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UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive

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Education Group Charter European Social Forum ESF Florence, 2002.

22-11-2002 13:40

Education Group Charter European Social Forum ESF Florence, 2002.
Education Group Charter European Social Forum ESF Florence, 2002. Principles, which must guide our actions and which must guide our the construction of the Europe of Education.
Planned is a international day of action on March 13, 2003 and activities during the EU education ministers conference in Berlin (September 2003)

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ESF- call for day of action against war?

19-11-2002 20:35

at the european social forum it appeared it was agreed on that there was to be a day of action against the war on 7?th dec since the demo in feb was not soon enough

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Urgent: London embassy protest against ESF arrests

15-11-2002 13:16

forwarded from Globalise Resistance:

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thoughts after the ESF; after a big meeting on the ferry home

13-11-2002 17:43

On the cross-channel ferry coming back from Florence, a coachload of people who had attended the
European Social Forum held a short impromptu meeting on what we made of it and where to go
now. A report from a participant.

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ESF/Anti-War Demo

12-11-2002 17:12

ESF/Anti-War Demo
@nother side øf the ESF/Anti-War Demø... (article 1)

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ESF: one attempt at an overview

10-11-2002 00:08

To get an overview of the European Social Forum which has been running in Florence since 7 November, and closes tomorrow, 10 November, is difficult - certainly beyond me. About 20,000 people there, so I'm told. The main centre of the Forum is a huge old military base, the Fortezza, covering a large area with meeting halls spread over it.It is constantly swarming with people looking for meetings (to find where they are is not always easy!), searching for food, holding impromptu extra meetings of one sort or another... The walls are plastered with hundreds of posters and leaflets.

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Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

09-11-2002 18:53

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Up to 1 Million people participated in today's demonstration in Florence against the war and in support of the European Social Forum. (article 1)

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ESF: Demonstration in Florence

09-11-2002 12:39

ESF: Demonstration in Florence
2 hours before the official start of the demonstration of the European Social Forum, streets are already crowded. There may be 100,000 people on the streets, probably more, it's impossible to guess. HUB TV streams live (check Indymedia Italy) (article 1)

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Wallace and Gromit caught in ESF protest

09-11-2002 12:32

Wallace and Gromit caught in ESF protest
well known conspiracy theorists wallace and gromit, working as under cover mind control victims from operation monarch .
caught subverting the course of social injustice ..

Bill Poster

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despite police, no sweat esf seminar a success

08-11-2002 20:35

The seminar organised by No Sweat and the Clean Clothes Campaign at the European Social Forum took place from 2:00 to 5:00 this afternoon and was a great success. This despite the British state's determined attempt to stop it by telling the Italian border police that one of the main speakers, No Sweat National Secretary Mick Duncan, was an "undesirable" and should not be allowed to enter the country! (See elsewhere on Indymedia and the No Sweat website). The ESF organisers tell us they have no report of anyone else being excluded from Italy.

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ESF FLORENCE: Disobedients occupy Caterpillar factory

08-11-2002 11:57

This morning in Florence the Disobedients have carried out an action against Caterpillar, the multinational that produce bulldozer used by the Israelis Force Army to commit war crimes.

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ESF - on the ground

07-11-2002 17:37

The main plaza inside the Fortezza de Basso...

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ESF day 1: Press conferences

06-11-2002 17:15

ESF day 1: Press conferences
The first day of the European Social Forum in Florence has seen several interesting press conferences. Even before it is being officially started during these minutes, interest in the ESF by the international media has been huge. (article 1)

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02-11-2002 17:41

Gorizia (north-east Italy)
november 6th - h.15
Casa Rossa Border Station
Let's defend the right of everybody to demonstrate and meet at the ESF in Florence (despite Berlusconi's governement)

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27-10-2002 12:41

It is reported this morning (27:10:02) in "La Nazione" the ultra conservative right wing local / national newspaper printed in florence. That the Italian army will be deployed along side the various police forces during the ESF

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ALERT: Schengen to be suspended ahead of ESF meeting ??

16-10-2002 15:30

Alert from Italy (15th Oct): Seems there is the possibility that media tycoon and fascist Berlusconi + his government may try to suspend Schengen agreement for the European Social Forum in Florence next month. Previously schengen has been suspended ahead of large protests for the purposes of stopping protestors and political activists attending events...

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Anarchists in Florence during the ESF

25-09-2002 21:39

We'll be there!

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come with us to the ESF in florence

06-09-2002 13:04

We (No Sweat) are running a cheapish coach from London to the EUropean Social Forum in Florence in November, handy if you wanna go but cannot afford the cost of the train or plane fare, but might be able to scrape enough together / or can get sponsorship (e.g. from a trade union branch) to come by coach

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Indymedia UK should publicise ESF!

28-08-2002 01:20

The European Social Forum (ESF)will not be perfect, but it will be an inspiring event nevertheless! Tens of thousands of radical anti-capitalists from accoss Europe will attend. Indymedia as the non-sectarian home of the entire movement should publicise it on its upcoming events panel.

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27-06-2002 10:30

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