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UK Education Newswire Archive

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BNP nazi paedophile worshippers

17-05-2008 19:08

Mark Collet, Griffins pet was apparently seen procuring 14 yrs old at a BNP conference a few years in Blackpool back by BNP members themselves. Sadie didnt resign over that& he is still Griffins favourite poodle.
Bet his security team are proud to be protecting such a worthwile party, though maybe they thought the 14yr olds were asking for it just like the kids of anyone else who opposes fascism.

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Alienated at work? Don't sell yourself.

16-05-2008 17:56

Legislation since the 1990s has introduced a focus on mass education , performativity and marketisation in British Higher Education alienating the workers at the base in the universities.

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Hacktionlab a rural hacktivist convergence in June

16-05-2008 15:35

The aim of HacktionLab is to have a convergence where people interested in and/or working in the areas of alternative media, renewable energy, on-line video distribution, free software and any other form of activism that utilises technology.

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UK Supermarkets Dump Neurotoxic Aspartame; Japanese Manufacturer Ajinomoto Sues!

16-05-2008 15:23

Can this company truly be so abysmally stupid, uncomprehending of the legal processes, and unaware of the public furor over their ghastly chemical products? World's largest manufacturer of carcinogens, Aspartame & MSG, must accept responsibility for perpetuating decades-long spike in Neurodegenerative Illnesses: Tumors, MS, ALS, Migraines, Seizures, all thoroughly documented by USA FDA

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Invitation For Workshop Offers At the Camp For Climate Action 2008

15-05-2008 23:11

The Camp for Climate Action is back. And we are planning a jam packed
programme of workshops. If this new movement for climate action has a
chance of winning, we are going to need knowledge, skills and the space to
forge a future where people and the environment come before profit.

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Layoffs, Pink Slips, and A Plan to Take Back Washington

15-05-2008 14:44

The sheer lack of representation in our government, Local, State, and Federal, has many up in arms as to what can be done. Here are just a few suggestions!

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Intl Day Against Homophobia-May 17 (Events Incl Medway,Kent)

14-05-2008 17:40

The 2008 IDAHO-UK calender has been announced. Events across the UK and around the world.

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Nottingham & Lincoln Procter & Gamble Day of Action 17/05: Advance Notice

13-05-2008 18:17

Nottingham Animal Rights, working in conjunction with Lincoln Animal Rights, will be holding events as part of the annual P&G day of action as organised by Uncaged Campaigns. The main focus of the day will be a stall, to spread the message that cruelty-free shopping isn’t just easy, but is the only choice, in the light of the incredible cruelty and suffering faced by animals at the hands of Procter & Gamble amongst others.

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Campaign Catering Comes to Coventry

11-05-2008 12:02

To encourage a climate-friendly and non-corporate approach to catering a new social enterprise is to launch in Coventry on Friday 23rd May.

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Reclaim the Campus conference

09-05-2008 13:47

A one day conference for student activists to discuss the way forward for building a campaigning student movement.

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May'68 season in at 88, Lothian Road, Edinburgh this weekend

08-05-2008 10:08

Historical films about the leftist riots in May 1968 are shown in the Edinburgh Filmhouse this weekend.

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Edinburgh Film Festival announces programme

08-05-2008 10:07

The Edinburgh Film Festival takes place this year from 18th till 29th of June. Politically interesting films are also offered, like on Israel/Palestine and the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse.

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Nottingham Uni: The Veggie's Friend (Interview)

28-04-2008 19:06

The University of Nottingham was recently voted the Number 1 "Most Vegetarian-Friendly UK University," in a poll conducted by Peta2, the youth wing of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). In achieving first place, Nottingham beat Glasgow University, which has Vegan Society accreditation, into second place.

According to Peta2, the university has been "working alongside Vegsoc – Nottingham University Vegetarian and Vegan Society." Alex Claridge, the society's social security was kind enough to answer a few questions about what the group have actually been doing.

Links: Nottingham University | Peta2 | VegSoc

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Draft agenda for Reclaim the Campus conference - please circulate and comment

26-04-2008 18:20

Education Not for Sale, University of Sussex SU, LSE SU and other activists are working together to organise a conference on 17 May. 40 years after 1968, what way forward for radical student activism?

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Trilateral Commission, G8 meeting now in Washington

25-04-2008 22:31

"French leader Valerie destaing after setting up G8 &"retiring" became a Trilateral attendee, but was never part of the corporate politburo with Kissinger & Rockefeller" Robin Ludd
Message to Trilateral Dragons Den come on,
cooperate, before our planet dies!,
Untested unsafe "magic bullets" will only make things worse!

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Kibera: This World Is Not Your Home II?

25-04-2008 21:08

Kibera Drive Times
A region bordering Ngong Forest Reserve in the western part of Kenya's capital city Nairobi is now a big media hit. After a few prominent "rescue hand outs" from popular society.

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The Militarisation of Education in South Wales

24-04-2008 09:55

Assemble 1.30 pm, City Hall, Cardiff. Saturday 26 April

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Birmingham Council workers strike against the imposition of a new contract

23-04-2008 21:40

Newtown Neighbourhood Office Picket
Council workers in Birmingham today protested against the imposition of a new contract, and a new pay and grading structure by Birmingham City Council. UNISON has branded the new pay structure as discriminatory although it was designed to end wage inequalities, some workers will lose up to half their pay.

Around 4,000 people protested in Victoria Square Birmingham during the previous strike and given the potential size of the dispute tomorrow, with teachers and civil servants joining the strike, there could be around 10,000 people protesting against Birmingham City Council. This is set to be the biggest public service dispute in the last 20 years.

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Reclaim the Uni! Manchester students storm University building

23-04-2008 00:35

Demo flyer
Around 350 students on the 'Reclaim the Uni' demo occupied a new building in protest against cuts in contact hours and the business-led approach to higher education. Police attempted to obstruct the march before the occupation, but students broke their lines and side-skirted their blockades. A conference was held inside the building and a set of demands was issued to the University.

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New Edition of Ceasefire

22-04-2008 16:58

To tie in with the Civil Liberties Conference over the weekend, Nottingham Student Peace Movement have published a new edition of Ceasefire.
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