by students and campaigners for the second day running over the detention and deportation of foreign cleaners and the management's sickening role in the orchestrated immigration raid on Friday, 12th June. Another rally was held today outside the building, followed by a march round the surrounding colleges. Here it is in pictures.

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Update from the SOAS occupation

16-06-2009 18:46

Following a well-attended rally at 4:30, which was followed by a march round the Bloomsbury colleges, the occupiers had a long meeting to discuss their demands, some of which the director has already agreed on, while others are still being negotiated.

Just after 7pm, people were told by the management that the directors have left and negotiations will have to resume in the morning. The 'deadline' for getting back to them with the finalised demands was 7pm. Apparently they were too busy to wait for a few minutes!

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Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University Accused of Misappropriating Public Funds

15-06-2009 14:33

According to a public interest disclosure filed with the Higher Education Funding Council of England, Kingston University's Vice-Chancellor allegedly used public funds reserved for education and research to pay for his personal legal action against a former staff member. The disclosure alleges that Sir George Scott, aka Sir Peter Scott, utilized his position as Vice-Chancellor to get the University to pay for his failed complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organisation against former Senior Lecturer, Dr Howard Fredrics.

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Wake up and smell the...

15-06-2009 02:16

"MNPF TRAIL 2004 2ND CHANCE; Non motorised campaigns and Greenpeace* overground activity.
*Inspired by good news our direct action methods using alternate fuels with no fossil fuel addiction may seem to align with the goals of the original Greenpeace. MNPF TRAIL 2004 is a self funded event."

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I, Thomas Paine, Two Hundred Years Hence*

14-06-2009 14:05

Below is an essay which Thomas Paine wrote this past Monday, the 200th anniversary of his death. He generously approached me to inquire as to whether I would be willing to transcribe it for readers worldwide who might benefit from his posthumous words of wisdom.

To read the article with embedded links, visit the below webpage:

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President Hugo Chavez Frias, the greatest student of 'Humania del Sur'

14-06-2009 03:20

To know what is socialism is to know what is capitalism, it is the dialectical negation, it is anti-capitalism.

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The Radish; Issue 4 out now

13-06-2009 09:06

student news, uncensored and independant

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Lobby London Met Board of Governors 15th June 4pm

12-06-2009 14:55

The London Met University Board of Governors meet on the 15th June at Moorgate building. We will also be there to lobby them hard. Join us in a public display of solidarity with those being forced out this year, being made unemployed in the middle of a recession.
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