Draft agenda for Reclaim the Campus conference - please circulate and comment
Reclaim the Campus | 26.04.2008 18:20 | Education | Social Struggles | London | South Coast
Education Not for Sale, University of Sussex SU, LSE SU and other activists are working together to organise a conference on 17 May. 40 years after 1968, what way forward for radical student activism?
Draft agenda for Reclaim the Campus conference, LSE, Saturday 17 May 2008
This comes out of a planning meeting held at Sussex University on Saturday 25 April. Please circulate and encourage activists who plan to attend to comment. At a time when the NUS leadership are advocating a new emergency conference to destroy NUS democracy, this event could not be more important. Please come, bring a delegation, but also take an active parts in shaping its organisation!
1. Please email any suggestions or comments, including for speakers, to
2. We will be meeting again to discuss further at the “Students of the world, ignite” (about 1968) conference at LSE on Saturday 3 May, around lunchtime. For more information, email.
3. The conference will have a session to discuss ongoing organisation - whether that is a strengthened version of Education Not for Sale, or an organisation with a new name. Submissions for a statement of aims/programme and for structure should be submitted by email by 5pm on Friday 16 May. We urge comrades to keep each submission to 500 words. Small amendments will be allowed on the day. We propose electing a committee on the basis of the structure agreed.
Welcoming speeches
Plenary: workshop on “Education in a neo-liberal world”: how do we fight marketisation?
ENS Women caucus
a) After the Governance Review, can we transform NUS? How do we organise to win against fees in the run up to 2009?
b) The student movement, the workers’ movement and climate change: a workshop with Workers’ Climate Action
Discussion on name/structure/statement of position coming out of conference
Activists will discuss involvement in Education Not for Sale or founding a new organisation
Elections for committee (depending on previous session)
Further Education is Not for Sale caucus
a) The lessons of 1968 and French students’ struggles today
b) Workers and students organising together in struggle
c) Building a campaigning culture on campus: the case study of Sussex Not for Sale
d) International discussion. This needs to be confirmed. Ideas include a debate on boycotts (Israel, Coke, fair trade); student struggles in France and Greece; Iran (war and solidarity).
Closing speeches
7.30pm Close
Followed by a benefit gig for Education Not for Sale and No Sweat
Revolutionary hip hop with the Ruby Kid and Max Munday
@ The Cross Kings, York Way, Kings Cross
from 8.30pm
This comes out of a planning meeting held at Sussex University on Saturday 25 April. Please circulate and encourage activists who plan to attend to comment. At a time when the NUS leadership are advocating a new emergency conference to destroy NUS democracy, this event could not be more important. Please come, bring a delegation, but also take an active parts in shaping its organisation!
1. Please email any suggestions or comments, including for speakers, to

2. We will be meeting again to discuss further at the “Students of the world, ignite” (about 1968) conference at LSE on Saturday 3 May, around lunchtime. For more information, email.
3. The conference will have a session to discuss ongoing organisation - whether that is a strengthened version of Education Not for Sale, or an organisation with a new name. Submissions for a statement of aims/programme and for structure should be submitted by email by 5pm on Friday 16 May. We urge comrades to keep each submission to 500 words. Small amendments will be allowed on the day. We propose electing a committee on the basis of the structure agreed.
Welcoming speeches
Plenary: workshop on “Education in a neo-liberal world”: how do we fight marketisation?
ENS Women caucus
a) After the Governance Review, can we transform NUS? How do we organise to win against fees in the run up to 2009?
b) The student movement, the workers’ movement and climate change: a workshop with Workers’ Climate Action
Discussion on name/structure/statement of position coming out of conference
Activists will discuss involvement in Education Not for Sale or founding a new organisation
Elections for committee (depending on previous session)
Further Education is Not for Sale caucus
a) The lessons of 1968 and French students’ struggles today
b) Workers and students organising together in struggle
c) Building a campaigning culture on campus: the case study of Sussex Not for Sale
d) International discussion. This needs to be confirmed. Ideas include a debate on boycotts (Israel, Coke, fair trade); student struggles in France and Greece; Iran (war and solidarity).
Closing speeches
7.30pm Close
Followed by a benefit gig for Education Not for Sale and No Sweat
Revolutionary hip hop with the Ruby Kid and Max Munday
@ The Cross Kings, York Way, Kings Cross
from 8.30pm
Reclaim the Campus