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UK Education Newswire Archive

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10-08-2005 13:22

These are three other views on the stun guns being used today, and should be made accessible for debate.

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10-08-2005 10:54

Video AlfredoPiaPhoto
My Granddad, Alfred Edkins from Kingstanding Birmingham, was a Prisoner Of War in Italy, during WWII. When Italy capitulated, he fled, hiding in all sorts of places. One day a farmer’s girl saw him in a field and ran away screaming. Her family later took him in, treating him like family.

This is a short film with animation following some of these amazing stories.

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Contributors wanted for DSEi newspaper

10-08-2005 00:16

With DSEi 2005 only one month away, this is a proposal and a call out for help putting together a special newspaper for distribution around the estates near Excel one week prior to the event...

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Center Parcs ‘Empty Nested’ Family’s Position

09-08-2005 16:24

John Matthews Letter Corporate Sarcasm
“Center Parcs' target market is ABC1 families with young children, young professionals and empty nesters”. On Sunday 7th August 2005, a Center Parcs director was the target for a whole Family, ‘empty nested’ (evicted) by Center Parcs Director, John Matthews.

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Student left conference at University of East London, September 3

08-08-2005 15:48

University of East London SU, Students Against Sweatshops and the Education Not for Sale network are co-hosting a conference on "Putting political activism back in the student movement" to bring together left activists and campaigners.

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Balata drama group tour arrives in Edinburgh!

06-08-2005 00:31

This is a short piece describing the Balata drama group's arrival in Scotland with 7 attached photos.

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A Little Box of Bullshit

05-08-2005 01:03

The spinners and the bullshitters have presented us with a very narrow box to fit inside. But through acting and thinking outside that box, we can liberate ourselves.

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Cambridge Social Centre!

04-08-2005 11:41

Demolish this?
An embedded report to come sometime soon, in the meantime here's my personal 'Letter to our Neighbours'...

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BBC bias on vivisection - join the protest

03-08-2005 13:08

Weekly Sunday afternoon protest outside the farm
Recent BBC programmes and reporting re the campaign against guinea pig breeders for vivisection - Newchurch Farm, have been totally biased in favour of the animal abusers. The BBC pride themselves on their 'impartial, educational & honest' broadcasting, yet their coverage of this campaign has been anything but. On Saturday 6th August, campaigners in Birmingham, London & Manchester will demonstrate outside BBC studios and hand in a statement from the Newchurch Campaign, which asks the BBC for some justification for this unashamed abuse of its own public policy.

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World Tribunal on Iraq : Final Declaration of the Jury of Conscience

02-08-2005 01:25

World Tribunal on Iraq - Jury of conscience
The World Tribunal on Iraq met in Istanbul from 24-26 June 2005. The principal objective of the WTI is to tell and disseminate the truth about the Iraq War, underscoring the accountability of those responsible and underlining the significance of justice for the Iraqi people. Here is the final declaration of the jury of conscience :

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New documentary addresses notorious question: Why Do They Hate Us?

01-08-2005 18:57

Why does the world "hate" America? What is the base of the growing "anti-Americanism" in most countries? An American filmmaker talks to the citizens of the world to find out.

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60th anniversary of Hiroshima remembered in Norwich Peace Exhibition

28-07-2005 20:16

Peace groups from Norwich are hosting an exhibition at St Peter Mancroft church called ‘Hiroshima to World Peace’ to mark the 60th anniversary of the dropping of the atom bombs in August 1945.

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NASA Discovery flight doomed?

26-07-2005 12:15

How will the USA space program advance from todays mission?

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Historical documents

25-07-2005 11:13

some Historical documents

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Crisis in Niger

22-07-2005 14:15

Millions starving to death because the world did not act when warned as long ago as a year. And whats being done now? Shockingly little. Can we justify ignoring the plight of 3.5 or so million in the face of what is happening here?

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21-07-2005 23:46

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

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Custody as the challenge to corrections

20-07-2005 06:11

There is significant evidence that prison life and society tend to exacerbate the behavioural and social determinants of crime. Violent, inhuman, unsafe, confrontational, and exploitative prison settings will distort appropriate social and moral messages consistent with crime prevention. A reluctance to deal with illiteracy, drug abuse, anger, indolence, and marginalisation will leave offender populations ill-prepared for social reintegration. An under-resourcing of pre-release programmes will compound the problem.

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18-07-2005 14:20

The Anchor Project, a youth club for unaccompanied asylum seekers is joining forces with Brixton's Windmill pub to raise funds for the running a series of summer activities and much much more...

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Crest Plc - Corporate Social Responsibility – Family Petition HRH Prince Charles

16-07-2005 06:55

Business In The Community
The Shalom Family Campaign for Justice Wales, have recently petitioned HRH Prince Charles, President of Business In The Community (BITC). BITC advocates the inclusive practice of 'Corporate Social Responsibility' and 'Responsible Business Practice' among its members,but.
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